# 3PC ephemeris redacted pending discovery/timing publication. # Parameters RAJ DECJ F0 F1 [PB A1] have diluted precision. # Some higher order parameters have been removed. PSRJ J1306-6043 RAJ 13:06:30.0 DECJ -60:43:30.0 POSEPOCH 59353.0 F0 176.33 F1 0.0 PEPOCH 59353.0 BINARY ELL1 PB 0.0 A1 0.0 TASC 0.0 START 54681.0 FINISH 59823.0 CLK TT(TAI) UNITS TDB EPHEM DE405 EPHVER 5 TZRSITE @ TZRFREQ 0 TZRMJD 59353.0 CORRECT_TROPOSPHERE N # added by das, from GalacticMSPs.txt DM 67.0