Source code for gbm.background.background

# Module containing background fitting and model classes
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np
from import EventList, TimeEnergyBins, EnergyBins
from import PHAII, TTE

[docs]class BackgroundFitter: """Class for fitting a background, given a fitting algorithm, to time-energy data (e.g. :class:``, :class:``). When a BackgroundFitter is created, an algorithm must be specified. In particular, the algorithm must be a class that has two public methods: ``fit()`` and ``interpolate()``. For PHAII data, the class, upon initialization, must take the following as arguments: 1. a 2D array of counts with shape (``numtimes``, ``numchans``); 2. a 1D array of time bin start times, shape (``numtimes``,); 3. a 1D array of time bin end times, shape (``numtimes``,); 4. a 1D array of exposures for each time bin, shape (``numtimes``,). While for TTE data, the class, upon initialization, must take the following as an argument: 1. a list, of length ``numchans``, where each item is a np.array of event times. The ``fit()`` method takes no arguments, hoewever, parameters that are required for the algorithm may be specified as keywords. The interpolate() method must take in the following as arguments: 1. a 1D array of time bin start times, shape (``numtimes``,); 2. a 1D array of time bin end times, shape (``numtimes``,). Any additional parameters required can be specified as keywords. The ``interpolate()`` method must return: 1. a 2D rates array, shape (``numtimes``, ``numchans``); 2. a 2D rate uncertainty array, shape (``numtimes``, ``numchans``). Additionally, the class can provide the following public attributes that will be exposed by BackgroundFitter: - ``dof``: The degrees of freedom of the fits, array shape (``numchans``,) - ``statistic``: The fit statistic for each fit, array shape (``numchans``,) - ``statistic_name``: A string of the fit statistic used Attributes: dof (np.array): If available, the degrees-of-freedom of the fit for each energy channel livetime (float): The total livetime of the data used for the background method (str): The name of the fitting algorithm class parameters (dict): All parameters passed to the fitting algorithm statistic (np.array): If available, the fit statistic for each energy channel statistic_name (str): If available, the name of the fit statistic type (str): The type of background algorithm, either 'binned' or 'unbinned' """ def __init__(self): self._data_obj = None self._method = None self._type = None self._statistic = None self._dof = None self._livetime = None self._parameters = None @property def method(self): return self._method.__class__.__name__ @property def type(self): return self._type @property def statistic_name(self): return getattr(self._method, 'statistic_name', None) @property def statistic(self): return getattr(self._method, 'statistic', None) @property def dof(self): return getattr(self._method, 'dof', None) @property def livetime(self): return self._livetime @property def parameters(self): return self._parameters
[docs] @classmethod def from_phaii(cls, phaii, method, time_ranges=None): """Create a background fitter from a PHAII object Args: phaii (:class:``): A PHAII data object method (<class>): A background fitting/estimation class for binned data time_ranges ([(float, float), ...]): The time range or time ranges over which to fit the background. If omitted, uses the full time range of the data Returns: :class:`BackgroundFitter`: The initialized background fitting object """ if not isinstance(phaii, PHAII): raise TypeError('Input data must be a PHAII object') obj = cls() obj._data_obj = phaii obj._validate_method(method) time_ranges = obj._validate_time_ranges(time_ranges) # Slice the PHAII data and merge if multiple slices data = [[0], trange[1]) for trange in time_ranges] data = TimeEnergyBins.merge_time(data) obj._method = method(data.counts, data.tstart, data.tstop, data.exposure) obj._type = 'binned' obj._livetime = np.sum(data.exposure) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_tte(cls, tte, method, time_ranges=None): """Create a background fitter from a TTE object Args: tte (:class:``): A TTE data object method (<class>): A background fitting/estimation class for unbinned data time_ranges ([(float, float), ...]): The time range or time ranges over which to fit the background. If omitted, uses