.. _v1.1.1: v1.1.1 ====== Installation ------------ * Basemap no longer attempts to download and install if not using the [basemap] option. ---- Background Module ----------------- * Fixed an issue where background rate data can be inadvertently updated after initialization. Data Module ----------- * Fixed a bug in :meth:`~gbm.data.RSP.rebin` that results in an incorrect EBOUNDS. * Fixed the GTI values in :class:`~gbm.data.pha.PHA` and :class:`~gbm.data.pha.BAK` when a trigger time is set. * Fixed an import issue by updating to relative import calls. ---- Simulations Module ------------------ * Small speed up in :class:`~gbm.simulate.generators.EventSpectrumGenerator` by not sorting TTE arrival time differences. * Fixed some import issues by updating to relative import calls. ---- Spectra Module -------------- * Fixed bug in model variance calculation * Fixed bug in how asymmetric errors are calculated near parameter bounds * Made asymmetric error calculation more robust ---- Plotting Module --------------- * Removed forced plotting of errorbars for selections in :class:`~gbm.plot.Lightcurve` and :class:`~gbm.plot.Spectrum` ---- Utilities ---------- * Updated the HEASARC FTP server name since 'legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov' was abruptly terminated without notice. * Added :meth:`gbm.finder.TriggerFtp.get_healpix` to only download the localization HEALPix files. ---- Documentation ------------- * Updates to existing API documentation resulting from the above changes