.. _api-utils: Utilities ================= Several useful utilities used throughout the various Data Tools modules Coordinate/Geometry ------------------- The following functions in ``gbm.coords`` are used in various coordinate transforms and geometry calculations. .. automodule:: gbm.coords :members: ---- Detector Definitions -------------------- The class in ``gbm.detector`` contains the GBM Detector parameters. .. autoclass:: gbm.detectors.Detector :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: B0, B1, N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, NA, NB, pointing, short_name ---- Filenaming ---------- The class in ``gbm.file`` contains the standardized definitions for the GBM file naming scheme and other associated utilities .. automodule:: gbm.file :members: ---- Time Conversions ---------------- The class in ``gbm.time`` contains Fermi MET time definition, a class for time conversions to and from Fermi MET and other time utilities. .. automodule:: gbm.time :show-inheritance: :members: :inherited-members: ----