Source code for

# GBM Position History class
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import as fits
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import stack_arrays
from collections import OrderedDict
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from warnings import warn
from gbm import coords
from .data import DataFile
from gbm.detectors import Detector

[docs]class PosHist(DataFile): """Class for Fermi Position History Attributes: datatype (str): The datatype of the file detector (str): The GBM detector the file is associated with directory (str): The directory the file is located in filename (str): The filename full_path (str): The full path+filename gti ([(float, float), ...]): A list of time intervals where Fermi is outside the SAA headers (dict): The headers for each extension of the poshist file id (str): The GBM file ID is_gbm_file (bool): True if the file is a valid GBM standard file, False if it is not. is_trigger (bool): True if the file is a GBM trigger file, False if not sun_occulted ([(float, float), ...]): A list of time intervals where the sun is occulted by the Earth time_range (float, float): The time range of the poshist """ def __init__(self): super(PosHist, self).__init__() self._headers = OrderedDict() self._data = None self._times = None self._eic_interp = None self._quat_interp = None self._lat_interp = None self._lon_interp = None self._alt_interp = None self._vel_interp = None self._angvel_interp = None self._sun_interp = None self._saa_interp = None self._gti = None self._sun_occulted = None self._earth_radius_interp = None self._geocenter_interp = None self._detectors = [det.short_name for det in Detector] @property def headers(self): return self._headers @property def time_range(self): return (self._times[0], self._times[-1]) @property def gti(self): return self._gti @property def sun_occulted(self): return self._sun_occulted
[docs] def get_eic(self, times): """Retrieve the position of Fermi in Earth inertial coordinates Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: A (3, `n`) array of coordinates at `n` times """ return self._eic_interp(times)
[docs] def get_quaternions(self, times): """Retrieve the Fermi attitude quaternions Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: A (4, `n`) array of quaternions at `n` times """ return self._quat_interp(times)
[docs] def get_latitude(self, times): """Retrieve the position of Fermi in Earth latitude Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: An array of latitudes at the requested times """ return self._lat_interp(times)
[docs] def get_longitude(self, times): """Retrieve the position of Fermi in Earth East longitude Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET np.array: An array of East longitudes at the requested times """ return self._lon_interp(times)
[docs] def get_altitude(self, times): """Retrieve the altitude of Fermi in orbit Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: An array of altitudes at the requested times """ return self._alt_interp(times)
[docs] def get_velocity(self, times): """Retrieve the velocity of Fermi in Earth inertial coordinates Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: A (3, `n`) array of velocity components at `n` times """ return self._vel_interp(times)
[docs] def get_angular_velocity(self, times): """Retrieve the angular velocity of Fermi Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns np.array: A (3, `n`) array of angular velocity components at `n` times """ return self._angvel_interp(times)
[docs] def get_sun_visibility(self, times): """Determine if the sun is visible (not occulted) Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array(dtype=bool): A boolean array, where True indicates the \ sun is visible """ return self._sun_interp(times).astype(bool)
[docs] def get_saa_passage(self, times): """Determine if Fermi is in an SAA passage Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array(dtype=bool): A boolean array, where True indicates Fermi \ is in SAA """ return self._saa_interp(times).astype(bool)
