Changelog for LATAnalysisScripts version 0.1.0 September 2011 initial version version 0.1.1 October 2011 trial release, includes all changes to quickPlot including implementing logging and a configuration file version 0.1.2 November 2011 Changed the command line arguments to take the sourcename as a variable to the option -n and not as a standalone option. Made the command line options uiform over all of the command line tools. Added a smoothing feature in quickPlot that can use either an adaptive smoothing routine (fadapt) or a rebinning. The binning factor is set in the config variable 'binfactor'. 0 means there will be no binning. Changed the calculation for the significance map from a Li & Ma type to a different one. version 0.1.3 January 2011 Added the ability to remove and store a source for reloading later. Bugfixes as well that are listed in the git repository. version 0.1.4rc February 2012 Fixed bug that determines the size of the exposure map in a binned analysis. Checks for make2FGLxml. Updated the point source catalog name. Can now use a custom XML model for the NewMinuit optimizer and in the calculation of the ModelMap. This is a release candidate to prepare for an initial public release. version 0.1.5 February 10, 2012 Added several CLI options to quickAnalyis. Fixed -h/--help CLI options. Added check that the source of interest is in the model in the removeWeak function. Almost ready for release here. version 0.1.6 February 15, 2012 Added a default of 25 for the binning in fadapt in quickPlot. Checks for fversion instead of HEADAS to verify that the ftools are setup. Added a --filter option to quickAnalysis which runs gtselect and gtmktime. This version will be released. version 0.1.7 February 24, 2012 Changed the default size of the binned exposure cube (and thus the source map) to 30 degrees larger than the ROI. Made this variable user adjustable. version 0.1.8 March 1, 2012 Fixed a double fitting bug in fitMIN. version 0.1.9 May 1, 2012 Added a function to quickPlot that plots the significance distribution of the significance map as well as overplots a gaussian based on the moments of that distribution. This is useful in figuring out what features are actually significant in the significance map. Also changed the method for calculating the significance in the significance map. version 0.1.10 Sep 19, 2012 Added 'convtype' to the analysis section of the config file so that you can do a front/back analysis directly. Make sure you update your config file to add this option otherwise you'll get an error on start. Also changed the runCCUBE to provide the spacecraft file as an option (needed for the newer science tools). version 0.1.11 Dec 5, 2012 The output of the printSource command only displays 2 decimal points. It also displays the scale factor for all parameters. Added a 'pokeSource' function in quickLike that changes a parameter for a source. This is useful to promote convergence or to verify a fit. version 0.2.0 Nov 15, 2013 Lots of changes in this version. This is the initial release of the quickCurve program. This program will create a lightcurve from Fermi LAT data (type 'quickCurve -h' for more details). This version also integrates with the gtapps_mp programs (found at the FSSC user contributed tools or at These tools will execute certain gt programs in a multithreaded way greatly reducting execution time if you have a multicore machine. There is now a 'multicore' option in the common config panel. If this is greater than 1 then the code will try and use the gtapps_mp programs if they have been installed. This version has also been updated for the P7 Reprocessed data. It is recommended that you create a new config file if you upgrade to this version.