Source code for

# Detector response matrix class
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os
import as fits
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import trapz

from gbm.time import Met
from import Bins
from .data import DataFile
from . import headers as hdr

[docs]class RSP(DataFile): """Class for single- and multi-DRM response files Attributes: channel_centroids (np.array): Geometric centroids of the energy channel bins channel_widths (np.array): Widths of the energy channel bins datatype (str): The datatype of the file detector (str): The GBM detector the file is associated with directory (str): The directory the file is located in ebounds (:obj:`np.recarray`): The energy channel bounds filename (str): The filename full_path (str): The full path+filename headers (dict): The headers of the RSP file id (str): The GBM file ID is_gbm_file (bool): True if the file is a valid GBM standard file, False if it is not. is_trigger (bool): True if the file is a GBM trigger file, False if not numchans (int): Number of energy channels numdrms (int): Number of DRMs numebins (int): Number of photon bins photon_bins (np.array, np.array): The photon bin edges photon_bin_centroids (np.array): Geometric centroids of the photon bins photon_bin_widths (np.array): Widths of the photon bins trigtime (float): The trigger time, if applicable tcent (np.array): The center times of the intervals over which the DRMs are valid tstart (np.array): The start times of the intervals over which the DRMs are valid tstop (np.array): The end times of the intervals over which the DRMs are valid """ def __init__(self): super(RSP, self).__init__() self._headers = OrderedDict() self._ebounds = None self._pbounds = None self._drm_list = [] self._ngrp_list = [] self._fchan_list = [] self._nchan_list = [] @property def numchans(self): return self._drm_list[0].shape[1] @property def numebins(self): return self._drm_list[0].shape[0] @property def numdrms(self): return len(self._drm_list) @property def trigtime(self): if 'TRIGTIME' in self._headers['PRIMARY'].keys(): trigtime = self._headers['PRIMARY']['TRIGTIME'] if trigtime == '': trigtime = None return trigtime @property def tstart(self): return self._tstart @property def tstop(self): return self._tstop @property def tcent(self): return (self.tstart + self.tstop) / 2.0 @property def headers(self): return self._headers @property def ebounds(self): return self._ebounds @property def photon_bins(self): return self._pbounds[0], self._pbounds[1] @property def photon_bin_centroids(self): return np.sqrt(self._pbounds[0] * self._pbounds[1]) @property def photon_bin_widths(self): return self._pbounds[1] - self._pbounds[0] @property def channel_centroids(self): return np.sqrt(self._ebounds['E_MIN'] * self._ebounds['E_MAX']) @property def channel_widths(self): return self._ebounds['E_MAX'] - self._ebounds['E_MIN']
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Read a RSP or RSP2 file from disk Args: filename (str): The filename Returns: :class:`RSP` The RSP object """ obj = cls() obj._file_properties(filename) # open FITS file with as hdulist: # read the headers and valid times (can be any number of drms) obj._tstart = [] obj._tstop = [] ispec = 1 for hdu in hdulist: if == 'SPECRESP MATRIX': name = + str(ispec) ispec += 1 obj._tstart.append(hdu.header['TSTART']) obj._tstop.append(hdu.header['TSTOP']) else: name = obj._headers.update({name: hdu.header}) # set the time ranges of each DRM obj._tstart = np.array(obj._tstart) obj._tstop = np.array(obj._tstop) if obj.trigtime is not None: obj._tstart -= obj.trigtime obj._tstop -= obj.trigtime # now pull out the actual data obj._ebounds = hdulist['EBOUNDS'].data num_drms = obj._headers['PRIMARY']['DRM_NUM'] for idrm in range(1, num_drms + 1): drm_data = hdulist['SPECRESP MATRIX', idrm].data obj._ngrp_list.append(drm_data['N_GRP']) obj._fchan_list.append(drm_data['F_CHAN']) obj._nchan_list.append(drm_data['N_CHAN']) obj._pbounds = (drm_data['ENERG_LO'], drm_data['ENERG_HI']) decompressed = obj._decompress_drm(drm_data, idrm) obj._drm_list.append(decompressed) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_arrays(cls, chan_lo, chan_hi, energies_lo, energies_hi, eff_area, trigtime=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, detnam=None, object=None, ra_obj=None, dec_obj=None, err_rad=None, infile=None, ch2e_ver=None, gain=None, mat_type=None, src_az=None, src_el=None, geo_az=None, geo_el=None, det_ang=None, geo_ang=None, atscat=None, datatype=None, filetype='DRM', filename=None): """Create a single-DRM RSP object from arrays of channel energies, incident photon energies and effective area. Args: chan_lo (np.array): The low edges of the energy channels chan_hi (np.array): The high edges of the energy channels energies_lo (np.array): The low edges of the photon bins energies_hi (np.array): The high edges of the photon bins eff_area (np.array): The effective area of each photon bin mapped to each energy channel trigtime (float, optional): The trigger time, if applicable. tstart (float, optional): The start time of the observation for which the response is valid tstop (float, optional): The stop time of the observation for which the response is valid detnam (str, optional): The detector name the corresponds to the response object (str, optional): The object being observed ra_obj (float, optional): The RA of the object dec_obj (float, optional): The Dec of the object err_rad (float, optional): The localization error radius of the object infile (str, optional): The file from which the response was made ch2e_ver (str, optional): The version of the channel to energy calibration gain (float, optional): The gain, if applicable mat_type (int, optional): If set: 0=instrument scattering only, 1=atmospheric scattering only, 2=instrument+atmospheric scattering src_az (float, optional): The azimuth in spacecraft coordinates for which the response is valid src_el (float, optional): The elevation in spacecraft coordinates for which the response is valid geo_az (float, optional): The location of the geocenter in spacecraft azimuth geo_el (float, optional): The location of the geocenter in spacecraft elevation det_ang (float, optional): The angle between detector normal and position for which the response is valid geo_ang (float, optional): The angle between the geocenter and the position for which the response is valid atscat (str, optional): The atmospheric scattering database used datatype (str, optional): The datatype to which the response corresponds filetype (str, optional): If not set, default is 'DRM' filename (str, optional): If not set, a default name will be constructed from other inputs Returns: :class:`RSP`: The newly created RSP object """ obj = cls() # set up the photon bounds and ebounds obj._pbounds = (np.unique(energies_lo), np.unique(energies_hi)) nbounds = obj._pbounds[0].shape[0] chan_lo_unique = np.unique(chan_lo) chan_hi_unique = np.unique(chan_hi) nchannels = chan_lo_unique.size obj._ebounds = np.recarray(nchannels, dtype=[('CHANNEL', '>i2'), ('E_MIN', '>f4'), ('E_MAX', '>f4')]) obj._ebounds['CHANNEL'] = np.arange(nchannels) obj._ebounds['E_MIN'] = chan_lo_unique obj._ebounds['E_MAX'] = chan_hi_unique # put the matrix in the correct format obj._drm_list = [eff_area.reshape(nbounds, -1)] # Set dummy compression information, equal to no compression at all obj._ngrp_list = [np.ones(nbounds)] obj._fchan_list = [[np.ones(1)] * nbounds] obj._nchan_list = [[nchannels * np.ones(1)] * nbounds] # set the metadata and headers obj._tstart = np.array([tstart]) obj._tstop = np.array([tstop]) if trigtime is not None: obj._tstart -= trigtime obj._tstop -= trigtime pri_hdr = hdr.primary(detnam=detnam, filetype=filetype, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, filename=filename, trigtime=trigtime, object=object, ra_obj=ra_obj, dec_obj=dec_obj, err_rad=err_rad, infile=infile) pri_hdr.append(('DRM_NUM', 1, 'Number of DRMs stored in this file')) eb_hdr = hdr.ebounds(detnam=detnam, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, trigtime=trigtime, object=object, ra_obj=ra_obj, dec_obj=dec_obj, err_rad=err_rad, detchans=obj.numchans, ch2e_ver=ch2e_ver, gain=gain, infile=infile) spec_hdr = hdr.specresp(detnam=detnam, tstart=tstart, tstop=tstop, trigtime=trigtime, object=object, ra_obj=ra_obj, dec_obj=dec_obj, mat_type=mat_type, rsp_num=1, src_az=src_az, src_el=src_el, geo_az=geo_az, geo_el=geo_el, det_ang=det_ang, geo_ang=geo_ang, numebins=obj.numebins, detchans=obj.numchans, atscat=atscat) obj._headers = {'PRIMARY': pri_hdr, 'EBOUNDS': eb_hdr, 'SPECRESP MATRIX': spec_hdr} # set file properties if (trigtime is None) and (tstart is None): tstart = 0.0 obj.set_properties(detector=detnam, trigtime=obj.trigtime, tstart=tstart, datatype=str(datatype).lower(), extension='rsp') return obj
[docs] def effective_area(self, energy, index=None, atime=None, interp_kind='linear'): """Calculate the effective area at a given energy or an array of energies. This function interpolates the DRM (in log10(cm^2)) to provide the effective area for any energy within the photon energy bounds of the DRM. Args: energy (float or np.array): The photon energy or energies at which to calculate the effective area. index (int, optional): The DRM index. Default is 0 atime (float, optional): The time corresponding to a DRM. The nearest DRM to the time will be chosen interp_kind (str, optional): The kind of interpolation to be passed to scipy.interp1d. Default is 'linear'. Returns: (np.array): The effective area """ if not isinstance(energy, np.ndarray): try: energy = np.array([energy], dtype=float).squeeze() except: raise TypeError('energy must be a positive float') if (energy <= 0.0).sum() > 0: raise ValueError('energy must be positive') if (atime is None) and (index is None): index = 0 effarea = self.photon_effective_area(index=index, atime=atime) diff_effarea = effarea.counts # create the DRM interpolator x = np.append(self.photon_bins[0], self.photon_bins[1][-1]) y = np.append(diff_effarea, diff_effarea[-1]) nz_mask = (y > 0) effarea_interpolator = interp1d(x[nz_mask], np.log10(y[nz_mask]), kind=interp_kind, fill_value='extrapolate') # do the interpolation effarea = 10.0**effarea_interpolator(energy) return effarea
[docs] def extract_drm(self, index=None, atime=None): """Extract a single DRM from a multi-DRM RSP2 object and return a new single-DRM RSP object. Args: index (int, optional): The DRM index to retrieve atime (float, optional): The time corresponding to a DRM. The nearest DRM to the time will be chosen Returns: :class:`RSP` : The single-DRM RSP object """ if (atime is None) and (index is None): index = 0 if atime is not None: index = self.drm_index((atime, atime))[0] drm = self._drm_list[index] drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX{}'.format(index + 1) atscat = None if 'INFILE04' in self.headers[drm_ext]: atscat = self.headers[drm_ext]['INFILE04'] obj = RSP.from_arrays(self._ebounds['E_MIN'], self._ebounds['E_MAX'], *self._pbounds, drm, trigtime=self.trigtime, tstart=self.tstart[index] + self.trigtime, tstop=self.tstop[index] + self.trigtime, detnam=self.detector, object=self.headers['PRIMARY']['OBJECT'], ra_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['RA_OBJ'], dec_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['DEC_OBJ'], infile=self.filename, ch2e_ver=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['CH2E_VER'], gain=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['GAIN_COR'], mat_type=self.headers[drm_ext]['MAT_TYPE'], src_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_AZ'], src_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_EL'], geo_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_AZ'], geo_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_EL'], det_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['DET_ANG'], geo_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_ANG'], atscat=atscat, datatype=self.datatype) obj._ngrp_list.append(self._ngrp_list[index]) obj._fchan_list.append(self._fchan_list[index]) obj._nchan_list.append(self._nchan_list[index]) return obj
def extract_weighted_drm(self, weights, bin_centers): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet.')
