# coords.py: Module containing coordinate conversion functions
# Authors: William Cleveland (USRA),
# Adam Goldstein (USRA) and
# Daniel Kocevski (NASA)
# Portions of the code are Copyright 2020 William Cleveland and
# Adam Goldstein, Universities Space Research Association
# All rights reserved.
# Written for the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (Fermi-GBM)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import astropy.coordinates as coordinates
import astropy.time
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.data import download_file
from astropy.utils.iers import IERS_A, IERS_A_URL
from .time import TimeFermiSec
[docs]def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, deg=True):
"""Calculates the angular separation between two points using the
haversine equation. If degrees are passed, degrees are returned. else
the input/output is assumed to be radians.
lon -> azimuth
lat -> zenith
lon1 (float): lon/az of first point
lat1 (float): lat/zen of first point
lon2 (float): lon/az of second point
lat2 (float): lat/zen of second point
deg (bool, optional): True if input/output in degrees.
float: Angular separation between points
if deg:
lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(np.deg2rad, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
d_lat = 0.5 * (lat2 - lat1)
d_lon = 0.5 * (lon2 - lon1)
a = np.sin(d_lat) ** 2 + (np.sin(d_lon) ** 2 * np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2))
alpha = 2. * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1.0 - a))
if deg:
alpha = np.rad2deg(alpha)
return alpha
[docs]def azzen_to_cartesian(az, zen, deg=True):
"""Convert spacecraft azimuth/zenith to Cartesian coordinates
az (float or np.array): Spacecraft azimuth
zen (float or np.array): Spacecraft zenith
deg (bool, optional): True (default) if input is in degrees,
otherwise input is radians
np.array: 3-element Cartesian coordinate
if deg:
az = np.deg2rad(az)
zen = np.deg2rad(zen)
sinZen = np.sin(zen)
return np.array(
[sinZen * np.cos(az), sinZen * np.sin(az), np.cos(zen)])
[docs]def radec_to_cartesian(ra, dec, deg=True):
"""Convert RA/Dec to Cartesian coordinates
ra (float or np.array): Right Ascension
dec (float or np.array): Declination
deg (bool, optional): True (default) if input is in degrees,
otherwise input is radians
np.array: 3-element Cartesian coordinate
if deg:
ra = np.deg2rad(ra)
dec = np.deg2rad(dec)
return np.array(
[np.cos(dec) * np.cos(ra), np.cos(dec) * np.sin(ra), np.sin(dec)])
[docs]def quaternion_conj(quat):
"""Calculate conjugate of quaternion
GBM quaternions are defined with the last element as the scalar value
quat (np.array): 4-element quaternion
np.array: quaternion conjugate
cquat = np.copy(quat)
cquat[0:3] = -cquat[0:3]
return cquat
[docs]def quaternion_inv(quat):
"""Calculate inverse of quaternion
GBM quaternions are defined with the last element as the scalar value
quat (np.array): 4-element quaternion
np.array: quaternion inverse
cquat = quaternion_conj(quat)
iquat = cquat / np.sum(quat ** 2)
return iquat
[docs]def quaternion_prod(quat1, quat2):
"""Calculate product of two quaternions
GBM quaternions are defined with the last element as the scalar value
quat1 (np.array): 4-element quaternion
quat2 (np.array): 4-element quaternion
np.array: product of the quaternions
