Source code for

# GBM SCAT file class
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import numpy as np
import as fits
from . import headers as hdr
from gbm.time import Met
from .data import DataFile

[docs]class Parameter: """A fit parameter class Parameters: value (float): The central fit value uncert (float or 2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty. If a 2-tuple, then is of the form (low, high) name (str, optional): The name of the parameter units (str, optional): The units of the parameter support (2-tuple, optional): The valid support of the parameter Attributes: name (str): The name of the parameter support (2-tuple): The valid support of the parameter uncertainty (2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty units (str): The units of the parameter value (float): The central fit value """ def __init__(self, value, uncert, name='', units=None, support=(-np.inf, np.inf)): self._value = float(value) if isinstance(uncert, (tuple, list)): if len(uncert) == 2: pass elif len(uncert) == 1: uncert = (uncert[0], uncert[0]) else: raise ValueError('uncertainty must be a 1- or 2-tuple') elif isinstance(uncert, float): uncert = (uncert, uncert) else: raise TypeError('uncertainty must be a float or 1- or 2-tuple') self._uncert = uncert self._units = units self._name = name self._support = support @property def value(self): return self._value @property def uncertainty(self): return self._uncert @property def name(self): return self._name @property def units(self): return self._units @property def support(self): return self._support def __str__(self): value, uncertainty = self._str_format() if uncertainty[0] == uncertainty[1]: s = '+/- {0}'.format(uncertainty[0]) else: s = '+{0}/-{1}'.format(uncertainty[0], uncertainty[1]) if self.units is None: return '{0}: {1} {2}'.format(, value, s) else: return '{0}: {1} {2} {3}'.format(, value, s, self.units) def _str_format(self): if (self.value > 0.005) and (self.uncertainty[0] > 0.005): value = '{0:.2f}'.format(self.value) uncertainty = tuple( ['{0:.2f}'.format(u) for u in self.uncertainty]) else: value = '{0:.2e}'.format(self.value) val_coeff, val_exp = value.split('e') val_exp = int(val_exp) uncertainty = ['{0:.2e}'.format(u) for u in self.uncertainty] uncert_coeff = [] uncert_exp = [] for uncert in uncertainty: uncert_coeff.append(uncert.split('e')[0]) uncert_exp.append(int(uncert.split('e')[1])) return (value, uncertainty)
[docs] def valid_value(self): """Check if the parameter value is within the allowed parameter range """ if (self.value >=[0]) and \ (self.value <=[1]): return True else: return False
[docs] def one_sigma_range(self): """Return the 1 sigma range of the parameter fit """ return (self.value - self.uncertainty[0], self.value + self.uncertainty[1])
[docs] def to_fits_value(self): """Return as a tuple to be used for a FITS file Returns: (tuple): 2-value tuple (value, uncertainty) or 3-value tuple (value, +uncertainty, -uncertainty) """ return (self.value, *self.uncertainty[::-1])
class PhotonFlux(Parameter): """A photon flux. Inherits from :class:`Parameter`. Parameters: value (float): The central flux value uncert (float or 2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty energy_range (tuple): A 2-tuple (low, high) for the energy range Attributes: energy_range (tuple): The enery range (low, high) name (str): 'Photon Flux' support (2-tuple): (0.0, np.inf) uncertainty (2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty units (str): 'ph/cm^2/s' value (float): The central flux value """ def __init__(self, value, uncert, energy_range): super().__init__(value, uncert, name='Photon Flux', units='ph/cm^2/s', support=(0.0, np.inf)) self._energy_range = energy_range @property def energy_range(self): return self._energy_range class PhotonFluence(Parameter): """A photon fluence. Inherits from :class:`Parameter`. Parameters: value (float): The central fluence value uncert (float or 2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty energy_range (tuple): A 2-tuple (low, high) for the energy range Attributes: energy_range (tuple): The enery range (low, high) name (str): 'Photon Fluence' support (2-tuple): (0.0, np.inf) uncertainty (2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty units (str): 'ph/cm^2' value (float): The central fluence value """ def __init__(self, value, uncert, energy_range): super().__init__(value, uncert, name='Photon Fluence', units='ph/cm^2', support=(0.0, np.inf)) self._energy_range = energy_range @property def energy_range(self): return self._energy_range class EnergyFlux(Parameter): """An energy flux. Inherits from :class:`Parameter`. Parameters: value (float): The central flux value uncert (float or 2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty energy_range (tuple): A 2-tuple (low, high) for the energy range Attributes: energy_range (tuple): The enery range (low, high) name (str): 'Energy Flux' support (2-tuple): (0.0, np.inf) uncertainty (2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty units (str): 'erg/cm^2/s' value (float): The central flux value """ def __init__(self, value, uncert, energy_range): super().__init__(value, uncert, name='Energy Flux', units='erg/cm^2/s', support=(0.0, np.inf)) self._energy_range = energy_range @property def energy_range(self): return self._energy_range class EnergyFluence(Parameter): """An energy fluence. Inherits from :class:`Parameter`. Parameters: value (float): The central fluence value uncert (float or 2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty energy_range (tuple): A 2-tuple (low, high) for the energy range Attributes: energy_range (tuple): The enery range (low, high) name (str): 'Energy Fluence' support (2-tuple): (0.0, np.inf) uncertainty (2-tuple): The 1-sigma uncertainty units (str): 'erg/cm^2' value (float): The central fluence value """ def __init__(self, value, uncert, energy_range): super().__init__(value, uncert, name='Energy Fluence', units='erg/cm^2', support=(0.0, np.inf)) self._energy_range = energy_range @property def energy_range(self): return self._energy_range class ModelFit: """A container for the info from a model fit Parameters: name (str): The name of the model time_range (float, float): The time range of the model fit, (low, high) parameters (list, optional): A list of model parameters photon_flux (:class:`PhotonFlux`, optional): The photon flux energy_flux (:class:`EnergyFlux`, optional): The energy flux photon_fluence (:class:`PhotonFluence`, optional): The photon fluence energy_fluence (:class:`EnergyFluence`, optional): The energy fluence flux_energy_range (tuple, optional): The energy range of the flux and fluence, (low, high) stat_name (str, optional): The name of the fit statistic stat_value (float, optional): The fit statistic value dof (int, optional): The degrees-of-freedom of the fit covariance (np.array, optional): The covariance matrix of the fit Attributes: covariance (np.array): The covariance matrix of the fit dof (int): The degrees-of-freedom of the fit energy_fluence (:class:`EnergyFluence`): The energy fluence energy_flux (:class:`EnergyFlux``): The energy flux flux_energy_range (tuple): The energy range of the flux and fluence, (low, high) name (str): The name of the model parameters (list): A list of model parameters photon_fluence (:class:`PhotonFluence`): The photon fluence photon_flux (:class:`PhotonFlux`): The photon flux stat_name (str): The name of the fit statistic stat_value (float): The fit statistic value time_range (float, float): The time range of the model fit, (low, high) """ def __init__(self, name, time_range, **kwargs): self._name = str(name) if not isinstance(time_range, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError('time_range must be a 2-tuple') else: if len(time_range) != 2: raise ValueError('time_range must be a 2-tuple') self._time_range = time_range self._parameters = [] self._photon_flux = None self._energy_flux = None self._photon_fluence = None self._energy_fluence = None self._flux_energy_range = None self._stat_name = None self._stat_value = None self._dof = None self._covariance = None self._init_by_dict(kwargs) def __str__(self): param_str = '\n '.join([str(param) for param in self.parameters]) return '{0}\n {1}'.format(, param_str) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def time_range(self): return self._time_range @property def parameters(self): return self._parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, val): if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('parameters must be a list of