[docs] def interpolate(self, atime, **kwargs): """Interpolate over a multi-DRM object for a given time and return a new single-DRM RSP object. This function uses `scipy.interpolate.interp1d <>`_. If the given time is before (after) the times covered by the DRMs within the RSP object, then the first (last) DRM will be returned. Args: atime (float): The time corresponding to a DRM. The nearest DRM to the time will be chosen **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d Returns: :class:`RSP`: The interpolated single-DRM RSP object """ if self.numdrms == 1: raise ValueError('Single DRM response. Cannot interpolate') # create the interpolate and interpolate tcent = (self.tstart + self.tstop) / 2.0 drm_interp = interp1d(tcent, np.array(self._drm_list), axis=0, fill_value=(self._drm_list[0], self._drm_list[-1]), **kwargs, bounds_error=False) new_drm = drm_interp(atime) # create the object index = self.drm_index((atime, atime))[0] drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX{}'.format(index + 1) atscat = None if 'INFILE04' in self.headers[drm_ext]: atscat = self.headers[drm_ext]['INFILE04'] obj = RSP.from_arrays(self._ebounds['E_MIN'], self._ebounds['E_MAX'], *self._pbounds, new_drm, trigtime=self.trigtime, tstart=atime + self.trigtime, tstop=atime + self.trigtime, detnam=self.detector, object=self.headers['PRIMARY']['OBJECT'], ra_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['RA_OBJ'], dec_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['DEC_OBJ'], infile=self.filename, ch2e_ver=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['CH2E_VER'], gain=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['GAIN_COR'], mat_type=self.headers[drm_ext]['MAT_TYPE'], src_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_AZ'], src_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_EL'], geo_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_AZ'], geo_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_EL'], det_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['DET_ANG'], geo_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_ANG'], atscat=atscat, datatype=self.datatype) obj._ngrp_list.append(self._ngrp_list[index]) obj._fchan_list.append(self._fchan_list[index]) obj._nchan_list.append(self._nchan_list[index]) return obj
[docs] def fold_spectrum(self, function, params, index=0, atime=None, channel_mask=None): """Fold a photon spectrum through a DRM to get a count spectrum Args: function (<function>): A photon spectrum function. The function must accept a list of function parameters as its first argument and an array of photon energies as its second argument. The function must return the evaluation of the photon model in units of ph/s-cm^2-keV. params (list of float): A list of parameter values to be passed to the photon spectrum function index (int, optional): The index of the DRM to be used from the list of DRMs in the response. Default is 0. atime (float, optional): A time associated with a DRM in the list of available DRMs. The DRM covering the time closest to atime will be used. If set, this overrides the index argument. channel_mask (np.array, optional): A boolean mask where True indicates the channel is to be used for folding and False indicates the channel is to not be used for folding. If omitted, all channels are used. Returns: np.array: The count spectrum """ if atime is not None: drm = self.nearest_drm(atime) else: drm = self._drm_list[index] if channel_mask is not None: drm = drm[:, channel_mask] # evaluate photon model photon_model = function(params, self.photon_bin_centroids) # fold photon model through DRM counts =, photon_model * self.photon_bin_widths) return counts
[docs] def drm_index(self, time_range): """Return the indices of the DRMs that cover the requested time range If the time range is before (after) the times covered by the DRMs in the RSP object, then the first (last) index will be returned. Args: time_range (float, float): The time range Returns: np.array: An array of the indices of the DRMs covering the time range """ start, stop = self._assert_range(time_range) mask = (self.tstop > start) & (self.tstart < stop) if mask.sum() == 0: if stop < self.tstart[0]: return np.array([0], dtype=int) else: return np.array([self.numdrms-1], dtype=int) idx = np.arange(self.numdrms, dtype=int) return idx[mask]
[docs] def nearest_drm(self, atime): """Return the nearest DRM to the requested time Args: atime (float): The requested time Returns: np.array: The nearest DRM """ # only one DRM in the file; return it if self.numdrms == 1: return self._drm_list[0] idx = self.drm_index((atime, atime))[0] drm = self._drm_list[idx] return drm
