Source code for

# HEALPix and associated localization classes
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os, re
from copy import deepcopy
import as fits
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2, norm
from warnings import warn
import warnings

import healpy as hp
from collections import OrderedDict
from matplotlib.pyplot import contour as Contour
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from ..plot.lal_post_subs import make_circle_poly
from ..coords import get_sun_loc, geocenter_in_radec, spacecraft_to_radec
from ..coords import latitude_from_geocentric_coords_complex, haversine
from ..coords import latitude_from_geocentric_coords_simple
from ..detectors import Detector
from .data import DataFile
from .headers import healpix_primary, healpix_image

[docs]class HealPix(DataFile): """Base class for HEALPix localization files. Attributes: centroid (float, float): The RA and Dec of the highest probability pixel datatype (str): The datatype of the file detector (str): The GBM detector the file is associated with directory (str): The directory the file is located in filename (str): The filename full_path (str): The full path+filename headers (dict): The headers for each extension id (str): The GBM file ID is_gbm_file (bool): True if the file is a valid GBM standard file, False if it is not. is_trigger (bool): True if the file is a GBM trigger file, False if not npix (int): Number of pixels in the HEALPix map nside (int): The HEALPix resolution pixel_area (float): The area of each pixel in square degrees trigtime (float): The time corresponding to the localization """ def __init__(self): self._headers = OrderedDict() self._prob = np.array([], dtype=float) self._sig = np.array([], dtype=float) super().__init__() @property def headers(self): return self._headers @property def trigtime(self): try: return self._headers['PRIMARY']['TRIGTIME'] except: return None @property def npix(self): return len(self._prob) @property def nside(self): return hp.npix2nside(self.npix) @property def pixel_area(self): return 4.0 * 180.0 ** 2 / (np.pi * self.npix) @property def centroid(self): pix = np.argmax(self._prob) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, pix) return (self._phi_to_ra(phi), self._theta_to_dec(theta))
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, prob_arr, sig_arr, trigtime=None): """Create a HealPix object from healpix arrays Args: prob_arr (np.array): The HEALPix array containing the probability/pixel sig_arr (np.array): The HEALPix array containing the signficance trigtime (float, optional): The time corresponding to the localization Returns: :class:`HealPix`: The HEALPix localization """ obj = cls() obj._prob = obj._assert_prob(prob_arr) obj._sig = obj._assert_sig(sig_arr) # set file properties if trigtime is None: trigtime = 0.0 obj.set_properties(trigtime=trigtime, datatype='healpix', extension='fit') return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_annulus(cls, center_ra, center_dec, radius, sigma, nside=None, **kwargs): """Create a HealPix object of a Gaussian-width annulus Args: center_ra (float): The RA of the center of the annulus center_dec (float): The Dec of the center of the annulus radius (float): The radius of the annulus, in degrees, measured to the center of the of the annulus sigma (float): The Gaussian standard deviation width of the annulus, in degrees nside (int, optional): The nside of the HEALPix to make. By default, the nside is automatically determined by the `sigma` width. Set this argument to override the default. **kwargs: Options to pass to :meth:`from_data` Return: :class:`HealPix`: The HEALPix annulus """ # Automatically calculate appropriate nside by taking the closest nside # with an average resolution that matches 0.2*sigma if nside is None: nsides = 2**np.arange(15) pix_res = hp.nside2resol(nsides, True)/60.0 idx = np.abs(pix_res-sigma/5.0).argmin() nside = nsides[idx] # get everything in the right units center_phi = cls._ra_to_phi(center_ra) center_theta = cls._dec_to_theta(center_dec) radius_rad = np.deg2rad(radius) sigma_rad = np.deg2rad(sigma) # number of points in the circle based on the approximate arclength # and resolution res = hp.nside2resol(nside) # calculate normal distribution about annulus radius with sigma width x = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, int(10.0*np.pi/res)) pdf = norm.pdf(x, loc=radius_rad, scale=sigma_rad) # cycle through annuli of radii from 0 to 180 degree with the # appropriate amplitude and fill the probability map probmap = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) for i in range(x.size): # no need to waste time on pixels that will have ~0 probability... if pdf[i]/pdf.max() < 1e-10: continue # approximate arclength determines number of points in each annulus arclength = 2.0*np.pi*x[i] numpts = int(np.ceil(arclength/res))*10 circ = make_circle_poly(x[i], center_theta, center_phi, numpts) theta = np.pi / 2.0 - circ[:, 1] phi = circ[:, 0] # convert to pixel indixes and fill the map idx = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi) probmap[idx] = pdf[i] mask = (probmap[idx] > 0.0) probmap[idx[~mask]] = pdf[i] probmap[idx[mask]] = (probmap[idx[mask]] + pdf[i])/2.0 probmap /= probmap.sum() # signficance map sigmap = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(probmap) obj = cls.from_data(probmap, sigmap, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_gaussian(cls, center_ra, center_dec, sigma, nside=None, **kwargs): """Create