[docs] def get_earth_radius(self, times): """Retrieve the angular radius of the Earth as observed by Fermi Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: An array of the apparent angular radius of the Earth """ return self._earth_radius_interp(times)
[docs] def get_geocenter_radec(self, times): """Retrieve the Equatorial position of the Geocenter as observed by Fermi Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: (np.array, np.array): The RA and Dec of the geocenter """ eic = self.get_eic(times) return coords.geocenter_in_radec(eic)
[docs] def get_mcilwain_l(self, times): """Retrieve the approximate McIlwain L value as determined by the orbital position of Fermi Args: times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: An array of McIlwain L values """ lat = self.get_latitude(times) lon = self.get_longitude(times) ml = coords.calc_mcilwain_l(lat, lon) return ml
[docs] def to_fermi_frame(self, ra, dec, times): """Convert an equatorial position to a position in spacecraft coordinates Args: ra (float): The RA of a sky position dec (float): The Dec of a sky position times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: (np.array, np.array): The Fermi azimuth, zenith """ quats = self.get_quaternions(times) az, zen = coords.radec_to_spacecraft(ra, dec, quats) return az, zen
[docs] def to_equatorial(self, fermi_az, fermi_zen, times): """Convert a position in spacecraft coordinates to equatorial coordinates Args: fermi_az (float): The Fermi azimuth of a position fermi_zen (float): The Fermi zenith of a position times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: (np.array, np.array): The RA, Dec of the position """ quats = self.get_quaternions(times) ra, dec = coords.spacecraft_to_radec(fermi_az, fermi_zen, quats) return ra, dec
[docs] def location_visible(self, ra, dec, times): """Determine if a sky location is visible or occulted by the Earth Args: ra (float): The RA of a sky position dec (float): The Dec of a sky position times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array(dtype=bool): A boolean array where True indicates the \ position is visible. """ geo = np.array(self.get_geocenter_radec(times)).reshape(2, -1) angle = coords.haversine(geo[0, :], geo[1, :], ra, dec) visible = (angle > self.get_earth_radius(times)) return visible
[docs] def detector_pointing(self, det, times): """Retrieve the pointing of a GBM detector in equatorial coordinates Args: det (str): The GBM detector times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: (np.array, np.array): The RA, Dec of the detector pointing """ det = det.lower() if det not in self._detectors: raise ValueError('Illegal detector name') d = Detector.from_str(det) az, zen = d.azimuth, d.zenith ra, dec = self.to_equatorial(az, zen, times) return ra, dec
[docs] def detector_angle(self, ra, dec, det, times): """Determine the angle between a sky location and a GBM detector Args: ra (float): The RA of a sky position dec (float): The Dec of a sky position det (str): The GBM detector times (float or np.array): Time(s) in MET Returns: np.array: The angle, in degrees, between the position and \ detector pointing """ det_ra, det_dec = self.detector_pointing(det, times) angle = coords.haversine(det_ra, det_dec, ra, dec) return angle
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Open and read a position history file Args: filename (str): The filename of the FITS file Returns: :class:`PosHist`: The PosHist object """ obj = cls() obj._file_properties(filename) # open FITS file with as hdulist: for hdu in hdulist: obj._headers.update({ hdu.header}) data = hdulist['GLAST POS HIST'].data times = data['SCLK_UTC'] obj._times = times obj._data = data # set the interpolators obj._set_interpolators() return obj