parameters') for p in val: if not isinstance(p, Parameter): raise TypeError('parameters must be of Parameter type') self._parameters = val @property def photon_flux(self): return self._photon_flux @photon_flux.setter def photon_flux(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('photon_flux must be of Parameter type') self._photon_flux = val @property def energy_flux(self): return self._energy_flux @energy_flux.setter def energy_flux(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('energy_flux must be of Parameter type') self._energy_flux = val @property def photon_fluence(self): return self._photon_fluence @photon_fluence.setter def photon_fluence(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('photon_fluence must be of Parameter type') self._photon_fluence = val @property def energy_fluence(self): return self._energy_fluence @energy_fluence.setter def energy_fluence(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('energy_fluence must be of Parameter type') self._energy_fluence = val @property def flux_energy_range(self): return self._flux_energy_range @flux_energy_range.setter def flux_energy_range(self, val): if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError('flux_energy_range must be a 2-tuple') else: if len(val) != 2: raise ValueError('flux_energy_range must be a 2-tuple') self._flux_energy_range = val @property def stat_name(self): return self._stat_name @stat_name.setter def stat_name(self, val): self._stat_name = str(val) @property def stat_value(self): return self._stat_value @stat_value.setter def stat_value(self, val): try: float_val = float(val) except: raise TypeError('stat_value must be a float') self._stat_value = float_val @property def dof(self): return self._dof @dof.setter def dof(self, val): try: int_val = int(val) except: raise TypeError('dof must be an integer') self._dof = int_val @property def covariance(self): return self._covariance @covariance.setter def covariance(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('covariance must an array') if len(val.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('covariance must be a n x n array') if val.shape[0] != val.shape[1]: raise ValueError('covariance must be a n x n array') self._covariance = val def parameter_list(self): """Return the list of parameter names Returns: (list): The parameter names """ return [ for param in self.parameters] def to_fits_row(self): """Return the contained data as a FITS table row Returns: ( The FITS table """ numparams = len(self.parameters) cols = [] cols.append( fits.Column(name='TIMEBIN', format='2D', array=[self.time_range])) i = 0 for param in self.parameters: col = fits.Column(name='PARAM{0}'.format(i), format='3E', array=[param.to_fits_value()]) cols.append(col) i += 1 cols.append(fits.Column(name='PHTFLUX', format='3E', array=[self.photon_flux.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='PHTFLNC', format='3E', array=[self.photon_fluence.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='NRGFLUX', format='3E', array=[self.energy_flux.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='NRGFLNC', format='3E', array=[self.energy_fluence.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='REDCHSQ', format='2E', array=[self.stat_value / self.dof])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='CHSQDOF', format='1I', array=[self.dof])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='COVARMAT', format='{0}E'.format(numparams * numparams), dim='({0},{0})'.format(numparams), array=[self.covariance])) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name='FIT PARAMS') return hdu def _init_by_dict(self, values): for key, val in values.items(): try: p = getattr(self, '_'+key) if isinstance(p, property): getattr(self, key).__set__(self, val) else: self.__setattr__(key, val) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid attribute".format(key))