a HealPix object of a Gaussian Args: center_ra (float): The RA of the center of the Gaussian center_dec (float): The Dec of the center of the Gaussian sigma (float): The Gaussian standard deviation, in degrees nside (int, optional): The nside of the HEALPix to make. By default, the nside is automatically determined by the `sigma` of the Gaussian. Set this argument to override the default. **kwargs: Options to pass to :meth:`from_data` Returns: :class:`HealPix`: The HEALPix Gaussian """ # Automatically calculate appropriate nside by taking the closest nside # with an average resolution that matches 0.2*sigma if nside is None: nsides = 2**np.arange(15) pix_res = hp.nside2resol(nsides, True)/60.0 idx = np.abs(pix_res-sigma/10.0).argmin() nside = nsides[idx] # get everything in the right units center_phi = cls._ra_to_phi(center_ra) center_theta = cls._dec_to_theta(center_dec) sigma_rad = np.deg2rad(sigma) # point probability npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) probmap = np.zeros(npix) probmap[hp.ang2pix(nside, center_theta, center_phi)] = 1.0 # then smooth out using appropriate gaussian kernel probmap = hp.smoothing(probmap, sigma=sigma_rad, verbose=False) # significance map sigmap = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(probmap) obj = cls.from_data(probmap, sigmap, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_vertices(cls, ra_pts, dec_pts, nside=64, **kwargs): """Create a HealPix object from a list of RA, Dec vertices. The probability within the vertices will be distributed uniformly and zero probability outside the vertices. Args: ra_pts (np.array): The array of RA coordinates dec_pts (np.array): The array of Dec coordinates nside (int, optional): The nside of the HEALPix to make. Default is 64. **kwargs: Options to pass to :meth:`from_data` Returns: :class:`HealPix`: The HEALPix object """ poly = Polygon(np.vstack((ra_pts, dec_pts)).T, closed=True) npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, np.arange(npix)) ra = cls._phi_to_ra(phi) dec = cls._theta_to_dec(theta) mask = poly.contains_points(np.vstack((ra, dec)).T) probmap = np.zeros(npix) probmap[mask] = 1.0 probmap /= probmap.sum() # significance map sigmap = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(probmap) obj = cls.from_data(probmap, sigmap, **kwargs) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def multiply(cls, healpix1, healpix2, primary=1, output_nside=128): """Multiply two HealPix maps and return a new HealPix object Args: healpix1 (:class:`HealPix`): One of the HEALPix maps to multiply healpix2 (:class:`HealPix`): The other HEALPix map to multiply primary (int, optional): If 1, use the first map header information, or if 2, use the second map header information. Default is 1. output_nside (int, optional): The nside of the multiplied map. Default is 128. Returns :class:`HealPix`: The multiplied map """ # if different resolutions, upgrade the lower res, then multiply if healpix1.nside > healpix2.nside: prob = healpix1._prob * hp.ud_grade(healpix2._prob, nside_out=healpix1.nside) elif healpix1.nside < healpix2.nside: prob = healpix2._prob * hp.ud_grade(healpix1._prob, nside_out=healpix2.nside) else: prob = healpix1._prob * healpix2._prob # output resolution and normalize prob = hp.ud_grade(prob, output_nside) prob = prob / np.sum(prob) sig = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(prob) # copy header info if primary == 1: headers = healpix1.headers trigtime = healpix1.trigtime else: headers = healpix2.headers trigtime = healpix2.trigtime if 'HEALPIX' in headers: headers['HEALPIX']['NSIDE'] = output_nside obj = cls.from_data(prob, sig, trigtime=trigtime) obj._headers = headers return obj
[docs] def probability(self, ra, dec, per_pixel=False): """Calculate the localization probability at a given point. This function interpolates the map at the requested point rather than providing the vale at the nearest pixel center. Args: ra (float): The RA dec (float): The Dec per_pixel (bool, optional): If True, return probability per pixel, otherwise return probability per square degree. Default is False. Returns: float: The localization probability """ phi = self._ra_to_phi(ra) theta = self._dec_to_theta(dec) prob = hp.get_interp_val(self._prob, theta, phi) if not per_pixel: prob /= self.pixel_area return prob
[docs] def confidence(self, ra, dec): """Calculate the localization confidence level for a given point. This function interpolates the map at the requested point rather than providing the value at the nearest pixel center. Args: ra (float): The RA dec (float): The Dec Returns: float: The localization confidence level """ phi = self._ra_to_phi(ra) theta = self._dec_to_theta(dec) return 1.0 - hp.get_interp_val(self._sig, theta, phi)
[docs] def area(self, clevel): """Calculate the sky area contained within a given confidence region Args: clevel (float): The localization confidence level (valid range 0-1) Returns: float: The area contained in square degrees """ numpix = np.sum((1.0 - self._sig) <= clevel) return numpix * self.pixel_area