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, poshists): """Merge multiple PosHists into a single PosHist object Args: poshists (list of :class:`PosHist`): List of PosHist objects Returns: :class:`PosHist`: The merged PosHist object """ # sort by tstart, and remove overlapping times idx = np.argsort([poshist.time_range[0] for poshist in poshists]) times = [poshists[idx[0]]._times] data = [poshists[idx[0]]._data] for i in idx[1:]: mask = (poshists[i]._times > times[-1][-1]) times.append(poshists[i]._times[mask]) data.append(poshists[i]._data[mask]) # create object with merged data obj = cls() obj._file_properties(poshists[idx[0]].full_path) obj._times = np.concatenate(times) obj._data = stack_arrays(data, asrecarray=True, usemask=False) obj._headers = poshists[idx[0]].headers obj._set_interpolators() return obj
def _set_interpolators(self): times = self._times data = self._data # Earth inertial coordinates interpolator eic = np.array((data['POS_X'], data['POS_Y'], data['POS_Z'])) self._eic_interp = interp1d(times, eic) # quaternions interpolator quat = np.array( (data['QSJ_1'], data['QSJ_2'], data['QSJ_3'], data['QSJ_4'])) self._quat_interp = interp1d(times, quat) # Orbital position interpolator # mark TODO: poshist uses the "simple" version of lat/lon calc if 'SC_LAT' in data.dtype.names: self._lat_interp = interp1d(times, data['SC_LAT']) self._lon_interp = interp1d(times, data['SC_LON']) alt = self._altitude_from_scpos(eic) else: lat, lon, alt = self._lat_lon_from_scpos(times, eic, complex=False) self._lat_interp = interp1d(times, lat) self._lon_interp = interp1d(times, lon) self._alt_interp = interp1d(times, alt) # Earth radius and geocenter interpolators self._earth_radius_interp = interp1d(times, self._geo_half_angle(alt)) self._geocenter_interp = interp1d(times, coords.geocenter_in_radec(eic)) # Velocity interpolator vel = np.array((data['VEL_X'], data['VEL_Y'], data['VEL_Z'])) self._vel_interp = interp1d(times, vel) # Angular velocity interpolator angvel = np.array((data['WSJ_1'], data['WSJ_2'], data['WSJ_3'])) self._angvel_interp = interp1d(times, angvel) # mark FIXME: the FLAGS=0 and FLAGS=2 never appear in daily poshist # Interpolators for sun visibility and SAA passage sun_visible = ((data['FLAGS'] == 1) | (data['FLAGS'] == 3)) in_saa = ((data['FLAGS']) == 2 | (data['FLAGS'] == 3)) self._sun_interp = interp1d(times, sun_visible) self._saa_interp = interp1d(times, in_saa) # set GTI based on SAA passages # also times where sun is occulted self._gti = self._split_bool_mask(in_saa, times) self._sun_occulted = self._split_bool_mask(sun_visible, times) def _from_trigdat(self, times, quats, scpos): """Initialize the PosHist object with info from a Trigdat object Args: times (np.array): An array of Trigdat bin start times quats (np.array): An array of quaternions from the Trigdat scpos (np.array): An array of EICs from the Trigdat """ if quats.shape[0] == times.shape[0]: quats = quats.T if scpos.shape[0] == times.shape[0]: scpos = scpos.T # EIC is in km in Trigdat. We need it in m. scpos *= 1000.0 # interpolators for EIC and quaternions self._eic_interp = interp1d(times, scpos, fill_value='extrapolate') self._quat_interp = interp1d(times, quats, fill_value='extrapolate') # orbital position interpolators lat, lon, alt = self._lat_lon_from_scpos(times, scpos, complex=True) self._lat_interp = interp1d(times, lat, fill_value='extrapolate') self._lon_interp = interp1d(times, lon, fill_value='extrapolate') self._alt_interp = interp1d(times, alt, fill_value='extrapolate') # georadius and geocenter interpolators self._earth_radius_interp = interp1d(times, self._geo_half_angle(alt), fill_value='extrapolate') self._geocenter_interp = interp1d(times, coords.geocenter_in_radec(scpos), fill_value='extrapolate') # velocity and angular velocity interpolators vel = self._velocity_from_scpos(times, scpos) self._vel_interp = interp1d(times, vel, fill_value='extrapolate') angvel = self._angular_velocity_from_quaternion(times, quats) self._angvel_interp = interp1d(times, angvel, fill_value='extrapolate') # sun visibility sun_visible = self._sun_visible_from_times(times) self._sun_interp = interp1d(times, sun_visible, fill_value='extrapolate') self._sun_occulted = self._split_bool_mask(sun_visible, times) def _split_bool_mask(self, mask, times): """Split a boolean mask into segments of contiguous values and apply to array of times Args: mask (np.array(dtype=bool)): The