[docs] def drm(self, index): """Return the DRM based on the index into the DRM list Args: index (int): The DRM index Returns: np.array: The requested DRM """ return self._drm_list[index]
[docs] def photon_effective_area(self, index=None, atime=None): """Returns the effective area as a function of incident photon energy (integrated over recorded energy channels). Args: index (int, optional): The DRM index atime (float, optional): The time corresponding to a DRM Returns: :class:`~.primitives.Bins`: A Bins object containing the effective area histogram """ if index is not None: drm = self.drm(index) elif atime is not None: drm = self.nearest_drm(atime) else: raise ValueError("Must set either 'index' or 'atime'") bins = Bins(drm.sum(axis=1), *self.photon_bins) return bins
[docs] def channel_effective_area(self, index=None, atime=None): """Returns the effective area as a function of recorded channel energy (integrated over incident photon bins). Args: index (int, optional): The DRM index atime (float, optional): The time corresponding to a DRM Returns: :class:`~.primitives.Bins`: A Bins object containing the effective area histogram """ if index is not None: drm = self.drm(index) elif atime is not None: drm = self.nearest_drm(atime) else: raise ValueError("Must set either 'index' or 'atime'") bins = Bins(drm.sum(axis=0), self.ebounds['E_MIN'], self.ebounds['E_MAX']) return bins
[docs] def weighted(self, weights, bin_centers): """Return a counts-weighted DRM. For long spectral accumulations, the time series of responses needs to be weighted by the counts history Args: weights (np.array): The weights of the counts history. Must sum to 1.0 bin_centers (np.array): The times at the center of the time bins Returns: np.array: The weighted DRM """ # only one DRM in the file; return it if self.numdrms == 1: return self._drm_list[0] num_weights = len(weights) if len(bin_centers) != num_weights: raise ValueError("weights and bin_centers are not equal length") # weight the matrices by counts weightV = [] weightS = 0.0 weightD = [] currDRM = -1 for i in range(num_weights): idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.tstart - bin_centers[i])) if (currDRM == -1) or (currDRM == idx): weightS += weights[i] else: weightV.append(weightS) weightS = weights[i] weightD.append(idx) currDRM = idx weightV.append(weightS) response = np.zeros((self.numebins, self.numchans)) for i, weight in zip(weightD, weightV): response += self._drm_list[i] * weight return response
[docs] def write_weighted(self, tstart, tstop, weights, directory, filename=None): """Writes a counts-weighted DRM to a FITS file. Args: tstart (np.array): The start times of the count history tstop (np.array): The end times of the count history weights (np.array): The normalized weights directory (str): The directory to write the file filename (str, optional): If set, will override the standardized name """ # set filename if (self.filename is None) and (filename is None): raise NameError('Filename not set') if filename is None: filename = self.filename full_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) # set dates/times trigtime = self.trigtime if self.trigtime is not None else 0.0 startStr = Met(tstart[0] + trigtime).iso() stopStr = Met(tstop[-1] + trigtime).iso() todaysDate = # adjust primary header prihdr = self._headers['PRIMARY'] prihdr['FILENAME'] = filename prihdr.set("DRM_NUM", 1) prihdr['TSTART'] = tstart[0] + trigtime prihdr['TSTOP'] = tstop[-1] + trigtime prihdr['DATE-OBS'] = startStr prihdr['DATE-END'] = stopStr prihdr['DATE'] = todaysDate prihdr.set("HISTORY", "Created by writeResponse() in from GSPEC") prihdr.set("HISTORY", "from original file: %s" % self.filename) prihdr.set("COMMENT", "The matrix has been weighted by the count history") # make ebounds table ebounds = self.ebounds # make weighted matrix bin_centers = (tstart + tstop) / 2.0 matrix = self.weighted(weights, bin_centers) drm = np.recarray(self.numebins, dtype=[('ENERG_LO', '>f4'), ('ENERG_HI', '>f4'), ('N_GRP', '>i2'), ('F_CHAN', '>i4'), ('N_CHAN', '>i4'), ('MATRIX', '>i4', (self.numchans,))]) drm['ENERG_LO'], drm['ENERG_HI'] = self.photon_bins drm['N_GRP'] = self._ngrp_list[0] drm['F_CHAN'] = self._fchan_list[0] drm['N_CHAN'] = self._nchan_list[0] drm['MATRIX'] = matrix drmhdr = self._headers['SPECRESP MATRIX1'] drmhdr['TSTART'] = tstart[0] + trigtime drmhdr['TSTOP'] = tstop[-1] + trigtime drmhdr['DATE-OBS'] = startStr drmhdr['DATE-END'] = stopStr drmhdr['DATE'] = todaysDate # create FITS hdulist = fits.HDUList() primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) hdulist.append(primary_hdu) ebounds_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=ebounds, name='EBOUNDS', header=self._headers['EBOUNDS']) hdulist.append(ebounds_hdu) drm_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=drm, name='SPECRESP MATRIX', header=drmhdr) hdulist.append(drm_hdu) hdulist.writeto(full_path, checksum=True)