[docs]class GbmModelFit(ModelFit): """A container for the info from a model fit, with values used in the GBM SCAT files. Inherits from :class:`ModelFit`. Attributes: covariance (np.array): The covariance matrix of the fit dof (int): The degrees-of-freedom of the fit duration_fluence (:class:`EnergyFluence`): The energy fluence over the duration energy range, nominally 50-300 keV energy_fluence (:class:`EnergyFluence`): The energy fluence, nominally over 10-1000 keV energy_fluence_50_300 (:class:`EnergyFluence`): The energy fluence over 50-300 keV energy_flux (:class:`EnergyFlux`): The energy flux, nominally over 10-1000 keV flux_energy_range (tuple): The energy range of the flux and fluence, (low, high) name (str): The name of the model parameters (list): A list of model parameters photon_fluence (:class:`PhotonFluence`): The photon fluence, nominally over 10-1000 keV photon_flux (:class:`PhotonFlux`): The photon flux, nominally over 10-1000 keV photon_flux_50_300 (:class:`PhotonFlux`): The photon flux over 50-300 keV stat_name (str): The name of the fit statistic stat_value (float): The fit statistic value time_range (float, float): The time range of the model fit, (low, high) """ def __init__(self, name, time_range, **kwargs): self._photon_flux_50_300 = None self._energy_fluence_50_300 = None self._duration_fluence = None super().__init__(name, time_range, **kwargs) @property def photon_flux_50_300(self): return self._photon_flux_50_300 @photon_flux_50_300.setter def photon_flux_50_300(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('photon_flux_50_300 must be of Parameter type') self._photon_flux_50_300 = val @property def energy_fluence_50_300(self): return self._energy_fluence_50_300 @energy_fluence_50_300.setter def energy_fluence_50_300(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('energy_fluence_50_300 must be of Parameter type') self._energy_fluence_50_300 = val @property def duration_fluence(self): return self._duration_fluence @duration_fluence.setter def duration_fluence(self, val): if not isinstance(val, Parameter): raise TypeError('duration_fluence must be of Parameter type') self._duration_fluence = val
[docs] def to_fits_row(self): """Return the contained data as a FITS table row Returns: ( The FITS table """ numparams = len(self.parameters) cols = [] cols.append( fits.Column(name='TIMEBIN', format='2D', array=[self.time_range])) i = 0 for param in self.parameters: col = fits.Column(name='PARAM{0}'.format(i), format='3E', array=[param.to_fits_value()]) cols.append(col) i += 1 cols.append(fits.Column(name='PHTFLUX', format='3E', array=[self.photon_flux.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='PHTFLNC', format='3E', array=[self.photon_fluence.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='NRGFLUX', format='3E', array=[self.energy_flux.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='NRGFLNC', format='3E', array=[self.energy_fluence.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='PHTFLUXB', format='3E', array=[ self.photon_flux_50_300.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='NRGFLNCB', format='3E', array=[ self.energy_fluence_50_300.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='DURFLNC', format='3E', array=[self.duration_fluence.to_fits_value()])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='REDCHSQ', format='2E', array=[[self.stat_value / self.dof] * 2])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='CHSQDOF', format='1I', array=[self.dof])) cols.append(fits.Column(name='COVARMAT', format='{0}E'.format(numparams * numparams), dim='({0},{0})'.format(numparams), array=[self.covariance])) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name='FIT PARAMS') return hdu
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits_row(cls, fits_row, model_name, param_names=None, flux_range=(10.0, 1000.0), dur_range=(50.0, 300.0)): """Read a FITS row and return a :class:`GbmModelFit` object Returns: (:class:`GbmModelFit`) """ time_range = tuple(fits_row['TIMEBIN']) nparams = sum([1 for name in fits_row.array.dtype.names \ if 'PARAM' in name]) if param_names is None: param_names = ['']*nparams params = [] for i in range(nparams): param = fits_row['PARAM' + str(i)] params.append(Parameter(param[0], tuple(param[1:]), name=param_names[i])) pflux = PhotonFlux(fits_row['PHTFLUX'][0], tuple(fits_row['PHTFLUX'][1:]), flux_range) pflnc = PhotonFluence(fits_row['PHTFLNC'][0], tuple(fits_row['PHTFLNC'][1:]), flux_range) eflux = EnergyFlux(fits_row['NRGFLUX'][0], tuple(fits_row['NRGFLUX'][1:]), flux_range) eflnc = EnergyFluence(fits_row['NRGFLNC'][0], tuple(fits_row['NRGFLNC'][1:]), flux_range) pfluxb = PhotonFlux(fits_row['PHTFLUXB'][0], tuple(fits_row['PHTFLUXB'][1:]), (50.0, 300.0)) eflncb = EnergyFluence(fits_row['NRGFLNCB'][0], tuple(fits_row['NRGFLNCB'][1:]), (50.0, 300.0)) durflnc = PhotonFluence(fits_row['DURFLNC'][0], tuple(fits_row['DURFLNC'][1:]), dur_range) dof = fits_row['CHSQDOF'] # scat provides the [fit stat, chisq], while bcat is only the fit stat try: stat_val = fits_row['REDCHSQ'][0]*dof except: stat_val = fits_row['REDCHSQ']*dof covar = fits_row['COVARMAT'] obj = cls(model_name, time_range, parameters=params, photon_flux=pflux, photon_fluence=pflnc, energy_flux=eflux, energy_fluence=eflnc, flux_energy_range=flux_range, stat_value=stat_val, dof=dof, covariance=covar, photon_flux_50_300=pfluxb, energy_fluence_50_300=eflncb, duration_fluence=durflnc) return obj
[docs]class DetectorData(): """A container for detector info used in a fit Parameters: instrument (str): The name of the instrument detector (str): The name of the detector datatype (str): The name of the datatype filename (str): The filename of the data file numchans (int): Number of energy channels used active (bool, optional): True if the detector is used in the fit response (str, optional): The filename of the detector response time_range (tuple, optional): The time range of the data used energy_range (tuple, optional): The energy range of the data used channel_range (tuple, optional): The energy channel range of the data energy_edges (np.array, optional): The edges of the energy channels photon_counts (np.array, optional): The deconvolved photon counts for the detector photon_model (np.array, optional): The photon model for the detector photon_errors (np.array, optional): The deconvolved photon count errors for the detector Attributes: active (bool, optional): True if the detector is used in the fit channel_range = (int, int): The energy channel range of the data datatype (str): The name of the datatype detector (str): The name of the detector energy_edges (np.array): The edges of the energy channels energy_range (float, float): The energy range of the data used filename (str): The filename of the data file instrument (str): The name of the instrument numchans (int): Number of energy channels used photon_counts (np.array): The deconvolved photon counts for the detector photon_errors (np.array): The deconvolved photon count errors for the detector photon_model (np.array): The photon model for the detector response (str): The filename of the detector response time_range (float, float): The time range of the data used """ def __init__(self, instrument, detector, datatype, filename, numchans, **kwargs): self._instrument = instrument self._detector = detector self._datatype = datatype self._filename = filename self._numchans = int(numchans) self._active = True self._response = '' self._time_range = (None, None) self._energy_range = (None, None) self._channel_range = (None, None) self._channel_mask = None self._energy_edges = None self._photon_counts = None self._photon_model = None self._photon_errors = None self._init_by_dict(kwargs) # read-only @property def instrument(self): return self._instrument @property def detector(self): return self._detector @property def datatype(self): return self._datatype @property def filename(self): return self._filename @property def numchans(self): return self._numchans @property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, val): try: bool_val = bool(val) except: raise TypeError('active must be Boolean') self._active = bool_val @property def response(self): return self._response @response.setter def response(self, val): if not isinstance(val, str): raise TypeError('response filename must be a string') self._response = val @property def time_range(self): return self._time_range @time_range.setter def time_range(self, val): if not isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('time_range must be a 2-tuple') elif len(val) != 2: raise ValueError('time_range must be a 2-tuple') elif val[0] > val[1]: raise ValueError('time_range must be of form (low, high)') else: pass self._time_range = val @property def energy_range(self): return self._energy_range @energy_range.setter def energy_range(self, val): if not isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('energy_range must be a 2-tuple') elif