Source code for gbm.file

# Module containing GBM filenaming convention and operations
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import copy
import datetime
import os.path
import re

from .detectors import Detector
from .time import Met

[docs]class GbmFile: """Parse or construct a GBM standardized filename. Attributes: data_type (str): The datatype of the file detector (str): The detector with which the file is associated directory (str): The directory hosting the file extension (str): The filename extension meta (str): Additional metadata in the filename trigger (bool): True if the file is from a trigger. False otherwise uid (str): The unique id of the file version (int): The version number of the file """ REGEX_PATTERN = r'^glg_(?P<data_type>.+)_(?P<detector>[bn][0-9ab]|all)_(?P<trigger>(?:bn)?)(?P<uid>(?:\d{9}|\d{6}' \ r'_\d\dz|\d{6}))(?P<meta>(?:_.+)?)_v(?P<version>\d\d)\.(?P<extension>.+)$' def __init__(self): = '' self.trigger = False self.data_type = None self._detector = None self.uid = None self.meta = None self.version = 0 self.extension = 'fit' def _init_by_dict(self, values): for key, val in values.items(): # handle properties differently try: p = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(p, property): p.__set__(self, val) else: self.__setattr__(key, val) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("{} is not a valid attribute.".format(key)) @property def detector(self): if not self._detector: return 'all' return self._detector @detector.setter def detector(self, value): if value == 'all': self._detector = None elif isinstance(value, Detector): self._detector = value else: if isinstance(value, str): d = Detector.from_str(value) self._detector = d if d else value elif isinstance(value, int): d = Detector.from_num(value) if d: self._detector = d else: raise ValueError("Invalid detector value")
[docs] def version_str(self): """Return the file version number as a string Returns: str: The file version """ if isinstance(self.version, int): v = "{:02d}".format(self.version) else: v = self.version return v
[docs] def basename(self): """The file basename Returns: str: The file basename """ if self.trigger: u = 'bn' + self.uid else: u = self.uid if self.meta: return str.format("glg_{}_{}_{}{}_v{}.{}", self.data_type, self.detector, u, self.meta, self.version_str(), self.extension) return str.format("glg_{}_{}_{}_v{}.{}", self.data_type, self.detector, u, self.version_str(), self.extension)
[docs] def path(self): """The file path Returns: str: The path """ return os.path.join(, self.basename())
def __str__(self): return self.path() def __repr__(self): return self.path()
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs): """Create a GbmFile from keywords Args: **kwargs: The properties of a GbmFile Returns: :class:`GbmFile`: The new filename object """ obj = cls() obj._init_by_dict(kwargs) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path): """Create a GbmFile from parsing a filename Args: path (str): A filename path Returns: :class:`GbmFile`: The new filename object """ m = re.match(cls.REGEX_PATTERN, os.path.basename(path), re.I | re.S) result = None if m: result = cls.create(**m.groupdict()) = os.path.dirname(path) return result
[docs] def detector_list(self): """Generate a list of GbmFile objects, one for each GBM detector Returns: list of :class:`GbmFile`: The new filename objects """ result = [] for d in Detector: x = copy.copy(self) x.detector = d result.append(x) return result
[docs] @classmethod def list_from_paths(cls, path_list, unknown=None): """Create a many GbmFiles from a list of filepaths Args: path_list (list of str): List of filepaths Returns: list of :class:`GbmFile`: The new filename object(s) """ result = [] for p in path_list: f = GbmFile.from_path(p) if f: result.append(f) else: if unknown is not None: unknown.append(p) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized file name') return result
[docs]def scan_dir(path, hidden=False, recursive=False, absolute=False, regex=None): """ Scans the given directory for files. Args: path (str): The root directory to scan. hidden (bool, optional): Set True if you want to include hidden files. recursive (bool, optional): Set True if you want to scan subdirectories within the given path. absolute (bool, optional): Set true if you want the absolute path of each file returned. regex (str): Set if you want to only return files matching the given regular expression. Yields: str: Full path to a file for each iteration. """ for f in os.listdir(path): if not hidden: if f.startswith('.'): continue file_path = os.path.join(path, f) if absolute: file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) if os.path.isfile(file_path): if regex and, f) is None: continue yield file_path elif recursive: yield from scan_dir(file_path, hidden, recursive, absolute, regex)
[docs]def all_exists(file_list, parent_dir=None): """ Do all the files in the list exist in the filesystem? Args: file_list (list of str): List of file names to check parent_dir (str, optional): parent directory Returns: bool: True if all files exist """ if not file_list: return False for f in file_list: if parent_dir is not None: path = os.path.join(parent_dir, f.basename()) else: path = str(f) if not os.path.exists(path): return False return True
[docs]def has_detector(file_list, detector): """ Does the file list contain a file for the given detector? Args: file_list (list of str): List of file names detector (str): Detector being searched Returns: bool: True if the list of file names includes the given detector """ for f in file_list: if f.detector == detector: return True return False
[docs]def is_complete(file_list): """ Does the file list contain a file for every detector? Args: file_list (list of str): List of files that represent a detector set Returns: bool: True if the file list contains a file for every detector """ for d in Detector: if not has_detector(file_list, d): return False return True
[docs]def max_version(file_list): """ Returns the maximum _version of file name in the given list Args: file_list (list of str): list of file names Returns: int: Largest _version number in the list """ result = None for f in file_list: try: v = int(f.version) if result is None or v > result: result = v except ValueError: pass return result
[docs]def min_version(file_list): """ Returns the minimum _version of file name in the given list Args: file_list (list of str): list of file names Returns: int: Smallest _version number in the list """ result = None for f in file_list: try: v = int(f.version) if result is None or v < result: result = v except ValueError: pass return result
def ymd_path(base, name): if isinstance(name, str) or isinstance(name, GbmFile): v = name if isinstance(name, str) else name.basename() m = re.match(r'.*_(?:(?:bn)?)(\d{6})(?:(\d{3})|(_\d\d)?)_.*', v, re.I | re.S) if m: d = datetime.datetime.strptime(, "%y%m%d") return os.path.join(base, d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), os.path.basename(name)) elif isinstance(name, Met): return os.path.join(base, name.datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) elif isinstance(name, datetime.datetime) or isinstance(name, return os.path.join(base, name.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) raise ValueError("Can't parse a YMD value")