[docs] def write(self, directory, filename=None, **kwargs): """Writes a single-DRM RSP object to a FITS file. Args: directory (str): Where to write the file filename (str, optional): The filename to write to """ # set filename if (self.filename is None) and (filename is None): raise NameError('Filename not set') if filename is None: filename = self.filename self._full_path = os.path.join(directory, filename) self._headers['PRIMARY']['FILENAME'] = filename hdulist = fits.HDUList() primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=self.headers['PRIMARY']) hdulist.append(primary_hdu) ebounds_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data=self._ebounds, name='EBOUNDS', header=self.headers['EBOUNDS']) hdulist.append(ebounds_hdu) compressed_drm = self._compress_drm(0) col0 = fits.Column(name='ENERG_LO', format='F8', array=self.photon_bins[0]) col1 = fits.Column(name='ENERG_HI', format='F8', array=self.photon_bins[1]) col2 = fits.Column(name='N_GRP', format='I2', array=self._ngrp_list[0]) col3 = fits.Column(name='F_CHAN', format='PI()', array=self._fchan_list[0]) col4 = fits.Column(name='N_CHAN', format='PI()', array=self._nchan_list[0]) col5 = fits.Column(name='MATRIX', format='PE()', array=compressed_drm) drm_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( [col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5], name='SPECRESP MATRIX', header=self.headers['SPECRESP MATRIX']) hdulist.append(drm_hdu) hdulist.writeto(self.full_path, checksum=True, **kwargs)
[docs] def resample(self, index=0, num_photon_bins=None, photon_bin_edges=None, num_interp_points=20, interp_kind='linear'): """Resamples the incident photon axis of a DRM and returns a new response object. Resampling can be used to downgrade the photon energy resolution, upgrade the resolution, and/or redefine the edges of the incident photon bins. By definition, the resampling can only be performed within the photon energy range of the current object. The process for resampling is to create a high-resolution grid for each new photon bin, interpolate the differential effective area onto that grid (interpolation is performed on log10(effective area)), and then integrate the differential effective area over the grid points in each bin. The final effective area is then scaled by the ratio of the initial number of photon bins to the requested number of photon bins. Args: index (int, optional): The DRM index. Default is 0 num_photon_bins (int, optional): The number of photon bins in the new DRM. The bin edges will be generated logarithmically. Only set this or `photon_bin_edges`. photon_bin_edges (np.array, optional): The array of photon bin edges. Only set this or `num_photon_bins` num_interp_points (int, optional): The number of interpolation points used to integrate over for each new photon bin. Default is 20. interp_kind (str, optional): The kind of interpolation to be passed to scipy.interp1d. Default is 'linear'. Returns: (:class:`RSP`): A new resampled single-DRM response object """ if (num_photon_bins is None) and (photon_bin_edges is None): raise ValueError('Either num_photon_bins or photon_bin_edges must' \ ' be set') elif num_photon_bins is not None: try: num_photon_bins = int(num_photon_bins) except: raise TypeError('num_photon_bins must be a positive integer') if num_photon_bins < 1: raise ValueError('num_photon_bins must be a positive integer') orig_edges = self.photon_bins photon_bin_edges = np.logspace(*np.log10((orig_edges[0][0], orig_edges[1][-1])), num_photon_bins+1) elif photon_bin_edges is not None: if not isinstance(photon_bin_edges, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('photon_bin_edges must be a numpy array') orig_edges = self.photon_bins badmask = (photon_bin_edges < orig_edges[0][0]) | \ (photon_bin_edges > orig_edges[1][-1]) if badmask.sum() > 0: raise ValueError('photon_bin_edges are beyond valid range of '\ '{0:.2f}-{1:.2f}'.format(orig_edges[0][0], orig_edges[1][-1])) photon_bin_edges = np.sort(photon_bin_edges) num_photon_bins = photon_bin_edges.size-1 # differential effective area diff_effarea = self.drm(index)/self.photon_bin_widths[:,np.newaxis] # create an interpolation array over each new bin photon_bounds = np.vstack((photon_bin_edges[:-1], photon_bin_edges[1:])) interp_arr = np.logspace(*np.log10(photon_bounds), num_interp_points+2, axis=0) # create the DRM interpolator x = np.append(self.photon_bins[0], self.photon_bins[1][-1]) y = np.vstack((diff_effarea, diff_effarea[-1,:])) y[y == 0] = 1e-10 effarea_interpolator = interp1d(x, np.log10(y), axis=0, kind=interp_kind, fill_value='extrapolate') # interpolate the DRM over the photon interpolation array diff_effarea_interp = 10.