Source code for gbm.plot.spectrum

# Plot class for count spectra
#     Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
#              Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
#              Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
#     Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
#     Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
#     All rights reserved.
#     Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details.
#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#     along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from .gbmplot import GbmPlot, Histo, HistoErrorbars, HistoFilled, \
from .lib import *

[docs]class Spectrum(GbmPlot): """Class for plotting count spectra and count spectra paraphernalia. Parameters: data (:class:``, optional): The count spectrum data to plot background (:class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundSpectrum`, optional): The background spectrum to plot **kwargs: Options to pass to :class:`~.gbmplot.GbmPlot` Attributes: ax (:class:`matplotlib.axes`): The matplotlib axes object for the plot background (:class:`~.gbmplot.SpectrumBackground`): The count spectrum background plot element canvas (Canvas Backend object): The plotting canvas, if set upon initialization. errorbars (:class:`~.gbmplot.HistoErrorbars`): The error bars plot element fig (:class:`matplotlib.figure`): The matplotlib figure object selections (:class:`~.gbmplot.HistoFilled`): The count spectrum selection plot element spectrum (:class:`~.gbmplot.Histo`): The count spectrum plot element xlim (float, float): The plotting range of the x axis. This attribute can be set. xscale (str): The scale of the x axis, either 'linear' or 'log'. This attribute can be set. ylim (float, float): The plotting range of the y axis. This attribute can be set. yscale (str): The scale of the y axis, either 'linear' or 'log'. This attribute can be set. """ def __init__(self, data=None, background=None, canvas=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(canvas=canvas, **kwargs) self._spec = None self._errorbars = None self._bkgd = None self._selections = [] # initialize the plot axes, labels, ticks, and scales self._ax.set_xlabel('Energy (keV)', fontsize=PLOTFONTSIZE) self._ax.set_ylabel('Rate (count/s-keV)', fontsize=PLOTFONTSIZE) self._ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=PLOTFONTSIZE) self._ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=PLOTFONTSIZE) self._ax.set_xscale('log') self._ax.set_yscale('log') # plot data and/or background if set on init if data is not None: self.set_data(data) if background is not None: self.set_background(background) @property def spectrum(self): return self._spec @property def errorbars(self): return self._errorbars @property def background(self): return self._bkgd @property def selections(self): return self._selections
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """Set the count spectrum plotting data. If a count spectrum already exists, this triggers a replot of the count spectrum. Args: data (:class:``): The count spectrum data to plot """ spec_color, spec_alpha, spec_kwargs = self._spec_settings() self._spec = Histo(data, self._ax, color=spec_color, alpha=spec_alpha, **spec_kwargs) eb_color, eb_alpha, eb_kwargs = self._eb_settings() self._errorbars = HistoErrorbars(data, self._ax, color=eb_color, alpha=eb_alpha, **eb_kwargs) self._ax.set_xlim(data.range) mask = (data.rates > 0.0) self._ax.set_ylim(0.9 * np.min(data.rates[mask]), 1.1 * np.max(data.rates))
[docs] def add_selection(self, data): """Add a selection to the plot. This adds a new selection to a list of existing selections. Args: data (:class:``): The count spectrum data selections to plot """ color, alpha, kwargs = self._selection_settings() select = HistoFilled(data, self._ax, color=color, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) self._selections.append(select)
[docs] def set_background(self, background): """Set the background plotting data. If a background already exists, this triggers a replot of the background. Args: background (:class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundSpectrum`): The background spectrum to plot """ color, cent_color, err_color, alpha, cent_alpha, err_alpha, \ kwargs = self._bkgd_settings() self._bkgd = SpectrumBackground(background, self._ax, color=color, cent_color=cent_color, err_color=err_color, alpha=alpha, cent_alpha=BKGD_ALPHA, err_alpha=BKGD_ERROR_ALPHA)
[docs] def remove_data(self): """Remove the count spectrum from the plot. """ self._spec.remove() self._spec = None
[docs] def remove_errorbars(self): """Remove the count spectrum errorbars from the plot. """ self._errorbars.remove() self._errorbars = None
[docs] def remove_background(self): """Remove the background from the plot. """ self._bkgd.remove() self._bkgd = None
[docs] def remove_selections(self): """Remove the selections from the plot. """ [selection.remove() for selection in self._selections] self._selections = []
def _spec_settings(self): """The default settings for the count spectrum. If a count spectrum already exists, use its settings instead. """ if self._spec is None: spec_color = DATA_COLOR spec_alpha = None spec_kwargs = {} else: spec_color = self._spec.color spec_alpha = self._spec.alpha spec_kwargs = self._spec._kwargs return (spec_color, spec_alpha, spec_kwargs) def _eb_settings(self): """The default settings for the errorbars. If a lightcurve already exists, use its errorbars settings instead. """ if self._errorbars is None: eb_color = DATA_ERROR_COLOR eb_alpha = DATA_ERROR_ALPHA eb_kwargs = {} else: eb_color = self._errorbars.color eb_alpha = self._errorbars.alpha eb_kwargs = self._errorbars._kwargs return (eb_color, eb_alpha, eb_kwargs) def _bkgd_settings(self): """The default settings for the background. If a background already exists, use its settings instead. """ if self._bkgd is None: color = BKGD_COLOR cent_color = None err_color = None alpha = None cent_alpha = BKGD_ALPHA err_alpha = BKGD_ERROR_ALPHA kwargs = {'linewidth': BKGD_WIDTH} else: color = self._bkgd.color cent_color = self._bkgd.cent_color err_color = self._bkgd.err_color alpha = self._bkgd.alpha cent_alpha = self._bkgd.cent_alpha err_alpha = self._bkgd.err_alpha kwargs = self._bkgd._kwargs return color, cent_color, err_color, alpha, cent_alpha, err_alpha, kwargs def _selection_settings(self): """The default settings for a selection. If a selection already exists, use its settings instead. """ if len(self._selections) == 0: color = DATA_SELECTED_COLOR alpha = DATA_SELECTED_ALPHA kwargs = {} else: color = self._selections[0].color alpha = self._selections[0].alpha kwargs = self._selections[0]._kwargs return color, alpha, kwargs