.. _v1.0.3: v1.0.3 ====== Data Module ----------- * TZERO keyword properly updated to TTE/CTIME/CSPEC file headers * Fixed GBM detector naming in FITS headers * Fixed automatic naming of GBM files * Fixed incorrect header keywords in :class:`~gbm.data.RSP` files written to disk * PHA files :meth:`written ` to disk now include option to add BAK filename for use with XSPEC * Fixed HEALPix ``nside`` update during map :meth:`~gbm.data.HealPix.multiply()` * Stability and efficiency improvements in :meth:`HealPix.from_annulus() ` * Auto-scale HealPix resolution based on input sigma for :meth:`HealPix.from_gaussian() ` and :meth:`HealPix.from_annulus() `. Can be over-ridden. * :meth:`GbmHealPix.remove_earth() ` is now properly treated as a class method * :meth:`GbmHealPix.multiply() ` populates the ``._pointing`` attributes ---- Background Estimation Module ---------------------------- * Fixed summation over multiple :class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundSpectrum` * Fixed incorrect ``counts`` and ``count_uncertainty`` array shapes for :class:`~gbm.background.BackgroundRates` when integrating over energy ---- Spectra Module -------------- * Stability improvements to :class:`~gbm.spectra.fitting.SpectralFitterPgstat` * Added :class:`~gbm.spectra.fitting.SpectralFitterCstat` and :class:`~gbm.spectra.fitting.SpectralFitterPstat` ---- Simulations Module ------------------ * Fix for possible negative amplitude in :class:`~gbm.simulate.generators.VariableSourceSpectrumGenerator` ---- Plotting Module --------------- * :class:`~gbm.plot.SkyPlot` HEALpix grid resolution updates based on input :class:`~gbm.data.HealPix` resolution ---- Data Finders ------------ * :class:`~gbm.finder.TriggerFtp` and :class:`~gbm.finder.ContinuousFtp` will reconnect on broken connection instead of raising an unhelpful exception ---- Documentation ------------- * Minor updates to existing Notebooks and API documentation resulting from the above changes