q = np.copy(quat1)
r = np.copy(quat2)
q[0] = quat1[3]
q[1:] = quat1[0:3]
r[0] = quat2[3]
r[1:] = quat2[0:3]
t = np.copy(quat1)
t[0] = r[0] * q[0] - r[1] * q[1] - r[2] * q[2] - r[3] * q[3]
t[1] = r[0] * q[1] + r[1] * q[0] - r[2] * q[3] + r[3] * q[2]
t[2] = r[0] * q[2] + r[1] * q[3] + r[2] * q[0] - r[3] * q[1]
t[3] = r[0] * q[3] - r[1] * q[2] + r[2] * q[1] + r[3] * q[0]
quatprod = np.copy(t)
quatprod[3] = t[0]
quatprod[0:3] = t[1:]
return quatprod
[docs]def spacecraft_direction_cosines(quat):
"""Convert `n` spacecraft quaternions to direction cosine matrix
quat (np.array): (4, `n`) element array of quaternions
np.array: (3,3, `n`) array containing the spacecraft direction cosines
n_elements = quat.shape[0]
if n_elements != 4:
raise ValueError(
'Quaternion must have 4 elements, {0} given'.format(n_elements))
ndim = len(quat.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numquats = quat.shape[1]
numquats = 1
quat /= np.linalg.norm(quat, axis=0)
sc_cosines = np.zeros((3, 3, numquats), dtype=float)
sc_cosines[0, 0, np.newaxis] = (
quat[0, np.newaxis] ** 2 - quat[1, np.newaxis] ** 2 - quat[
2, np.newaxis] ** 2 +
quat[3, np.newaxis] ** 2)
sc_cosines[1, 0, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[0, np.newaxis] * quat[1, np.newaxis] + quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[2, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[2, 0, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[0, np.newaxis] * quat[2, np.newaxis] - quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[1, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[0, 1, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[0, np.newaxis] * quat[1, np.newaxis] - quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[2, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[1, 1, np.newaxis] = (
-quat[0, np.newaxis] ** 2 + quat[1, np.newaxis] ** 2 - quat[
2, np.newaxis] ** 2 +
quat[3, np.newaxis] ** 2)
sc_cosines[2, 1, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[1, np.newaxis] * quat[2, np.newaxis] + quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[0, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[0, 2, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[0, np.newaxis] * quat[2, np.newaxis] + quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[1, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[1, 2, np.newaxis] = 2.0 * (
quat[1, np.newaxis] * quat[2, np.newaxis] - quat[
3, np.newaxis] *
quat[0, np.newaxis])
sc_cosines[2, 2, np.newaxis] = (
-quat[0, np.newaxis] ** 2 - quat[1, np.newaxis] ** 2 + quat[
2, np.newaxis] ** 2 +
quat[3, np.newaxis] ** 2)
return np.squeeze(sc_cosines)
[docs]def geocenter_direction_cosines(gz, az, zen, deg=True):
"""Create `n` geocenter direction cosine matrix(es) for a position or
positions in spacecraft coordinates
gz (np.array): Geocenter vector in spacecraft Cartesian coordinates
az (float or np.array): The azimuth location of positions in spacecraft
zen (float or np.array): The zenith location of positions in spacecraft
deg (bool, optional): If True, the input is in degrees. Default is True.
np.array: (3,3, `n`) array containing the geocenter direction cosines \
for each point
numpts = len(az)
az = np.asarray([az])
zen = np.asarray([zen])
numpts = len(az)
geo_cosines = np.zeros((3, 3, numpts), dtype=float)