len(val) != 2: raise ValueError('energy_range must be a 2-tuple') elif val[0] > val[1]: raise ValueError('energy_range must be of form (low, high)') else: pass self._energy_range = val @property def channel_range(self): return self._channel_range @channel_range.setter def channel_range(self, val): if not isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('channel_range must be a 2-tuple') elif len(val) != 2: raise ValueError('channel_range must be a 2-tuple') elif val[0] > val[1]: raise ValueError('channel_range must be of form (low, high)') else: pass self._channel_range = val @property def channel_mask(self): return self._channel_mask @channel_mask.setter def channel_mask(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('channel_mask must be an array') self._channel_mask = val.astype(bool) @property def energy_edges(self): return self._energy_edges @energy_edges.setter def energy_edges(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('energy_edges must be an array') self._energy_edges = val @property def photon_counts(self): return self._photon_counts @photon_counts.setter def photon_counts(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('photon_counts must be an array') self._photon_counts = val @property def photon_model(self): return self._photon_model @photon_model.setter def photon_model(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('photon_model must be an array') self._photon_model = val @property def photon_errors(self): return self._photon_errors @photon_errors.setter def photon_errors(self, val): if not isinstance(val, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('photon_errors must be an array') self._photon_errors = val
[docs] def to_fits_row(self): """Return the contained data as a FITS table row Returns: ( The FITS row """ numchans = len(self.energy_edges) e_dim = str(numchans) + 'E' p_dim = str(numchans - 1) + 'E' p_unit = 'Photon cm^-2 s^-1 keV^-1' fit_int = '{0}: {1} s, '.format(self.time_range[0], self.time_range[1]) fit_int += '{0}: {1} keV, '.format(self.energy_range[0], self.energy_range[1]) fit_int += 'channels {0}: {1}'.format(self.channel_range[0], self.channel_range[1]) col1 = fits.Column(name='INSTRUME', format='20A', array=[self.instrument]) col2 = fits.Column(name='DETNAM', format='20A', array=[self.detector]) col3 = fits.Column(name='DATATYPE', format='20A', array=[self.datatype]) col4 = fits.Column(name='DETSTAT', format='20A', array=['INCLUDED' if else 'OMITTED']) col5 = fits.Column(name='DATAFILE', format='60A', array=[self.filename]) col6 = fits.Column(name='RSPFILE', format='60A', array=[self.response]) col7 = fits.Column(name='FIT_INT', format='60A', array=[fit_int]) col8 = fits.Column(name='CHANNUM', format='1J', array=[numchans - 1]) col9 = fits.Column(name='FITCHAN', format='{}J'.format(numchans), array=[self.channel_mask]) col10 = fits.Column(name='E_EDGES', format=e_dim, unit='keV', array=[self.energy_edges]) col11 = fits.Column(name='PHTCNTS', format=p_dim, unit=p_unit, array=[self.photon_counts]) col12 = fits.Column(name='PHTMODL', format=p_dim, unit=p_unit, array=[self.photon_model]) col13 = fits.Column(name='PHTERRS', format=p_dim, unit=p_unit, array=[self.photon_errors]) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns( [col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12, col13], name='DETECTOR DATA') return hdu
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits_row(cls, fits_row): """Read a FITS row and return a DetectorData object Returns: (:class:`DetectorData`) """ instrument = fits_row['INSTRUME'] det = fits_row['DETNAM'] datatype = fits_row['DATATYPE'] if fits_row['DETSTAT'] == 'INCLUDED': active = True else: active = False datafile = fits_row['DATAFILE'] rspfile = fits_row['RSPFILE'] fit_ints = fits_row['FIT_INT'].split(' ') time_range = (float(fit_ints[0][:-1]), float(fit_ints[1])) energy_range = (float(fit_ints[3][:-1]), float(fit_ints[4])) channel_range = (int(fit_ints[8][:-1]), int(fit_ints[9])) numchans = fits_row['CHANNUM'] channel_mask = np.zeros(numchans, dtype=bool) channel_mask[fits_row['FITCHAN'][0]:fits_row['FITCHAN'][1]+1] = True energy_edges = fits_row['E_EDGES'] photon_counts = fits_row['PHTCNTS'] photon_model = fits_row['PHTMODL'] photon_errors = fits_row['PHTERRS'] obj = cls(instrument, det, datatype, datafile, numchans, active=active, response=rspfile, time_range=time_range, energy_range=energy_range, channel_range=channel_range, channel_mask=channel_mask, energy_edges=energy_edges, photon_counts=photon_counts, photon_model=photon_model, photon_errors=photon_errors) return obj