the full time range of the data Returns: :class:`BackgroundFitter`: The initialized background fitting object """ if not isinstance(tte, TTE): raise TypeError('Input data must be a TTE object') obj = cls() obj._data_obj = tte obj._validate_method(method) time_ranges = obj._validate_time_ranges(time_ranges) # Slice the TTE data and merge if multiple slices data = [[0], trange[1]) for trange in time_ranges] data = EventList.merge(data) data.sort('TIME') # pull out the events in each channel events = [data.channel_slice(i, i).time for i in range(tte.numchans)] obj._method = method(events) obj._type = 'unbinned' obj._livetime = data.get_exposure(time_ranges=time_ranges) return obj
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs): """Perform a background fit of the data Args: **kwargs: Options to be passed as parameters to the fitting class """ self._parameters = kwargs**kwargs)
[docs] def interpolate_bins(self, tstart, tstop, **kwargs): """Interpolate the fitted background model over a set of bins. The exposure is calculated for each bin of the background model in case the background model counts is needed. Args: tstart (np.array): The starting times tstop (np.array): The ending times **kwargs: Options to be passed as parameters to the interpolation method Returns: :class:`BackgroundRates`: The background rates/uncertainty object """ tstart_, tstop_ = (tstart.copy(), tstop.copy()) # do the interpolation rate, rate_uncert = self._method.interpolate(tstart_, tstop_, **kwargs) # get the exposure numtimes = tstart_.shape[0] exposure = np.array([self._data_obj.get_exposure((tstart_[i], tstop_[i])) \ for i in range(numtimes)]) # create the rates object det = self._data_obj.detector dtype = self._data_obj.datatype trigtime = self._data_obj.trigtime rates = BackgroundRates(rate, rate_uncert, tstart_, tstop_,,, exposure=exposure, detector=det, datatype=dtype, trigtime=trigtime) return rates
[docs] def interpolate_times(self, times, **kwargs): """Interpolate the fitted background model over a set of times. Does not calculate an exposure since this returns a set of point estimates of the background rates. Args: tstart (np.array): The sampling times **kwargs: Options to be passed as parameters to the interpolation method Returns: :class:`BackgroundRates`: The background rates/uncertainty object """ # do the interpolation rate, rate_uncert = self._method.interpolate(times, times, **kwargs) # create the rates object det = self._data_obj.detector dtype = self._data_obj.datatype trigtime = self._data_obj.trigtime rates = BackgroundRates(rate, rate_uncert, times, times,,, detector=det, datatype=dtype, trigtime=trigtime) return rates
def _validate_method(self, method): try: method except: raise NameError('Input method is not a known function') has_fit = callable( has_interp = callable(method.interpolate) if (not has_fit) or (not has_interp): raise NotImplementedError( "User-defined Background class must have " "both fit() and an interpolate() methods") def _validate_time_ranges(self, time_ranges): if time_ranges is None: time_ranges = [self._data_obj.time_range] try: iter(time_ranges[0]) except: raise TypeError('time_ranges must be a list of tuples') return time_ranges
[docs]class BackgroundRates(TimeEnergyBins): """Class containing the background rate data. Parameters: rates (np.array): The array of background rates in each bin rate_uncertainty (np.array): The array of background rate uncertainties in each bin tstart (np.array): The low-value edges of the time bins tstop (np.array): The high-value edges of the time bins emin (np.array): The low-value edges of the energy bins emax (np.array): The high-value edges of the energy bins exposure (np.array, optional): The exposure of each bin detector (str, optional): The associated detector datatype (str, optional): The datatype associated with the background trigtime (float, optional): The trigger time Attributes: chanwidths (np.array): The bin widths along the energy axis count_uncertainty (np.array): The counts uncertainty in each bin energy_centroids (np.array): The bin centroids along the energy axis energy_range (float, float): The range of the data along the energy axis numchans (int): The number of energy channels along the energy axis numtimes (int): The number of bins along the time axis rates (np.array): The rates in each Time-Energy Bin rates_per_kev (np.array): The