boolean mask times (np.array): The array of times. Must be the same size as mask Returns [(float, float),...]: A list of time ranges """ # split a boolean mask array into segments based on True/False indices = np.nonzero(mask[1:] != mask[:-1])[0] + 1 time_segs = np.split(times, indices) mask_segs = np.split(mask, indices) # retrieve the start and stop times for the "off" intervals segs = [] numsegs = len(indices) + 1 for i in range(numsegs): if mask_segs[i][0] == 0: segs.append((time_segs[i][0], time_segs[i][-1])) # mark FIXME: null if mask is all True or all False # currently assuming that it must be all True if len(segs) == 0: segs = [self.time_range] return segs def _altitude_from_scpos(self, scpos): """Calculate altitude from the EIC. Will attempt to do the more complex calculation taking into account the shape of the Earth and the variable rotational velocity of the Earth. This requires having up-to-date IERS tables. If local tables are not up-to-date and astropy cannot query for a new table, will default to a simpler approximation (spherical Earth, constant rotational velocity). Args: scpos (np.array): The Earth inertial coordinates Returns: np.array: The altitudes """ try: _, alt = coords.latitude_from_geocentric_coords_complex(scpos) except: warn('Using simple spheroidal Earth approximation') _, alt = coords.latitude_from_geocentric_coords_simple(scpos) return alt def _angular_velocity_from_quaternion(self, times, quats): """Calculate angular velocity from changes in quaternion over time. This is accurate for small rotations over very short times. Args: times (np.array): Times in MET quats (np.array): Quaternions; one for each time Returns: np.array: The angular velocity """ dt = times[1:] - times[0:-1] dquat = quats[:, 1:] - quats[:, :-1] prod_quat = dquat for i in range(len(dt)): conj_quat = coords.quaternion_conj(quats[:, i]) prod_quat[:, i] = coords.quaternion_prod(conj_quat, dquat[:, i]) ang_vel = 2.0 / dt[np.newaxis, :] * prod_quat[0:3, :] ang_vel = np.append(ang_vel, ang_vel[:, -1:], axis=1) return ang_vel def _velocity_from_scpos(self, times, scpos): """Calculate velocity from changes in position over time. Args: times (np.array): Times in MET scpos (np.array): Positions of the spacecraft in Earth inertial coordinates Returns: np.array: The velocity """ dt = times[1:] - times[0:-1] dpos = scpos[:, 1:] - scpos[:, 0:-1] velocity = dpos / dt # copy last entry velocity = np.append(velocity, velocity[:, -1:], axis=1) return velocity def _lat_lon_from_scpos(self, times, scpos, complex=False): """Convert coordinates of the spacecraft in Earth inertial coordinates to latitude, East longitude, and altitude. Args: times (np.array): Times in MET scpos (np.array): Positions of the spacecraft in Earth inertial coordinates complex (bool, optional): If True, then uses the non-spherical Earth model and accurate Earth rotation model. Default is False; Earth is a sphere and the Earth rotation model is less accurate. GBM FSW uses the latter option. Returns: tuple - 3-tuple containing: - *np.array*: latitude - *np.array*: longitude - *np.array*: altitude """ if complex is False: lat, alt = coords.latitude_from_geocentric_coords_simple(scpos) else: lat, alt = coords.latitude_from_geocentric_coords_complex(scpos) try: lon = coords.longitude_from_geocentric_coords(scpos, times, ut1=complex) except: lon = coords.longitude_from_geocentric_coords(scpos, times, ut1=False) return (lat, lon, alt) def _geo_half_angle(self, altitudes): """Calculate the apparent angular radius of the Earth Args: altitudes (np.array): The altitude of Fermi Returns: np.array: The angular radius, in degrees """ r = 6371.0 * 1000.0 half_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(r / (r + altitudes))) return half_angle def _sun_visible_from_times(self, times): """Calculate the sun visibility mask from the MET Args: times (np.array): The METs Returns: np.array(dtype=bool): A boolean mask, where True indicates the sun \ is visible. """ sun = np.array(coords.get_sun_loc(times)) return self.location_visible(sun[0, :], sun[1, :], times)