# the vector from the source position to the geocenter defines our frame.
# specifically, the source->geocenter vector is our z-axis
# geocenter vector in cartesian sc coordinates
# gz = azzen_to_cartesian(geo_az, geo_zen)
gz /= np.linalg.norm(gz) # np.sqrt(np.sum(gz**2))
# source vector in cartesian sc coordinates
sl = azzen_to_cartesian(az, zen)
sl /= np.linalg.norm(sl, axis=0)
# y-axis of our frame new frame
gy = np.array([gz[1] * sl[2, :] - gz[2] * sl[1, :],
gz[2] * sl[0, :] - gz[0] * sl[2, :],
gz[0] * sl[1, :] - gz[1] * sl[0, :]])
gy /= np.linalg.norm(gy, axis=0)
# x-axis of our new frame
gx = np.array([gy[1, :] * gz[2] - gy[2, :] * gz[1],
gy[2, :] * gz[0] - gy[0, :] * gz[2],
gy[0, :] * gz[1] - gy[1, :] * gz[0]])
gx /= np.linalg.norm(gx, axis=0)
# complete direction cosine matrix
geo_cosines[0, :, :] = gx
geo_cosines[1, :, :] = gy
geo_cosines[2, :, :] = gz[:, np.newaxis]
return np.squeeze(geo_cosines)
[docs]def geocenter_to_spacecraft(phi, theta, geo_cosines):
"""Convert `n` points from geocenter frame to spacecraft frame
phi (float or np.array): The azimuthal location of positions in
geocentric coordinates
theta (float or np.array): The polar location of positions in
geocentric coordinates
geo_cosines (np.array): (3,3) array containing the direction cosines
(np.array, np.array): Azimuth and zenith positions in the spacecraft frame
numpts = len(phi)
phi = np.asarray([phi])
theta = np.asarray([theta])
numpts = len(phi)
# spherical coordinate vector in cartesian coordinates
a = azzen_to_cartesian(phi, theta)
gx = geo_cosines[0, :]
gy = geo_cosines[1, :]
gz = geo_cosines[2, :]
# the cartesian vector rotated into the spacecraft frame
dir = [a[0, :] * gx[0] + a[1, :] * gy[0] + a[2, :] * gz[0],
a[0, :] * gx[1] + a[1, :] * gy[1] + a[2, :] * gz[1],
a[0, :] * gx[2] + a[1, :] * gy[2] + a[2, :] * gz[2]]
dir = -np.array(dir)
dir /= np.linalg.norm(dir, axis=0)
# convert cartesian vector to az/zen
az = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(dir[1, :], dir[0, :]))
az[az < 0.0] += 360.0
zen = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(dir[2, :]))
return (np.squeeze(az), np.squeeze(zen), np.squeeze(dir))
[docs]def geocenter_in_radec(coord):
"""Calculate the location of the Earth center RA and Dec
coord (np.array): (3, `n`) array containing Geocentric cartesian
coordinates in meters
(np.array, np.array): RA and Dec of Earth center as viewed by \
Fermi in degrees
unit_vec = -coord / np.linalg.norm(-coord, axis=0)
dec = np.pi / 2.0 - np.arccos(unit_vec[2, np.newaxis])
ra = np.arctan2(unit_vec[1, np.newaxis], unit_vec[0, np.newaxis])
ra[ra < 0.0] += 2.0 * np.pi
return np.squeeze(np.rad2deg(ra)), np.squeeze(np.rad2deg(dec))
[docs]def spacecraft_to_radec(az, zen, quat, deg=True):
"""Convert a position in spacecraft coordinates (Az/Zen) to J2000 RA/Dec
The options for input for this function are as follows:
* a single Az/Zen position and multiple attitude transforms
* multiple Az/Zen positions and a single attitude transform
* multiple Az/Zen positions each with a corresponding attitude transform
az (float or np.array): Spacecraft azimuth
zen (float or np.array): Spacecraft zenith
quat (np.array): (4, `n`) spacecraft attitude quaternion array
deg (bool, optional): True if input/output in degrees.