[docs] def prob_array(self, numpts_ra=360, numpts_dec=180, sqdegrees=True, sig=False): """Return the localization probability mapped to a grid on the sky Args: numpts_ra (int, optional): The number of grid points along the RA axis. Default is 360. numpts_dec (int, optional): The number of grid points along the Dec axis. Default is 180. sqdegrees (bool, optional): If True, the prob_array is in units of probability per square degrees, otherwise in units of probability per pixel. Default is True sig (bool, optional): Set True to retun the significance map on a grid instead of the probability. Default is False. Returns: 3-tuple containing: - *np.array*: The probability (or significance) array with shape \ (``numpts_dec``, ``numpts_ra``) - *np.array*: The RA grid points - *np.array*: The Dec grid points """ grid_pix, phi, theta = self._mesh_grid(numpts_ra, numpts_dec) if sig: sqdegrees = False prob_arr = self._sig[grid_pix] else: prob_arr = self._prob[grid_pix] if sqdegrees: prob_arr /= self.pixel_area return (prob_arr, self._phi_to_ra(phi), self._theta_to_dec(theta))
[docs] def confidence_region_path(self, clevel, numpts_ra=360, numpts_dec=180): """Return the bounding path for a given confidence region Args: clevel (float): The localization confidence level (valid range 0-1) numpts_ra (int, optional): The number of grid points along the RA axis. Default is 360. numpts_dec (int, optional): The number of grid points along the Dec axis. Default is 180. Returns: [(np.array, np.array), ...]: A list of RA, Dec points, where each \ item in the list is a continuous closed path. """ # create the grid and integrated probability array grid_pix, phi, theta = self._mesh_grid(numpts_ra, numpts_dec) sig_arr = 1.0 - self._sig[grid_pix] ra = self._phi_to_ra(phi) dec = self._theta_to_dec(theta) # use matplotlib contour to produce a path object contour = Contour(ra, dec, sig_arr, [clevel]) # get the contour path, which is made up of segments paths = contour.collections[0].get_paths() # extract all the vertices pts = [path.vertices for path in paths] # unfortunately matplotlib will plot this, so we need to remove for c in contour.collections: c.remove() return pts
[docs] def source_probability(self, ra, dec, prior=0.5): r"""The probability that the HealPix localization is associated with a known point location. This is calculated against the null hypothesis that the HealPix localization originates from an unassociated random source that has equal probability of origination anywhere in the sky: :math:`P(A | \mathcal{I}) = \frac{P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A)} {P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A) + P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A) \ P(\neg A)}` where * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | A)` is the probability of the localization at the point source once * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A)` is the probability per pixel assuming a uniform distribution on the sky (i.e. the probability the localization is associated with a random point on the sky) * :math:`P(A)` is the prior probability that the localization is associated with the point source Args: ra (float): The RA of the known source location dec (float): The Dec of the known source location prior (float, optional): The prior probability that the localization is associated with the source. Default is 0.5 Returns: float: The probability that the HealPix localization is spatially \ associated with the point source """ if (prior < 0.0) or (prior > 1.0): raise ValueError('Prior probability must be within 0-1, inclusive') # convert uniform prob/sr to prob/pixel u = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi) u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 # the pixel probability of the skymap at the location of the point source p = self.probability(ra, dec, per_pixel=True) # null hypothesis is that they are not associated, therefore the sky map # is result of some source that has uniform probability on the sky prob = (p*prior) / ((p*prior) + (u*(1.0-prior))) return prob
[docs] def region_probability(self, healpix, prior=0.5): r"""The probability that the HealPix localization is associated with another HealPix map. This is calculated against the null hypothesis that the two HealPix maps are unassociated: :math:`P(A | \mathcal{I}) = \frac{P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A)} {P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A) + P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A) \ P(\neg A)}` where * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | A)` is the integral over the overlap of the two maps once the Earth occultation has been removed for *this* map. * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A)` is the integral over the overlap of *this* map with a uniform distribution on the sky (i.e. the probability the localization is associated with a random point on the sky) * :math:`P(A)` is the prior probability that *this* localization is associated with the *other* HEALPix map. Args: healpix (:class:`HealPix`): The healpix map for which to calculate the spatial association prior (float, optional): The prior probability that the localization is associated with the source. Default is 0.5 Returns: float: The probability that this HealPix localization is associated with the input HealPix map """ if (prior < 0.0) or (prior > 1.0): raise ValueError('Prior probability must be within 0-1, inclusive') # convert uniform prob/sr to prob/pixel u = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi) # ensure maps are the same resolution probmap1 = self._prob probmap2 = healpix._prob if self.nside > healpix.nside: probmap2 = hp.ud_grade(probmap2, nside_out=self.nside) probmap2 = self._assert_prob(probmap2) u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 elif self.nside < healpix.nside: probmap1 = hp.ud_grade(probmap1, nside_out=healpix.nside) probmap1 = self._assert_prob(probmap1) u *= hp.nside2resol(healpix.nside) ** 2 else: u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 # alternative hypothesis: they are related alt_hyp = np.sum(probmap1 * probmap2) # null hypothesis: one of the maps is from an unassociated source # (uniform spatial probability) null_hyp = np.sum(probmap1 * u) # since we have an exhaustive and complete list of possibilities, we can # easily calculate the probability prob = (alt_hyp*prior) / ((alt_hyp*prior) + (null_hyp*(1.0-prior))) return prob
