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The First GLAST Symposium


5-8 February 2007, Stanford University, Stanford, CA USA


Please visit the updated conference web pages at for information about the meeting. In particular, please see the First and Second Bulletins for background information and the links for registration, hotels, and abstract submission.


The Symposium registration fee is $375 until 31 December. After that time, the registration fee will be $450. PLEASE REGISTER soon.


Abstracts for proposed scientific contributions to the Symposium are welcome. The default mode of contributions will be posters, which will be displayed throughout the first two days of the meeting. A subset of the abstracts will be selected by the organizers for inclusion in either the parallel oral sessions or the contributed talk portions of the plenary sessions (see below). In addition to GLAST science, poster and parallel oral contributions on relevant analysis techniques, calibrations, and the status of related facilities (current and future) are welcome. The abstract submission deadline is 15 December.


Sunday, 4 February

15:30-17:30 Registration, poster setup access available
Posters will be displayed until Tuesday evening. There will be ample break time on Monday and Tuesday for viewing posters and conversations.

Monday, 5 February

TBA - GLAST Introductory talks and Opportunities for Guest Investigators
A. Celotti (SISSA) - AGN Questions and GLAST
G. Taylor (UNM) - AGN and GLAST
P. Padovani (ESO) - Properties of GLAST AGN
D. Hartmann (Clemson) - EBL and GLAST
Contributed talks on AGN and related
D. Torres (UAB) - Populations and New Source Classes for GLAST
Contributed talks on new source classes

17:30-19:00 Reception

Tuesday, 6 February

A. Harding (GSFC) - Pulsar Questions and GLAST
S. Johnston (CSIRO) - Pulsar Observations and GLAST
P. Slane (CfA) - SNRs and GLAST
G. Dubus (Grenoble) - Binaries and GLAST
L. Drury (Dublin) - Galactic TeV Sources
Contributed talks

T. Piran (HUJI) - GRB Questions and GLAST
N. Gehrels (GSFC) - GRB Observations and GLAST
G. Share (NRL) - Solar Observations and GLAST
Contributed talks

19:00 Banquet at the Stanford Faculty Club

Wednesday, 7 February

S. Digel (SLAC) - Galactic Diffuse Emissions
C. Dermer (NRL) - Extragalactic Diffuse Emissions
Contributed talks
Additional contributions

13:30-15:30 Parallel Sessions I
16:00-18:00 Parallel Sessions II

Thursday, 8 February

TBA - Dark Matter and GLAST
TBA - New Physics Search Windows and GLAST
Contributed talks

B. Richter (SLAC) - TBC
R. Blandford (Stanford) - Symposium Summary

12:00 End of Meeting

A more detailed program will be posted on the web site soon. There will be an evening public lecture by Andre Linde entitled, "The Origin and Fate of the Universe". We are also working on the possibility of an evening program at the Chabot Planetarium. Please check the web site for more details.


A number of satellite meetings are being scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Information about these meetings is linked to the Symposium top web page.


Information about the GLAST mission can be found at:

Information about the LAT instrument and international collaboration can be found at:

Information about the GBM instrument and international collaboration can be found at:

Information about the GLAST Science Support Center, Guest Investigator Program, and GLAST Fellows Program, can be found at: