Fourth Fermi-Veritas-HAWC Meeting
March 10-11, 2017, College Park, Maryland

The fourth Fermi-VERITAS-HAWC Workshop will be held at the University of College Park, Maryland. The aim of the Workshop is to stimulate the discussion between the three collaborations, and increase understanding of each collaboration's data-flow process with an eye towards joint efforts.

Following the previous successful meetings, the attendance of members from all three teams will be a good opportunity for making cross collaboration networks. The workshop will include sessions for analysis methods/tools of each experiment, tools for joint analysis, results from past joint projects, progress of ongoing joint projects, proposals for new joint projects, and brainstorming ideas.

Previous Meetings

Meeting Contacts

Sara Buson (NASA/GSFC,
Daniel Fiorino (University of Maryland,
Udara Abeysekara (University of Utah,
Jamie Holder (University of Delaware,