PSR J1124-3653 RAJ 11:24:01.11657132 0 0.00026665000059882503 DECJ -36:53:19.08276764 0 0.00329139734907414041 PMRA 2.84301198345 0 2.0 PMDEC -3.26030714944 0 2.0 PX 0.0 POSEPOCH 55128.000000000000000 F0 415.01134664715230407 1 1.3340823935e-10 F1 -1.0353511233730092871e-15 1 1.43260836448e-18 TZRMJD 55999.232690155099540 # high S/N TOA #SAT = GUPPI_J1124-36_55760_77801_0001.timing # NB, this is from using tempo2, the raw value in the tempo .tim file is # GUPPI_J1124-36_55760_77801_0001.timing 819.999 55760.906848828402901 6.021 1 -i GUPPI -r Rcvr_800 # which <0.01P different. Presumably this is due to tempo2 incorporating # the TIME +0.00002048 command. Yes, that's more or less exactly it. TZRMJD 55760.90684882863994 TZRFRQ 819.999000 TZRSITE 1 PEPOCH 55128.000000000000000 DM 44.8585248477 0 0.000212771284557 BINARY ELL1 PB 0.22698794773601540985 0 1.06055534863e-09 A1 0.0796345617198 0 6.43992831691e-06 SINI 0.0 TASC 55128.586593629586403 0 4.1498295696932400001e-06 EPS1 3.0752149927995683227e-05 0 4.63761299741e-05 EPS2 -4.8751070074327901347e-05 0 4.4912699119e-05 PLANET_SHAPIRO Y UNITS TDB TIMEEPH FB90 # START 54682 FINISH 57819