[docs] def convolve(self, model, *args): """Convolve the map with a model kernel. The model can be a Gaussian kernel or any mixture of Gaussian kernels. Uses `healpy.smoothing <>`_. An example of a model kernel with a 50%/50% mixture of two Gaussians, one with a 1-deg width, and the other with a 3-deg width:: def gauss_mix_example(): sigma1 = np.deg2rad(1.0) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(3.0) frac1 = 0.50 return ([sigma1, sigma2], [frac1]) Args: model (<function>): The function representing the model kernel *args: Arguments to be passed to the model kernel function Returns: :class:`HealPix`: A new HealPix object that is a result of the \ convolution with the model kernel """ # evaluate model sigmas, fracs = model(*args) # determine number of gaussians, and ensure that they match the # number of fractional weights num_sigmas = len(sigmas) if len(fracs) != num_sigmas: if len(fracs) + 1 != num_sigmas: raise ValueError( 'Number of mixture fraction parameters is incorrect') fracs.append(1.0 - np.sum(fracs)) # for each gaussian, apply the smoothing at the prescribed weight new_prob = np.zeros(self._prob.shape) for i in range(num_sigmas): new_prob += fracs[i] * hp.smoothing(self._prob, sigma=sigmas[i], verbose=False) # make the object new_sig = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(new_prob) new_obj = deepcopy(self) new_obj._prob = new_obj._assert_prob(new_prob) new_obj._sig = new_obj._assert_sig(new_sig) return new_obj
@staticmethod def _ra_to_phi(ra): return np.deg2rad(ra) @staticmethod def _phi_to_ra(phi): return np.rad2deg(phi) @staticmethod def _dec_to_theta(dec): return np.deg2rad(90.0 - dec) @staticmethod def _theta_to_dec(theta): return np.rad2deg(np.pi / 2.0 - theta) def _ang_to_pix(self, ra, dec): # convert RA/Dec to healpixels theta = self._dec_to_theta(dec) phi = self._ra_to_phi(ra) pix = hp.ang2pix(self.nside, theta, phi) return pix def _mesh_grid(self, num_phi, num_theta): # create the mesh grid in phi and theta theta = np.linspace(np.pi, 0.0, num_theta) phi = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * np.pi, num_phi) phi_grid, theta_grid = np.meshgrid(phi, theta) grid_pix = hp.ang2pix(self.nside, theta_grid, phi_grid) return (grid_pix, phi, theta) def _assert_prob(self, prob): # ensure that the pixels have valid probability: # each pixel must be > 0 and sum == 1. prob[prob < 0.0] = 0.0 prob /= prob.sum() return prob def _assert_sig(self, sig): # ensure that the pixels have valid significance: # each pixel must have significance [0, 1] if sig is not None: sig[sig < 0.0] = 0.0 sig[sig > 1.0] = 1.0 return sig
[docs]class GbmHealPix(HealPix): """Class for GBM HEALPix localization files. Attributes: <detector_name>_pointing (float, float): The RA, Dec of the detector pointing (e.g. ``GbmHealPix.n0_pointing``) centroid (float, float): The RA and Dec of the highest probability pixel datatype (str): The datatype of the file detector (str): The GBM detector the file is associated with directory (str): The directory the file is located in filename (str): The filename full_path (str): The full path+filename geo_location (float, float): The geocenter RA, Dec at trigtime geo_probability (float): The amount of localization probability on the Earth geo_radius (float): The apparent Earth radius as observed by Fermi headers (dict): The headers for each extension id (str): The GBM file ID is_gbm_file (bool): True if the file is a valid GBM standard file, False if it is not. is_trigger (bool): True if the file is a GBM trigger file, False if not npix (int): Number of pixels in the HEALPix map nside (int): The HEALPix resolution quaternion (np.array): The spacecraft attitude quaternion pixel_area (float): The area of each pixel in square degrees scpos (np.array): The spacecraft position in Earth inertial coordinates sun_location (float, float): The Sun RA, Dec at trigtime trigtime (float): The time corresponding to the localization """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() @property def sun_location(self): try: return (self._headers['HEALPIX']['SUN_RA'], self._headers['HEALPIX']['SUN_DEC']) except: return None @property def geo_location(self): try: return (self._headers['HEALPIX']['GEO_RA'], self._headers['HEALPIX']['GEO_DEC']) except: return None @property def geo_radius(self): # if the radius isn't known, use the average 67.5 deg radius try: return self._headers['HEALPIX']['GEO_RAD'] except: return 67.5 @property def scpos(self): if 'COMMENT' not in self.headers['HEALPIX']: return None scpos = [c for c in self.headers['HEALPIX']['COMMENT'] if 'SCPOS' in c] if len(scpos) != 1: return None else: scpos = scpos[0].split('[')[1].split(']')[0] scpos = np.array([float(el) for el in scpos.split()]) return scpos @property def quaternion(self): if 'COMMENT' not in self.headers['HEALPIX']: return None quat = [c for c in self.headers['HEALPIX']['COMMENT'] if 'QUAT' in c] if len(quat) != 1: return None else: quat = quat[0].split('[')[1].split(']')[0] quat = np.array([float(el) for el in quat.split()]) return quat @property def geo_probability(self): if self.geo_location is None: return None prob_mask, geo_mask = self._earth_mask() return np.sum(self._prob[prob_mask][geo_mask])
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Open a GBM HEALPix FITS file and return the GbmHealPix object Args: filename (str): The filename of the FITS file Returns: :class:`GbmHealPix`: The GBM HEALPix localization """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) obj = cls() obj._file_properties(filename) # open FITS file with, mmap=False) as hdulist: for hdu in hdulist: obj._headers.update({ hdu.header}) # the healpix arrays prob, sig = hp.read_map(filename, field=(0, 1), memmap=False, verbose=False) obj._prob = obj._assert_prob(prob) obj._sig = obj._assert_sig(sig) # set the detector pointing attributes try: obj._set_det_attr() except: pass return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, prob_arr, sig_arr, tcat=None, trigtime=None, quaternion=None, scpos=None): """Create a HealPix object from healpix arrays and optional metadata Args: prob_arr (np.array): The HEALPix array containing the probability/pixel sig_arr (np.array): The HEALPix array containing the signficance tcat (:class:`.Tcat`, optional): The associated Tcat to fill out the primary header info trigtime (float, optional): The time corresponding to the localization quaternion (np.array, optional): The associated spacecraft quaternion used to determine the detector pointings in equatorial coordinates scpos (np.array, optional): The associated spacecraft position in Earth inertial coordinates used to determine the geocenter location in equatorial coordinates Returns: :class:`GbmHealPix`: The HEALPix localization """ obj = cls() obj._prob = obj._assert_prob(prob_arr) obj._sig = obj._assert_sig(sig_arr) if tcat is not None: trigtime = tcat.trigtime if trigtime is None: trigtime = 0.0 comments = [] # if we have a trigtime, calculate sun position sun_key = [] if trigtime is not None: sun_loc = get_sun_loc(trigtime) sun_key = [('SUN_RA', sun_loc[0], 'RA of Sun'), ('SUN_DEC', sun_loc[1], 'Dec of Sun')] # if we have a scpos, calculate geocenter position, radius geo_key = [] if scpos is not None: comments.append(('COMMENT', 'SCPOS: ' + np.array2string(scpos))) geo = geocenter_in_radec(scpos) try: _, alt = latitude_from_geocentric_coords_complex(scpos) except: warn('Using simple spheroidal Earth approximation') _, alt = latitude_from_geocentric_coords_simple(scpos) r = 6371.0 * 1000.0 geo_radius = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(r / (r + alt))) geo_key = [ ('GEO_RA', float(geo[0]), 'RA of Geocenter relative to Fermi'), ('GEO_DEC', float(geo[1]), 'Dec of Geocenter relative to Fermi'), ('GEO_RAD', geo_radius, 'Radius of the Earth')] # if we have a quaternion, calculate detector pointings det_keys = [] if quaternion is not None: comments.append( ('COMMENT', 'QUAT: ' + np.array2string(quaternion))) keys = [] for det in Detector: detname = det.short_name ra, dec = spacecraft_to_radec(det.azimuth, det.zenith, quaternion) ra_key = (detname + '_RA', float(ra), 'RA pointing for detector ' + detname) dec_key = (detname + '_DEC', float(dec), 'Dec pointing for detector ' + detname) keys.append([ra_key, dec_key]) det_keys = [key for det in keys for key in det] # put the additional keys together, and create the headers keys = sun_key keys.extend(geo_key) keys.extend(det_keys) keys.extend(comments) prihdr = healpix_primary(tcat=tcat, trigtime=trigtime) obj._headers['PRIMARY'] = prihdr obj._headers['HEALPIX'] = healpix_image(nside=obj.nside, extra_keys=keys, object=prihdr['OBJECT']) # set the detector pointing attributes try: obj._set_det_attr() except: pass # set file properties obj.set_properties(trigtime=obj.trigtime, datatype='healpix', extension='fit') return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_chi2grid(cls, chi2grid, nside=128, tcat=None): """Create a GbmHealPix object from a chi2grid object Args: chi2grid (class:`Chi2Grid`): The chi2grid object containing the chi-squared/log-likelihood info nside (int, optional): The nside resolution to use. Default is 128 tcat (:class:`.Tcat`, optional): The associated Tcat to fill out the primary header info Returns: :class:`GbmHealPix`: The GBM HEALPix localization """ # fill up a low-resolution healpix map with significance lores_nside = 64 lores_npix = hp.nside2npix(lores_nside) lores_array = np.zeros((lores_npix)) theta = cls._dec_to_theta(chi2grid.dec) phi = cls._ra_to_phi(chi2grid.ra) idx = hp.ang2pix(lores_nside, theta, phi) lores_array[idx] = chi2grid.significance # upscale to high-resolution hires_nside = nside hires_npix = hp.nside2npix(hires_nside) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(hires_nside, np.arange(hires_npix)) sig_array = hp.get_interp_val(lores_array, theta, phi) sig_array[sig_array < 0.0] = 0.0 # convert chisq map to probability map loglike = -chi2grid.chisq / 2.0 probs = np.exp(loglike - np.max(loglike)) lores_array = np.zeros(lores_npix) lores_array[idx] = probs prob_array = hp.get_interp_val(lores_array, theta, phi) prob_array[prob_array < 0.0] = 0.0 prob_array /= np.sum(prob_array) obj = cls.from_data(prob_array, sig_array, tcat=tcat, trigtime=chi2grid.trigtime, scpos=chi2grid.scpos, quaternion=chi2grid.quaternion) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def multiply(cls, healpix1, healpix2, primary=1, output_nside=128): """Multiply two GbmHealPix maps and return a new GbmHealPix object Note: Either `healpix1` *or* healpix2 can be a non-GbmHealPix object, however at least one of them must be a GbmHealPix object **and** the `primary` argument must be set to the appropriate GbmHealPix object otherwise a TypeError will be raised. Args: healpix1 (:class:`HealPix` or :class:`GbmHealPix`): One of the HEALPix maps to multiply healpix2 (:class:`HealPix` or :class:`GbmHealPix`): The other HEALPix map to multiply primary (int, optional): If 1, use the first map header information, or if 2, use the second map header information. Default is 1. output_nside (int, optional): The nside of the multiplied map. Default is 128. Returns :class:`GbmHealPix`: The multiplied map """ if primary == 1: if not isinstance(healpix1, cls): raise TypeError('Primary HealPix (healpix1) is not of class {}. ' 'Perhaps try setting healpix2 as the primary'.format(cls.__name__)) else: if not isinstance(healpix2, cls): raise TypeError('Primary HealPix (healpix2) is not of class {}. ' 'Perhaps try setting healpix1 as the primary'.format(cls.__name__)) obj = super().multiply(healpix1, healpix2, primary=primary, output_nside=output_nside) obj._set_det_attr() return obj
[docs] def write(self, directory, filename=None): """Write the GbmHealPix object to a FITS file Args: directory (str): The directory to write to filename (str, optional): The filename of the FITS file """ if filename is None: filename = self.filename self.headers['PRIMARY']['FILENAME'] = filename out_file = os.path.join(directory, filename) # get arrays in proper order, and write the healpix data to disk prob_arr = hp.reorder(self._prob, r2n=True) sig_arr = hp.reorder(self._sig, r2n=True) columns = ['PROBABILITY', 'SIGNIFICANCE'] hp.write_map(out_file, (prob_arr, sig_arr), nest=True, coord='C', overwrite=True, \ column_names=columns, extra_header=self.headers['HEALPIX'].cards) # healpy doesn't allow direct input into the primary header on writing, # so we have to open the written file, add the primary header, rename # the tables in the HEALPIX extension and write a new file hdulist = hdulist[0].header.extend(self.headers['PRIMARY']) hdulist[1].name = 'HEALPIX' hdulist[1].header['TTYPE1'] = ( 'PROBABILITY', 'Differential probability per pixel') hdulist[1].header['TTYPE2'] = ( 'SIGNIFICANCE', 'Integrated probability') hdulist.writeto(out_file, clobber=True, checksum=True)
[docs] @classmethod def remove_earth(cls, healpix): """Return a new GbmHealPix with the probability on the Earth masked out. The remaining probability on the sky is renormalized. Note: The :attr:`geo_location` attribute must be available to use this function Args: healpix (:class:`GbmHealPix`): The map for which the Earth will be removed Returns: :class:`GbmHealPix`: GBM HEALPix localization """ if healpix.geo_location is None: raise ValueError('Location of geocenter is not known') # get the non-zero probability and earth masks prob_mask, geo_mask = healpix._earth_mask() # zero out the probabilities behind the earth new_prob = np.copy(healpix._prob) temp = new_prob[prob_mask] temp[geo_mask] = 0.0 new_prob[prob_mask] = temp # renormalize new_prob /= np.sum(new_prob) # have to redo the significance new_sig = 1.0 - find_greedy_credible_levels(new_prob) # return a new object obj = cls() obj._prob = obj._assert_prob(new_prob) obj._sig = obj._assert_sig(new_sig) obj._headers = healpix.headers # set the detector pointing attributes try: obj._set_det_attr() except: pass # set file properties obj.set_properties(trigtime=obj.trigtime, datatype='healpix', extension='fit') return obj
[docs] def source_probability(self, ra, dec, prior=0.5): r"""The probability that the GbmHealPix localization is associated with a known point location. This is calculated against the null hypothesis that the localization originates from an unassociated random source that has equal probability of origination anywhere in the sky: :math:`P(A | \mathcal{I}) = \frac{P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A)} {P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A) + P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A) \ P(\neg A)}` where * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | A)` is the probability of the localization at the point source once the Earth occultation has been removed * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A)` is the probability per pixel assuming a uniform distribution on the sky (i.e. the probability the localization is associated with a random point on the sky) * :math:`P(A)` is the prior probability that the localization is associated with the point source Note: If the point source is behind the Earth, then it is assumed that GBM could not observe it, therefore the probability will be zero. Args: ra (float): The RA of the known source location dec (float): The Dec of the known source location prior (float, optional): The prior probability that the localization is associated with the source. Default is 0.5 Returns: float: The probability that the localization is spatially associated with the point source """ if (prior < 0.0) or (prior > 1.0): raise ValueError('Prior probability must be within 0-1, inclusive') # convert uniform prob/sr to prob/pixel u = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi) u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 # the pixel probability of the skymap at the location of the point source p = type(self).remove_earth(self).probability(ra, dec, per_pixel=True) # if we know the location of the earth and it's behind the earth, # then we obviously couldn't have seen it if self.geo_location is not None: ang = haversine(*self.geo_location, ra, dec) if ang < self.geo_radius: p = 0.0 # null hypothesis is that they are not associated, therefore the sky map # is result of some source that has uniform probability on the sky prob = (p*prior) / ((p*prior) + (u*(1.0-prior))) return prob
