This is rmfit Version 33pr7. How do I know which tarball to use? - If you are using linux, and do not wish to perform many installation steps, and do not require a centralized installation, but have lots of disk space and are happy installing this in an area where you have "write" permission, you should use the standalone version FGST-rmfit_ver33pr7.tar.gz. This has been tested with a few linux flavors (SL 4, 5 and Ubuntu). If you have trouble, use the other installation. - If you have a Mac, or if you have linux but you prefer a centralized distribution, or you already have or wish to download yourself the necessary supporting software (IDL, GSL, gcc, gfortran), and you are comfortable making the fortran dlms, you should use the do-it-yourself version FGST_DIY-rmfit_ver33pr7.tar.gz. Known Bugs: *********** 1) If you perform a batch spectral fit, then if you perform a batch spectral fit again without first refitting your selections, the first time bin will have an erroneous value with a huge time bin. This is not something you should do in any case, and affects in no way the functionality of rmfit when rmfit is correctly used, and you will likely never come across this, but it is nonetheless a bug that is obvious if you perform this operation by accident, and so we report it here. rmfit does not crash when this happens, and if you just refit your selections, you can proceed as if nothing had happened.