differential rates in units of counts/s/keV rate_uncertainty (np.array): The rate uncertainty in each bin rate_uncertainty_per_kev (np.array): The differential rate uncertainty in units of counts/s/keV size (int, int): The number of bins along both axes (numtimes, numchans) time_centroids (np.array): The bin centroids along the time axis time_range (float, float): The range of the data along the time axis time_widths (np.array): The bin widths along the time axis """ def __init__(self, rates, rate_uncertainty, tstart, tstop, emin, emax, exposure=None, detector=None, datatype=None, trigtime=None): if exposure is None: exposure = np.zeros_like(tstart) counts = np.squeeze(rates * exposure[:, np.newaxis]) super().__init__(counts, tstart, tstop, exposure, emin, emax) self._count_uncertainty = np.squeeze(rate_uncertainty * exposure[:, np.newaxis]) self._rates = rates.squeeze() self._rate_uncertainty = rate_uncertainty.squeeze() self._detector = detector self._datatype = datatype self._trigtime = trigtime @property def count_uncertainty(self): return self._count_uncertainty @property def rates(self): return self._rates @property def rate_uncertainty(self): return self._rate_uncertainty
[docs] def integrate_energy(self, emin=None, emax=None): """Integrate the over the energy axis. Limits on the integration smaller than the full range can be set. Args: emin (float, optional): The low end of the integration range. If not set, uses the lowest energy edge of the histogram emax (float, optional): The high end of the integration range. If not set, uses the highest energy edge of the histogram Returns: :class:``: A TimeBins object containing \ the lightcurve histogram """ if emin is None: emin = self.energy_range[0] if emax is None: emax = self.energy_range[1] mask = self._slice_energy_mask(emin, emax) emin = self.emin[mask][0] emax = self.emax[mask][-1] rates = np.nansum(self.rates[:, mask], axis=1).reshape(-1,1) rate_uncert = np.sqrt( np.nansum(self.rate_uncertainty[:, mask] ** 2, axis=1)).reshape(-1,1) obj = BackgroundRates(rates, rate_uncert, self.tstart.copy(), self.tstop.copy(), np.array([emin]), np.array([emax]), exposure=self.exposure.copy()) return obj
[docs] def integrate_time(self, tstart=None, tstop=None): """Integrate the background over the time axis (producing a count rate spectrum). Limits on the integration smaller than the full range can be set. Args: tstart (float, optional): The low end of the integration range. If not set, uses the lowest time edge of the histogram tstop (float, optional): The high end of the integration range. If not set, uses the highest time edge of the histogram Returns: :class:`BackgroundSpectrum`: A BackgroundSpectrum object containing \ the count rate spectrum """ if tstart is None: tstart = self.time_range[0] if tstop is None: tstop = self.time_range[1] mask = self._slice_time_mask(tstart, tstop) exposure = np.nansum(self.exposure[mask]) rates = np.nansum(self.counts[mask, :], axis=0) / exposure rate_uncert = np.sqrt(np.nansum(self.count_uncertainty[mask, :] ** 2, axis=0)) / exposure exposure = np.full(rates.size, exposure) obj = BackgroundSpectrum(rates, rate_uncert, self.emin.copy(), self.emax.copy(), exposure) return obj
[docs] def to_bak(self, time_range=None, **kwargs): """Integrate over the time axis and produce a BAK object Args: time_range ((float, float), optional): The time range to integrate over **kwargs: Options to pass to BAK.from_data() Returns: :class:``: The background BAK object """ from import BAK if time_range is None: time_range = self.time_range back_spec = self.integrate_time(*time_range) dtype = self._datatype.lower() bak = BAK.from_data(back_spec, *time_range, datatype=dtype, detector=self._detector, trigtime=self._trigtime, **kwargs) return bak
