Generating SourceMap for 3C 273....................! Generating SourceMap for 3C 279....................! Generating SourceMap for gll_iem_v06....................! Generating SourceMap for iso_source_v06....................! Minuit did successfully converge. # of function calls: 154 minimum function Value: 326323.2777891 minimum edm: 2.5483463854e-05 minimum internal state vector: LAVector parameters: -1.3657678319 0.1704509782567 -1.385505525211 0.3843951094601 -0.8873249812257 -0.8239674041755 minimum internal covariance matrix: LASymMatrix parameters: 1.8860276e-05 -5.7516629e-05 -3.5846558e-08 1.8245186e-07 3.1837534e-06 -5.5352716e-06 -5.7516629e-05 0.00029625143 3.4494709e-07 -1.0584588e-06 -9.1209961e-06 1.3636457e-05 -3.5846558e-08 3.4494709e-07 1.2908712e-05 -3.5689409e-05 1.681471e-06 -3.5353825e-06 1.8245186e-07 -1.0584588e-06 -3.5689409e-05 0.00015359507 -5.1125243e-06 9.0436525e-06 3.1837534e-06 -9.1209961e-06 1.681471e-06 -5.1125243e-06 2.9770299e-05 -3.1656782e-05 -5.5352716e-06 1.3636457e-05 -3.5353825e-06 9.0436525e-06 -3.1656782e-05 4.3685928e-05 # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- 0 ||0_Prefactor || limited || 10.47339777903 ||0.3126044417752 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.660746381705 ||0.02398804308961 2 ||2_Prefactor || limited || 8.559632878174 ||0.2340245846435 3 || 3_Index || limited || -2.25000308706 ||0.0162476187942 4 ||4_Prefactor || limited || 1.123073598537 ||0.01218178532588 5 ||5_Normalization || limited || 1.339435655206 ||0.01585845820214 # of function calls: 40 function Value: 326323.2777891 expected distance to the Minimum (edm): 2.522999959808e-05 external parameters: # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- 0 ||0_Prefactor || limited || 10.47339777903 ||0.3086594114555 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.660746381705 ||0.02368233393172 2 ||2_Prefactor || limited || 8.559632878174 ||0.2311721164754 3 || 3_Index || limited || -2.25000308706 ||0.01604890141624 4 ||4_Prefactor || limited || 1.123073598537 ||0.01224669187988 5 ||5_Normalization || limited || 1.339435655206 ||0.01593871330934 covariance matrix: MnUserCovariance: 0.0952709 -0.00557415 -0.000128253 1.48517e-05 0.00050734 -0.000945157 -0.00557415 0.00056088 2.86326e-05 -1.76331e-06 -2.77882e-05 4.43778e-05 -0.000128253 2.86326e-05 0.0534407 -0.00295299 0.000242667 -0.000545402 1.48517e-05 -1.76331e-06 -0.00295299 0.000257574 -1.47641e-05 2.78377e-05 0.00050734 -2.77882e-05 0.000242667 -1.47641e-05 0.000149982 -0.000171621 -0.000945157 4.43778e-05 -0.000545402 2.78377e-05 -0.000171621 0.000254044 MnUserCovariance Parameter correlations: 1 -0.762541 -0.00179743 0.00299809 0.134214 -0.192118 -0.762541 1 0.00522986 -0.0046392 -0.0958089 0.117565 -0.00179743 0.00522986 1 -0.795931 0.0857145 -0.148022 0.00299809 -0.0046392 -0.795931 1 -0.0751165 0.108825 0.134214 -0.0958089 0.0857145 -0.0751165 1 -0.879215 -0.192118 0.117565 -0.148022 0.108825 -0.879215 1 global correlation coefficients : MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff: 0.772146 0.764184 0.80069 0.796605 0.881968 0.886533 .Generating SourceMap for 3C 273....................! .Generating SourceMap for 3C 279....................! ..! Computing TS values for each source (4 total) Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 100 to 100000 MeV 3C 273: Prefactor: 10.4734 +/- 0.30866 Index: -2.66075 +/- 0.0236829 Scale: 100 TS value: 6869.77 Flux: 6.31343e-07 +/- 1.30923e-08 photons/cm^2/s 3C 279: Prefactor: 8.55963 +/- 0.231172 Index: -2.25 +/- 0.0160491 Scale: 100 TS value: 12139.5 Flux: 6.85081e-07 +/- 1.26725e-08 photons/cm^2/s gll_iem_v06: Prefactor: 1.12307 +/- 0.0122467 Index: 0 Scale: 100 Flux: 0.000548711 +/- 5.98352e-06 photons/cm^2/s iso_source_v06: Normalization: 1.33944 +/- 0.0159388 Flux: 0.00020032 +/- 2.38207e-06 photons/cm^2/s WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [100, 158.489] (MeV) WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [316.228, 630.957] (MeV) WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [7943.28, 10000] (MeV) WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [15848.9, 19952.6] (MeV) Total number of observed counts: 150484 Total number of model events: 150483 -log(Likelihood): 326323.2778 Writing fitted model to 3C279_binned_output.xml Elapsed CPU time: 306.197694