jrag-timing: joint radio and gamma-ray pulsar timing analysis This python script performs a joint radio and gamma-ray pulsar timing analysis by using PINT and emcee. The result is a corner plot showing the posteriors and a parameter file giving the highest-likelihood result with uncertainty levels. Note: The script can also work with only one type of data (radio or gamma rays). Author: Lars Nieder Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), D-30167 Hannover, Germany Leibniz University Hannover, D-30167 Hannover, Germany Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit Basic input parameters.: Caution: Some of these are required. -p PARFILE, --parfile=PARFILE Path to parameter file [REQUIRED]. --newparfile=NEWPARFILE Name of output parameter file. --resultsfile=RESULTSFILE Name of output results file. -t TEMPFILE, --tempfile=TEMPFILE Path to template file. --newtempfile=NEWTEMPFILE Name of output template file. -l FT1FILE, --ft1file=FT1FILE Path to FT1 file (LAT data). -f FT2FILE, --ft2file=FT2FILE Path to FT2 file (satellite). -r TIMFILE, --timfile=TIMFILE Path to tim file (radio). --weightfield=WEIGHTFIELD Weightfield name in FT1 file. -d DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG Level of debug messages. --plotonly=PLOTONLY No MCMC run, only plotting from previous runs. Timing options: Caution: Choose wisely! -n NPOINTS, --npoints=NPOINTS Number of walkers. [default: 128] -x MAXITER, --maxiter=MAXITER Number of iterations. [default: 100] -b BURNIN, --burnin=BURNIN Number of burnins. [default: 100] --usetau=USETAU Use autocorrelation time (tau) for timing analysis. [default: 0] -s OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET Fractional offset. [default: 0.01] -c PCUT, --pcut=PCUT Minimum photon weight to be used. [default: 0.0] --eclipse=ECLIPSE Orbital phase radius in which radio TOAs are removed. [default: 0.0] --toacut=TOACUT Maximum error in radio TOAs (microsecs). [default: 1000.0] --compare=COMPARE Compare radio and gamma-ray posteriors. [default: 0] Output files contain the stored chains, show convergence-analysis plots and the posteriors in different ways (red=radio, blue=gamma-ray, black=joint), and the parfiles reporting parameters returning the highest likelihood with the uncertainties computed from the posteriors.