(np.array, np.array): RA and Dec of the transformed position
ndim = len(quat.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numquats = quat.shape[1]
numquats = 1
# convert az/zen to cartesian coordinates
pos = azzen_to_cartesian(az, zen, deg=deg)
ndim = len(pos.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numpos = pos.shape[1]
numpos = 1
# spacecraft direction cosine matrix
sc_cosines = spacecraft_direction_cosines(quat)
# can do one sky position over many transforms, many sky positions over one
# transform, or a transform for each sky position
if (numpos == 1) & (numquats > 1):
pos = np.repeat(pos, numquats).reshape(3, -1)
numdo = numquats
elif (numpos > 1) & (numquats == 1):
sc_cosines = np.repeat(sc_cosines, numpos).reshape(3, 3, -1)
numdo = numpos
elif numpos == numquats:
numdo = numpos
if numdo == 1:
sc_cosines = sc_cosines[:, :, np.newaxis]
pos = pos[:, np.newaxis]
raise ValueError(
'If the size of az/zen coordinates is > 1 AND the sizeof quaternions is > 1, then they must be of same size'
# convert numpy arrays to list of arrays for vectorized calculations
sc_cosines_list = np.squeeze(np.split(sc_cosines, numdo, axis=2))
pos_list = np.squeeze(np.split(pos, numdo, axis=1))
if numdo == 1:
sc_cosines_list = [sc_cosines_list]
pos_list = [pos_list]
# convert position to J2000 frame
cartesian_pos = np.array(list(map(np.dot, sc_cosines_list, pos_list))).T
cartesian_pos[2, (cartesian_pos[2, np.newaxis] < -1.0).reshape(-1)] = -1.0
cartesian_pos[2, (cartesian_pos[2, np.newaxis] > 1.0).reshape(-1)] = 1.0
# transform cartesian position to RA/Dec in J2000 frame
dec = np.arcsin(cartesian_pos[2, np.newaxis])
ra = np.arctan2(cartesian_pos[1, np.newaxis], cartesian_pos[0, np.newaxis])
ra[(np.abs(cartesian_pos[1, np.newaxis]) < 1e-6) & (
np.abs(cartesian_pos[0, np.newaxis]) < 1e-6)] = 0.0
ra[ra < 0.0] += 2.0 * np.pi
if deg:
ra = np.rad2deg(ra)
dec = np.rad2deg(dec)
return np.squeeze(ra), np.squeeze(dec)
[docs]def radec_to_spacecraft(ra, dec, quat, deg=True):
"""Convert a position in J2000 RA/Dec to spacecraft coordinates (Az/Zen).
The options for input for this function are as follows:
* a single RA/Dec position and multiple attitude transforms
* multiple RA/Dec positions and a single attitude transform
* multiple RA/Dec positions each with a corresponding attitude transform
ra (float or np.array): Right Ascension
dec (float or np.array): Declination
quat (np.array): (4, `n`) spacecraft attitude quaternion array
deg (bool, optional): True if input/output in degrees.
(np.array, np.array): Spacecraft azimuth and zenith of the transformed \
ndim = len(quat.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numquats = quat.shape[1]
numquats = 1
# convert az/zen to cartesian coordinates
pos = radec_to_cartesian(ra, dec, deg=deg)
ndim = len(pos.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numpos = pos.shape[1]
numpos = 1
# spacecraft direction cosine matrix
sc_cosines = spacecraft_direction_cosines(quat)
# can do one sky position over many transforms, many sky positions over one
# transform, or a transform for each sky position
if (numpos == 1) & (numquats > 1):
pos = np.repeat(pos, numquats).reshape(3, -1)
numdo = numquats
elif (numpos > 1) & (numquats == 1):
sc_cosines = np.repeat(sc_cosines, numpos).reshape(3, 3, -1)
numdo = numpos
elif numpos == numquats:
numdo = numpos
if numdo == 1:
sc_cosines = sc_cosines[:, :, np.newaxis]
pos = pos[:, np.newaxis]
raise ValueError(
'If the size of az/zen coordinates is > 1 AND the sizeof quaternions is > 1, then they must be of same size'
# convert numpy arrays to list of arrays for vectorized calculations
sc_cosines_list = np.squeeze(np.split(sc_cosines, numdo, axis=2))
pos_list = np.squeeze(np.split(pos, numdo, axis=1))
if numdo == 1:
sc_cosines_list = [sc_cosines_list]
pos_list = [pos_list]
# convert position from J2000 frame
cartesian_pos = np.array(list(map(np.dot, pos_list, sc_cosines_list))).T
# convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical
zen = np.arccos(cartesian_pos[2, np.newaxis])
az = np.arctan2(cartesian_pos[1, np.newaxis], cartesian_pos[0, np.newaxis])
az[(np.abs(cartesian_pos[1, np.newaxis]) < 1e-6) & (
np.abs(cartesian_pos[0, np.newaxis]) < 1e-6)] = 0.0
az[az < 0.0] += 2.0 * np.pi
if deg:
az = np.rad2deg(az)
zen = np.rad2deg(zen)
return np.squeeze(az), np.squeeze(zen)
[docs]def latitude_from_geocentric_coords_simple(coord):
"""Calculate latitude from Geocentric Cartesian coordinates. Assumes the
Earth is a simple sphere. Also returns altitude.