def _init_by_dict(self, values): for key, val in values.items(): try: p = getattr(self, '_'+key) if isinstance(p, property): getattr(self, key).__set__(self, val) else: self.__setattr__(key, val) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid attribute".format(key))
[docs]class Scat(DataFile): """A container class for the spectral fit data in an SCAT file Attributes: detectors (list): The :class:`DetectorData` objects used in the analysis headers (dict): The SCAT file headers model_fits (list): The :class:`GbmModelFit` objects, one for each model fit num_detectors (int): The number of detectors in the SCAT file num_fits (int): The number of model fits """ def __init__(self): self._detectors = [] self._model_fits = [] self._headers = {} @property def detectors(self): return self._detectors @property def model_fits(self): return self._model_fits @property def headers(self): return self._headers @property def num_detectors(self): return len(self.detectors) @property def num_fits(self): return len(self.model_fits)
[docs] def add_detector_data(self, detector_data): """Add a new detector to the Scat Args: detector_data (:class:`DetectorData`): The detector data """ if not isinstance(detector_data, DetectorData): raise TypeError("Can only add DetectorData objects") self._detectors.append(detector_data)
[docs] def add_model_fit(self, model_fit): """Add a new model fit to the Scat Args: model_fit (:class:`GbmModelFit`): The model fit data """ if not isinstance(model_fit, GbmModelFit): raise TypeError("Can only add GbmModelFit objects") self._model_fits.append(model_fit)
[docs] @classmethod def open(cls, filename): """Open a SCAT FITS file and create a Scat object Args: filename (str): The file to open Returns: (:class:`Scat`) """ obj = cls() obj._file_properties(filename) # open FITS file with as hdulist: for hdu in hdulist: obj._headers.update({ hdu.header}) # read the detector data HDU det_data = hdulist['DETECTOR DATA'].data for row in det_data: obj.add_detector_data(DetectorData.from_fits_row(row)) # read the fit params HDU fit_hdu = hdulist['FIT PARAMS'] obj._from_fitparam_hdu(fit_hdu) return obj
[docs] def write(self, directory, filename=None): """Write a Scat object to a FITS file Args: directory (str): The directory where the file is to be written filename (str, optional): The filename. If not set, a default filename will be used. """ raise NotImplementedError if (self.filename is None) and (filename is None): raise NameError('Filename not set') if filename is None: filename = self.filename_obj.basename() self.set_filename(filename, directory=directory) # initialize the FITS file hdulist = fits.HDUList() prihdr = self._primary_header() primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) primary_hdu.add_checksum() hdulist.append(primary_hdu) # construct the detector data extension det_hdu = None for detector in self._detectors: if det_hdu is None: det_hdu = detector.to_fits_row() else: = np.concatenate( (, detector.to_fits_row().data)) det_hdu.header = self._update_detector_hdr(det_hdu.header) det_hdu.add_checksum() hdulist.append(det_hdu) # construct the fit extension fit_hdu = None for fit in self._model_fits: if fit_hdu is None: fit_hdu = fit.to_fits_row() else: = np.concatenate( (, fit.to_fits_row().data)) fit_hdu.header = self._update_fitparam_hdr(fit_hdu.header) fit_hdu.add_checksum() hdulist.append(fit_hdu) # write out the file filename = directory + filename hdulist.writeto(self.filename, checksum=True, clobber=True)