**effarea_interpolator(interp_arr) badmask = np.isnan(diff_effarea_interp) diff_effarea_interp[badmask] = 0.0 # integrate the DRM over the photon interpolation array diff_effarea_new = trapz(diff_effarea_interp, interp_arr[:,:,np.newaxis], axis=0) # scale by ratio of photon bins drm = diff_effarea_new / (self.numebins/num_photon_bins) # create response object drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX' if drm_ext not in self.headers.keys(): drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX{}'.format(index + 1) atscat = None if 'INFILE04' in self.headers[drm_ext]: atscat = self.headers[drm_ext]['INFILE04'] obj = RSP.from_arrays(self._ebounds['E_MIN'], self._ebounds['E_MAX'], *photon_bounds, drm, trigtime=self.trigtime, tstart=self.tstart[index] + self.trigtime, tstop=self.tstop[index] + self.trigtime, detnam=self.detector, object=self.headers['PRIMARY']['OBJECT'], ra_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['RA_OBJ'], dec_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['DEC_OBJ'], infile=self.filename, ch2e_ver=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['CH2E_VER'], gain=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['GAIN_COR'], mat_type=self.headers[drm_ext]['MAT_TYPE'], src_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_AZ'], src_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_EL'], geo_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_AZ'], geo_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_EL'], det_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['DET_ANG'], geo_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_ANG'], atscat=atscat, datatype=self.datatype) obj._ngrp_list.append(self._ngrp_list[index]) obj._fchan_list.append(self._fchan_list[index]) obj._nchan_list.append(self._nchan_list[index]) return obj
[docs] def rebin(self, index=0, factor=None, edge_indices=None): """Rebins the channel energy axis of a DRM and returns a new response object. Rebinning can only be used to downgrade the channel resolution and is constrained to the channel edges of the current DRM. Rebinning can be performed by either defining an integral factor of the number of current energy channels to combine (e.g. factor=4 for 128 energy channels would result in 32 energy channels), or by defining an index array into the current channel edges that will define the new set of edges. Args: index (int, optional): The DRM index. Default is 0 factor (int, optional): The rebinning factor. Must set either this or `edge_indices` edge_indices (np.array, optional): The index array that represents which energy edges should remain in the rebinned DRM. Returns: (:class:`RSP`): A new rebinned single-DRM response object """ if (factor is None) and (edge_indices is None): raise ValueError('Either factor or edge_indices must be set') elif factor is not None: try: factor = int(factor) except: raise TypeError('factor must be a positive integer') if factor < 1: raise ValueError('factor must be a positive integer') if (self.numchans % factor) > 0: raise ValueError('factor must be factor of numchans: '\ '{}'.format(self.numchans)) emin = self.ebounds['E_MIN'].reshape(-1, factor)[:,0] emax = self.ebounds['E_MAX'].reshape(-1, factor)[:,-1] elif edge_indices is not None: if isinstance(edge_indices, (list, tuple)): edge_indices = np.array(edge_indices) if not isinstance(edge_indices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('new_edges must be a list, tuple or array') edge_indices = np.unique(edge_indices.astype(int)) if (edge_indices[0] < 0) or (edge_indices[-1] > self.numchans-1): raise ValueError('edge_indices outside valid range of ' \ '0-{}'.format(self.numchans-1)) old_edges = np.append(self.ebounds['E_MIN'], self.ebounds['E_MAX'][-1]) new_edges = old_edges[edge_indices] emin = new_edges[:-1] emax = new_edges[1:] effarea = self.drm(index) # the new effective area matrix will just be summed over the channel # axis for the bins we are combining new_effarea = np.zeros((self.numebins, emin.size)) old_emin, old_emax = self.ebounds['E_MIN'], self.ebounds['E_MAX'] sidx = (old_emin[:,np.newaxis] == emin[np.newaxis,:]).nonzero()[0] eidx = (old_emax[:,np.newaxis] == emax[np.newaxis,:]).nonzero()[0] for i in range(emin.size): new_effarea[:,i] = effarea[:,sidx[i]:eidx[i]+1].sum(axis=1) # create the new object drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX' if drm_ext not in self.headers.keys(): drm_ext = 'SPECRESP MATRIX{}'.format(index + 1) atscat = None if 'INFILE04' in self.headers[drm_ext]: atscat = self.headers[drm_ext]['INFILE04'] obj = RSP.from_arrays(emin, emax, *self._pbounds, new_effarea, trigtime=self.trigtime, tstart=self.tstart[index] + self.trigtime, tstop=self.tstop[index] + self.trigtime, detnam=self.detector, object=self.headers['PRIMARY']['OBJECT'], ra_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['RA_OBJ'], dec_obj=self.headers['PRIMARY']['DEC_OBJ'], infile=self.filename, ch2e_ver=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['CH2E_VER'], gain=self.headers['EBOUNDS']['GAIN_COR'], mat_type=self.headers[drm_ext]['MAT_TYPE'], src_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_AZ'], src_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['SRC_EL'], geo_az=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_AZ'], geo_el=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_EL'], det_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['DET_ANG'], geo_ang=self.headers[drm_ext]['GEO_ANG'], atscat=atscat, datatype=self.datatype) obj._ngrp_list.append(self._ngrp_list[index]) obj._fchan_list.append(self._fchan_list[index]) obj._nchan_list.append(self._nchan_list[index]) return obj
def _decompress_drm(self, drm_data, spec_index): """The GBM DRM is not stored as 2D matrix and may be compressed, so this constructs and decompresses the DRM. Args: drm_data (np.recarray): The DRM data spec_index (int): The index of the DRM in the event of multiple DRMs Returns: np.array: 2D matrix containing the unpacked DRM """ num_photon_bins = self._headers['SPECRESP MATRIX' + str(spec_index)][ 'NAXIS2'] first_chans = drm_data['F_CHAN'] num_chans = drm_data['N_CHAN'] matrix = drm_data['MATRIX'] energy_channel_max = self._ebounds['E_MAX'] num_channels = energy_channel_max.size # The format of the compress matrix is a series of groups, for each # energy bin, of channels with non-zero values. # fchan stands for the first channel of each of these groups # and nchan for the number of channels in the group group. # Each row in the matrix is a 1D list consisting on the contatenated # values of all groups for a given energy bin # Note that in FITS the first index is 1 drm = np.zeros((num_photon_bins, num_channels)) for fchans,nchans,effective_area,drm_row \ in zip(first_chans,num_chans,matrix,drm): channel_offset = 0 for fchan,nchan in zip(fchans,nchans): start_idx = fchan - 1 end_idx = start_idx + nchan drm_row[start_idx:end_idx] = \ effective_area[channel_offset:channel_offset+nchan] channel_offset += nchan return drm def _compress_drm(self, spec_index): """Compress a DRM by removing all the zeros. This can result in a file that is ~50% the size of an uncompressed DRM because the DRM is largely a triangle matrix. Also modifies the helper FITS columns that are used to decompress the matrix Args: spec_index (int): The index of the DRM in the event of multiple DRMs Returns: np.array: An array of variable length arrays containing the compressed matrix """ # function to split channels into contiguous groups def group_consecutive_indices(indices): # change points where consecutive indices > 1 diff = indices[1:] - indices[0:-1] diff_idx = np.where(diff > 1)[0] + 1 # add first, last indices diff_idx = np.concatenate(([0], diff_idx, [idx.size])) # group into consecutive indices groups = [idx[diff_idx[i]:diff_idx[i + 1]] \ for i in range(diff_idx.size - 1)] return groups drm = self._drm_list[spec_index] matrix = np.zeros((self.numebins,), dtype=np.object_) first_chans = [] num_chans = [] num_groups = [] for ibin in range(self.numebins): idx = np.where(drm[ibin, :] > 0.0)[0] # if all zeros if idx.size == 0: num_groups.append(1) first_chans.append(np.array([self.numchans])) num_chans.append(np.array([1])) matrix[ibin] = np.array([0.0]) else: groups = group_consecutive_indices(idx) num_groups.append(len(groups)) first_chans.append( np.array([group[0] + 1 for group in groups])) num_chans.append(np.array([len(group) for group in groups])) matrix[ibin] = np.concatenate( [drm[ibin, group] for group in groups]) self._ngrp_list[spec_index] = np.array(num_groups) self._fchan_list[spec_index] = first_chans self._nchan_list[spec_index] = num_chans return matrix def _assert_range(self, valrange): assert valrange[0] <= valrange[1], \ 'Range must be in increasing order: (lo, hi)' return valrange