coord (np.array): (3, `n`) array containing Geocentric cartesian
coordinates in meters
(np.array, np.array): Position of Fermi in Earth Latitude and altitude \
in meters
mean_earth_radius = 6371009.0 # m
radius = np.sqrt(np.sum(coord[:, np.newaxis] ** 2, axis=0))
latitude = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(coord[2, np.newaxis] / radius))
altitude = radius - mean_earth_radius
return np.squeeze(latitude), np.squeeze(altitude)
[docs]def latitude_from_geocentric_coords_complex(coord):
"""Calculate latitude from Geocentric Cartesian coordinates. Uses the
WGS 1984 model of the shape of the Earth. Also returns altitude.
coord (np.array): (3, `n`) array containing Geocentric cartesian
coordinates in meters
(np.array, np.array): Position of Fermi in Earth Latitude and altitude \
in meters
ndim = len(coord.shape)
if ndim == 2:
numpoints = coord.shape[1]
numpoints = 1
# Parameters of the World Geodetic System 1984
# semi-major axis
wgs84_a = 6378137.0 # km
# reciprocal of flattening
wgs84_1overf = 298.257223563
rho = np.sqrt(coord[0, np.newaxis] ** 2 + coord[1, np.newaxis] ** 2)
f = 1.0 / wgs84_1overf
e_sq = 2.0 * f - f ** 2
# should completely converge in 3 iterations
n_iter = 3
kappa = np.zeros((n_iter + 1, numpoints), dtype=float)
kappa[0, :np.newaxis] = 1.0 / (1.0 - e_sq)
for i in range(1, n_iter + 1):
c = (rho ** 2 + (1.0 - e_sq) * coord[2, np.newaxis] ** 2 * kappa[
i - 1, np.newaxis] ** 2) ** 1.5 / (
wgs84_a * e_sq)
kappa[i, np.newaxis] = (c + (1.0 - e_sq) * coord[2, np.newaxis] ** 2 *
kappa[i - 1, np.newaxis] ** 3) / (
c - rho ** 2)
phi = np.arctan(kappa[-1, np.newaxis] * coord[2, np.newaxis] / rho)
h = (1.0 / kappa[-1, np.newaxis] - 1.0 / kappa[0, np.newaxis]) * \
np.sqrt(rho ** 2 + coord[2, np.newaxis] ** 2 * kappa[
-1, np.newaxis] ** 2) / e_sq
latitude = np.rad2deg(phi)
altitude = h
return np.squeeze(latitude), np.squeeze(altitude)
[docs]def longitude_from_geocentric_coords(coord, met, ut1=False):
"""Calculate the East longitude from Geocentric coordinates. Requires the
conversion of Fermi MET to sidereal time to rotate the Earth under the
spacecraft. The conversion can either be performed using UTC (less
accurate) or UT1 (more accurate) which uses IERS tables to correct for
variations in Earth rotation velocity
coord (np.array): (3, `n`) array containing Geocentric cartesian
coordinates in meters
met: (float or np.array): The MET time(s)
ut1 (bool, optional): If True, use UT1 instead of UTC to calculate
sidereal time. Default is False
np.array or float: Position of Fermi in East Longitude
ndim = len(coord.shape)
if ndim == 2:
if coord.shape[1] != met.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
'The number of coordinate positions must match the number of times')
# get Fermi time object in UTC standard; need astropy for sidereal time conversion
utc_time = astropy.time.Time(met, format='fermi').utc
if ut1 is True:
# Use IERS table for sidereal time conversion
utc_time.delta_ut1_utc = utc_time.get_delta_ut1_utc()
theta_deg = utc_time.sidereal_time('apparent', 'greenwich').degree
# IERS table is not current. Update IERS table
print("IERS table is not current. Checking for updated Table.")