def _from_fitparam_hdu(self, fit_hdu): fit_data = fit_hdr = fit_hdu.header nparams = fit_hdr['N_PARAM'] # find unique models in the event there are multiple components models = [fit_hdr.comments['TTYPE' + str(2 + i)].split(':')[0] for i in range(nparams)] model = '+'.join(list(set(models))) # the parameter names param_names = [ fit_hdr.comments['TTYPE' + str(2 + i)].split(':')[1].strip() for i in range(nparams)] # populate each model fit for row in fit_data: modelfit = GbmModelFit.from_fits_row(row, model, param_names=param_names) modelfit.stat_name = fit_hdr['STATISTC'] self.add_model_fit(modelfit) def _update_detector_hdr(self, det_hdr): det_hdr.comments['TTYPE1'] = 'Instrument name for this detector' det_hdr.comments[ 'TTYPE2'] = 'Detector number; if one of several available' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE3'] = 'Data type used for this analysis' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE4'] = 'Was this detector INCLUDED or OMITTED' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE5'] = 'Data file name for this dataset' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE6'] = 'Response file name for this dataset' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE7'] = 'Fit intervals' det_hdr.comments[ 'TTYPE8'] = 'Total number of energy channels for this detector' det_hdr.comments[ 'TTYPE9'] = 'Channels selected in fitting this detector' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE10'] = 'Energy edges for each selected detector' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE11'] = 'Array of photon counts data' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE12'] = 'Array of photon model data' det_hdr.comments['TTYPE13'] = 'Array of errors in photon counts data' det_hdr['NUMFITS'] = ( len(self._model_fits), 'Number of spectral fits in the data') prihdu = self._primary_header() keys = ['ORIGIN', 'TELESCOP', 'INSTRUME', 'OBSERVER', 'MJDREFI', 'MJDREFF', 'TIMESYS', 'TIMEUNIT', 'DATE-OBS', 'DATE-END', 'TSTART', 'TSTOP', 'TRIGTIME'] for key in keys: det_hdr[key] = (prihdu[key], prihdu.comments[key]) return det_hdr def _update_fitparam_hdr(self, fit_hdr): e_range = self._model_fits[0].flux_energy_range model_name = self._model_fits[0].name param_names = self._model_fits[0].parameter_list() numparams = len(param_names) statistic = self._model_fits[0].stat_name g_range = '({0}-{1} keV)'.format(e_range[0], e_range[1]) b_range = '(50-300 keV)' fit_hdr.comments['TTYPE1'] = 'Start and stop times relative to trigger' for i in range(numparams): colname = 'TTYPE{0}'.format(i + 2) fit_hdr.comments[colname] = '{0}: {1}'.format(model_name, param_names[i]) ttypes = ['TTYPE' + str(numparams + 2 + i) for i in range(10)] fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[0]] = 'Photon Flux (ph/s-cm^2) std energy ' + g_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[1]] = 'Photon Fluence (ph/cm^2) std energy ' + g_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[2]] = 'Energy Flux (erg/s-cm^2) std energy ' + g_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[3]] = 'Energy Fluence (erg/cm^2) std energy ' + g_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[4]] = 'Reduced Chi^2 (1) and fitting statistic (2)' fit_hdr.comments[ttypes[5]] = 'Degrees of Freedom' fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[6]] = 'Photon Flux (ph/s-cm^2) BATSE energy ' + b_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[7]] = 'Photon Fluence (ph/cm^2) for durations (user)' fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[8]] = 'Energy Fluence (erg/cm^2) BATSE energy ' + b_range fit_hdr.comments[ ttypes[9]] = 'Covariance matrix for the fir (N_PARAM^2)' fit_hdr['N_PARAM'] = ( numparams, 'Total number of fit parameters (PARAMn)') fit_hdr['FLU_LOW'] = ( e_range[0], 'Lower limit of flux/fluence integration (keV)') fit_hdr['FLU_HIGH'] = ( e_range[1], 'Upeer limit of flux/fluence integration (keV)') fit_hdr['STATISTC'] = ( statistic, 'Indicates merit function used for fitting') fit_hdr['NUMFITS'] = ( len(self._model_fits), 'Number of spectral fits in the data') prihdu = self._primary_header() keys = ['ORIGIN', 'TELESCOP', 'INSTRUME', 'OBSERVER', 'MJDREFI', 'MJDREFF', 'TIMESYS', 'TIMEUNIT', 'DATE-OBS', 'DATE-END', 'TSTART', 'TSTOP', 'TRIGTIME'] for key in keys: fit_hdr[key] = (prihdu[key], prihdu.comments[key]) return fit_hdr def _primary_header(self): # create standard GBM primary header filetype = 'SPECTRAL FITS' prihdr = hdr.primary(filetype=filetype, tstart=self.tstart, filename=self.filename_obj.basename(), tstop=self.tstop, trigtime=self.trigtime) # remove the keywords we don't need del prihdr['DETNAM'], prihdr['OBJECT'], prihdr['RA_OBJ'], \ prihdr['DEC_OBJ'], prihdr['ERR_RAD'], prihdr['INFILE01'] return prihdr