[docs] def region_probability(self, healpix, prior=0.5): r"""The probability that the localization is associated with the localization region from another map. This is calculated against the null hypothesis that the two maps represent unassociated sources: :math:`P(A | \mathcal{I}) = \frac{P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A)} {P(\mathcal{I} | A) \ P(A) + P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A) \ P(\neg A)}` where * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | A)` is the integral over the overlap of the two maps once the Earth occultation has been removed for *this* map. * :math:`P(\mathcal{I} | \neg A)` is the integral over the overlap of *this* map with a uniform distribution on the sky (i.e. the probability the localization is associated with a random point on the sky) * :math:`P(A)` is the prior probability that *this* localization is associated with the *other* HEALPix map. Note: The localization region of *this* map overlapping the Earth will be removed and the remaining unocculted region is used for the calculation. The *other* map is assumed to have no exclusionary region. Args: healpix (:class:`HealPix`): The healpix map for which to calculate the spatial association prior (float, optional): The prior probability that the localization is associated with the source. Default is 0.5 Returns: float: The probability that the two HEALPix maps are associated. """ if (prior < 0.0) or (prior > 1.0): raise ValueError('Prior probability must be within 0-1, inclusive') # convert uniform prob/sr to prob/pixel u = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi) # get the non-zero probability and earth masks prob_mask, geo_mask = self._earth_mask() probmap1 = np.copy(self._prob) temp = probmap1[prob_mask] temp[geo_mask] = 0.0 probmap1[prob_mask] = temp probmap1 /= np.sum(probmap1) # ensure maps are the same resolution and convert uniform prob/sr to # prob/pixel probmap2 = np.copy(healpix._prob) if self.nside > healpix.nside: probmap2 = hp.ud_grade(probmap2, nside_out=self.nside) probmap2 = self._assert_prob(probmap2) u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 elif self.nside < healpix.nside: probmap1 = hp.ud_grade(probmap1, nside_out=healpix.nside) probmap1 = self._assert_prob(probmap1) u *= hp.nside2resol(healpix.nside) ** 2 else: u *= hp.nside2resol(self.nside) ** 2 # alternative hypothesis: they are related alt_hyp = np.sum(probmap1 * probmap2) # null hypothesis: one of the maps is from an unassociated source # (uniform spatial probability) null_hyp = np.sum(probmap1 * u) # since we have an exhaustive and complete list of possibilities, we can # easily calculate the probability prob = (alt_hyp * prior) / ((alt_hyp*prior) + (null_hyp*(1.0-prior))) return prob
[docs] def observable_fraction(self, healpix): """The observable fraction of a healpix probability region on the sky. Non-observable regions are ones that are behind the Earth. Args: healpix (:class:`HealPix`): The healpix region for which to calculate the observable fraction. Returns: float: The fraction of the map (based on probability) that is observable. """ # speed things up a bit by only considering pixels with non-zero prob prob_mask = (healpix._prob > 0.0) # get ra, dec coords for pixels and calculate angle from geocenter theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(healpix.nside, np.arange(healpix.npix)) ra = self._phi_to_ra(phi)[prob_mask] dec = self._theta_to_dec(theta)[prob_mask] # the mask of everything with prob > 0.0 and is visible ang = haversine(*self.geo_location, ra, dec) geo_mask = (ang > self.geo_radius) # sum it up and divide by total prob (should be 1, but good to be sure) temp = np.copy(healpix._prob) temp = temp[prob_mask] frac = np.sum(temp[geo_mask]) / np.sum(healpix._prob) return frac
def _set_det_attr(self): # set the detector pointing attributes keys = list(self.headers['HEALPIX'].keys()) regex = re.compile('N._RA|B._RA') dets = [key.split('_')[0] for key in keys if re.match(regex, key)] for det in dets: setattr(self, det.lower() + '_pointing', (self.headers['HEALPIX'][det + '_RA'], self.headers['HEALPIX'][det + '_DEC'])) def _earth_mask(self): # speed things up a bit by only considering pixels with non-zero prob mask = (self._prob > 0.0) # get ra, dec coords for pixels and calculate angle from geocenter theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(self.nside, np.arange(self.npix)) ra = self._phi_to_ra(phi)[mask] dec = self._theta_to_dec(theta)[mask] ang = haversine(*self.geo_location, ra, dec) geo_radius = self.geo_radius # the mask of the non-zero probability pixels that are behind the earth geo_mask = (ang <= geo_radius) return mask, geo_mask