iers_a_file = download_file(IERS_A_URL, cache=True)
iers_a = IERS_A.open(iers_a_file)
utc_time.delta_ut1_utc = utc_time.get_delta_ut1_utc(iers_a)
theta_deg = utc_time.sidereal_time('apparent', 'greenwich').degree
# Use less accurate UTC for sidereal time conversion
utc_time.delta_ut1_utc = 0.0
theta_deg = utc_time.sidereal_time('apparent', 'greenwich').degree
inertial_longitude = np.arctan2(coord[1, np.newaxis], coord[0, np.newaxis])
east_longitude = np.rad2deg(inertial_longitude) - theta_deg
east_longitude[east_longitude < 0.0] += 360.0
east_longitude[east_longitude < 0.0] += 360.0
return np.squeeze(east_longitude)
[docs]def calc_mcilwain_l(latitude, longitude):
"""Estimate the McIlwain L value given the latitude (-30, +30) and
East Longitude. This uses a cubic polynomial approximation to the full
calculation and is similar to the approach used by the GBM FSW.
latitude (np.array): Latitude in degrees from -180 to 180
longitude (np.array): East longitude in degrees from 0 to 360
np.array: McIlwain L value
latitude = np.asarray([latitude])
longitude = np.asarray([longitude])
orig_shape = latitude.shape
latitude = latitude.flatten()
longitude = longitude.flatten()
# numPts = latitude.shape[0]
coeffs_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
poly_coeffs = np.load(coeffs_file)
longitude[longitude < 0.0] += 360.0
longitude[longitude == 360.0] = 0.0
bad_idx = (latitude < -30.0) | (latitude > 30.0) | (longitude < 0.0) | (
longitude >= 360.0)
if np.sum(bad_idx) != 0:
raise ValueError(
'Out of range coordinates for McIlwain L for {0} locations'.format(
idx = np.asarray((longitude / 10.0).astype(int))
idx2 = np.asarray(idx + 1)
idx2[idx2 >= 36] = 0
idx2 = idx2.astype(int)
longitude_left = 10.0 * idx
f = (longitude - longitude_left) / 10.0 # interpolation weight, 0 to 1
num_pts = len(latitude)
num_pts = 1
mc_l = np.zeros(num_pts)
for i in range(num_pts):
mc_l[i] = (1.0 - f[i]) * (
poly_coeffs[idx[i], 0] + poly_coeffs[idx[i], 1] * latitude[i] +
poly_coeffs[idx[i], 2] *
latitude[i] ** 2 + poly_coeffs[idx[i], 3] * latitude[i] ** 3) + \
f[i] * (
poly_coeffs[idx2[i], 0] + poly_coeffs[idx2[i], 1] *
latitude[i] + poly_coeffs[idx2[i], 2] *
latitude[i] ** 2 + poly_coeffs[idx2[i], 3] *
latitude[i] ** 3)
mc_l = mc_l.reshape(orig_shape)
return np.squeeze(mc_l)
[docs]def get_sun_loc(met):
"""Calculate sun location in RA/Dec for a given MET.
met (float): The MET time(s)
(float, float): RA and Dec of the sun
utc_time = astropy.time.Time(met, format='fermi').utc
sun = coordinates.get_sun(utc_time)
return sun.ra.degree, sun.dec.degree
[docs]def saa_boundary():
"""The coordinates of the SAA boundary in latitude and East longitude
(np.array, np.array): The latitude and East longitude values
lat_saa = np.array([-30.000, -19.867, -9.733, 0.400, 2.000, 2.000, -1.000,
-6.155, -8.880, -14.220, -18.404, -30.000, -30.000])
lon_saa = np.array(
[33.900, 12.398, -9.103, -30.605, -38.400, -45.000, -65.000,
-84.000, -89.200, -94.300, -94.300, -86.100, 33.900])
return (lat_saa, lon_saa)