[docs] def rebin_time(self, method, *args, tstart=None, tstop=None): """Not Implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rebin_energy(self, method, *args, emin=None, emax=None): """Not Implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def merge_time(cls, histos): """Merge multiple BackroundRates together along the time axis. Args: histos (list of :class:`BackgroundRates`): A list containing the BackgroundRates to be merged Returns: :class:`BackgroundRates`: A new BackgroundRates object containing \ the merged BackgroundRates """ rates = np.vstack((histo.rates for histo in histos)) rate_uncertainty = np.vstack( (histo.rate_uncertainty for histo in histos)) bins = TimeEnergyBins.merge_time(histos) obj = cls(rates, rate_uncertainty, bins.tstart, bins.tstop, bins.emin, bins.emax, exposure=bins.exposure) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def sum_time(cls, bkgds): """Sum multiple TimeBins together if they have the same time range. Example use would be summing two backgrounds from two detectors. Args: bkgds (list of :class:`BackgroundRates): A list containing the BackgroundRates to be summed Returns: :class:`BackgroundRates`: A new BackgroundRates object containing \ the summed BackgroundRates """ rates = np.zeros_like(bkgds[0].rates) rates_var = np.zeros_like(bkgds[0].rates) for bkgd in bkgds: assert bkgd.numtimes == bkgds[0].numtimes, \ "The backgrounds must all have the same support" rates += bkgd.rates rates_var += bkgd.rate_uncertainty ** 2 # averaged exposure, sampling times exposure = np.mean([bkgd.exposure for bkgd in bkgds], axis=0) tstart = np.mean([bkgd.tstart for bkgd in bkgds], axis=0) tstop = np.mean([bkgd.tstop for bkgd in bkgds], axis=0) emin = np.array([np.min([bkgd.emin for bkgd in bkgds])]) emax = np.array([np.min([bkgd.emax for bkgd in bkgds])]) sum_bkgd = cls(rates, np.sqrt(rates_var), tstart, tstop, emin, emax, exposure=exposure, datatype=bkgds[0]._datatype, trigtime=bkgds[0]._trigtime) return sum_bkgd
[docs]class BackgroundSpectrum(EnergyBins): """A class defining a Background Spectrum. Parameters: rates (np.array): The array of background rates in each bin rate_uncertainty (np.array): The array of background rate uncertainties in each bin lo_edges (np.array): The low-value edges of the bins hi_edges (np.array): The high-value edges of the bins exposure (np.array): The exposure of each bin Attributes: centroids (np.array): The geometric centroids of the bins counts (np.array): The counts in each bin count_uncertainty (np.array): The count uncertainty in each bin exposure (np.array): The exposure of each bin hi_edges (np.array): The high-value edges of the bins lo_edges (np.array): The low-value edges of the bins range (float, float): The range of the bin edges rates (np.array): count rate of each bin rate_uncertainty (np.array): The count rate uncertainty of each bin size (int): Number of bins widths (np.array): The widths of the bins """ def __init__(self, rates, rate_uncertainty, lo_edges, hi_edges, exposure): counts = rates * exposure super().__init__(counts, lo_edges, hi_edges, exposure) self._count_uncertainty = rate_uncertainty * exposure self._rates = rates self._rate_uncertainty = rate_uncertainty @property def count_uncertainty(self): return self._count_uncertainty @property def rates(self): return self._rates @property def rate_uncertainty(self): return self._rate_uncertainty
[docs] @classmethod def sum(cls, histos): """Sum multiple BackgroundSpectrums together if they have the same energy range (support). Args: histos (list of :class:`BackgroundSpectrum`): A list containing the background spectra to be summed Returns: :class:`BackgroundSpectrum`: A new object containing the \ summed BackgroundSpectrum """ counts = np.zeros(histos[0].size) count_variance = np.zeros(histos[0].size) exposure = 0.0 for histo in histos: assert histo.size == histos[0].size, \ "The histograms must all have the same size" assert np.all(histo.lo_edges == histos[0].lo_edges), \ "The histograms must all have the same support" counts += histo.counts count_variance += histo.count_uncertainty**2 exposure += histo.exposure rates = counts/exposure rate_uncertainty = np.sqrt(count_variance)/exposure sum_bins = cls(rates, rate_uncertainty, histos[0].lo_edges, histos[0].hi_edges, exposure) return sum_bins
[docs] def slice(self, emin, emax): """Perform a slice over an energy range and return a new BackgroundSpectrum object. Note that the emin and emax values that fall inside a bin will result in that bin being included. Args: emin (float): The low energy edge of the slice emax (float): The high energy of the slice Returns: :class:`BackgroundSpectrum`: A new object containing the energy slice """ emin_snap = self.closest_edge(emin, which='low') emax_snap = self.closest_edge(emax, which='high') mask = (self.lo_edges < emax_snap) & (self.hi_edges > emin_snap) obj = self.__class__(self.rates[mask], self.rate_uncertainty[mask], self.lo_edges[mask], self.hi_edges[mask], self.exposure[mask]) return obj