class Chi2Grid(): """Class for the Chi2Grid localization files/objects Attributes: azimuth (np.array): The spacecraft azimuth grid points chisq (np.array): The chi-squared value at each grid point dec (np.array): The Dec grid points numpts (int): Number of sky points in the Chi2Grid quaternion (np.array): The spacecraft attitude quaternion ra (np.array): The RA grid points scpos (np.array): The spacecraft position in Earth inertial coordinates significance (np.array): The significance value at each point trigtime (float): The trigger time zenith (np.array): The spacecraft zenith grid points """ def __init__(self): self._az = np.array([]) self._zen = np.array([]) self._ra = np.array([]) self._dec = np.array([]) self._chisq = np.array([]) self._quaternion = None self._scpos = None self._trigtime = None @property def quaternion(self): return self._quaternion @quaternion.setter def quaternion(self, val): if len(val) != 4: raise ValueError('quaternion must be a 4-element array') self._quaternion = np.asarray(val) @property def scpos(self): return self._scpos @scpos.setter def scpos(self, val): if len(val) != 3: raise ValueError('scpos must be a 3-element array') self._scpos = np.asarray(val) @property def trigtime(self): return self._trigtime @trigtime.setter def trigtime(self, val): try: val = float(val) except: raise ValueError('trigtime must be a float') self._trigtime = val @property def numpts(self): return self._az.size @property def azimuth(self): return self._az @property def zenith(self): return self._zen @property def ra(self): return self._ra @property def dec(self): return self._dec @property def chisq(self): return self._chisq @property def significance(self): min_chisq = np.min(self.chisq) return 1.0 - chi2.cdf(self.chisq - min_chisq, 2) @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Read a chi2grid file and create a Chi2Grid object Args: filename (str): The filename of the chi2grid file Returns: :class:`Chi2Grid`: The Chi2Grid object """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: txt = list(f) obj = cls() numpts = int(txt[0].strip()) txt = txt[1:] obj._az = np.empty(numpts) obj._zen = np.empty(numpts) obj._ra = np.empty(numpts) obj._dec = np.empty(numpts) obj._chisq = np.empty(numpts) for i in range(numpts): line = txt[i].split() obj._az[i] = float(line[0].strip()) obj._zen[i] = float(line[1].strip()) obj._chisq[i] = float(line[2].strip()) obj._ra[i] = float(line[4].strip()) obj._dec[i] = float(line[5].strip()) return obj @classmethod def from_data(cls, az, zen, ra, dec, chisq): """Create a Chi2Grid object from arrays Args: az (np.array): The azimuth grid points zen (np.array): The zenith grid points ra (np.array): The RA grid points dec (np.array): The Dec grid points chisq (np.array): The chi-squared values at each grid point Returns: :class:`Chi2Grid`: The Chi2Grid object """ obj = cls() obj._az = az obj._zen = zen obj._ra = ra obj._dec = dec obj._chisq = chisq return obj def find_greedy_credible_levels(p): """Calculate the credible values of a probability array using a greedy algorithm. Args: p (np.array): The probability array Returns: np.array: The credible values """ p = np.asarray(p) pflat = p.ravel() i = np.argsort(pflat)[::-1] cs = np.cumsum(pflat[i]) cls = np.empty_like(pflat) cls[i] = cs return cls.reshape(p.shape) # Systematic Model definitions using healpy.smoothing # -------------------------------------------------------- def GBUTS_Model_O3(): """The localization systematic model for the targeted search during O3: a 2.7 deg Gaussian. References: arXiv:1903.12597 """ sigma = np.deg2rad(2.7) return ([sigma], [1.0]) def HitL_Model(az): """The localization systematic model for the human-in-the loop localization: A mixture of a 4.17 deg Gaussian (91.8% weight) and a 15.3 deg Gaussian for a centroid between azimuth 292.5 - 67.5 or azimuth 112.5 - 247.5, otherwise a mixture of a 2.31 deg Gaussian (88.4% weight) and a 13.2 deg Gaussian. References: arXiv:1411.2685 Args: az (float): The localization centroid in spacecraft azimuth """ if (az > 292.5) or (az <= 67.5) or ((az > 112.5) and (az < 247.5)): sigma1 = np.deg2rad(4.17) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(15.3) frac1 = 0.918 else: sigma1 = np.deg2rad(2.31) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(13.2) frac1 = 0.884 return ([sigma1, sigma2], [frac1]) def GA_Model(): """The localization systematic model for the Ground-Automated localization: A mixture of a 3.72 deg Gaussian (80.4% weight) and a 13.7 deg Gaussian. References: arXiv:1411.2685 """ sigma1 = np.deg2rad(3.72) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(13.7) frac1 = 0.804 return ([sigma1, sigma2], [frac1]) def RoboBA_Function(grb_type): """The localization systematic model for the RoboBA localization: A mixture of a 1.86 deg Gaussian (57.9% weight) and a 4.14 deg Gaussian for a "long" GRB, and a mixture of a 2.55 deg Gaussian (39.0% weight) and a 4.43 deg Gaussian for a "short" GRB. References: arXiv:1909.03006) Args: grb_type (str): The type of GRB, either 'long' or 'short' """ if grb_type == 'long': sigma1 = np.deg2rad(1.86) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(4.14) frac1 = 0.579 elif grb_type == 'short': sigma1 = np.deg2rad(2.55) sigma2 = np.deg2rad(4.43) frac1 = 0.39 else: raise ValueError("grb_type must either be 'long' or 'short'") return ([sigma1, sigma2], [frac1]) def Untargeted_Search_Model(): """The localization systematic model for the Untargeted Search: A 5.53 deg Gaussian """ sigma = np.deg2rad(5.53) return ([sigma], [1.0])