.. _api-background: Background Estimation Module ============================ The classes in `gbm.background` are standard background estimation classes available to fit time history background for pre-binned and unbinned data. Fitter Interface ---------------- These fitting classes are plugins for :class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundFitter`, which outputs a :class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundRates` object that can be integrated in time to produce a :class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundSpectrum`, which is a background spectrum. BackgroundFitter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gbm.background.BackgroundFitter :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ---- BackgroundRates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gbm.background.BackgroundRates :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ---- BackgroundSpectrum ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gbm.background.BackgroundSpectrum :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ---- For Pre-Binned Data ------------------- To be used for fitting the background of pre-binned data. Polynomial ^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gbm.background.binned.Polynomial :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ---- For Unbinned Data ----------------- To be used for fitting the background of unbinned data. NaivePoisson ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: gbm.background.unbinned.NaivePoisson :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ----