Package: makebininf Authors: Paul Ray , Aous Abdo Description: Contains some codes to convert Fermi LAT event ("FT1") files into a format compatible with PRESTO codes, particularly prepfold. This is useful if you want to use prepfold to search for pulsations, refine pulsar candidates, or time pulsars using Fermi LAT data. Version: 1.0 Date: 2010 March 10 *** NOTICE *** This code is provided as contributed code in hopes that it will be helpful. The authors do not warrant that the code is bug free, or even correct. E-mail questions and requests are welcomed, but support can only be provided on a time-available basis. REREQUISITES: * Python (probably 2.5.x or 2.6.x) * The python FITS package "pyfits", which can be obtained from STSCI at this site . * A C compiler (typically gcc). * The C package cfitsio, which can be obtained from HEASARC at this site * A working PRESTO installation so that you have "prepfold" and can "import psr_utils" in python without error. This can be obtained from SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: This code has been tested on Linux and Mac OS X. It *may* work under Windows if you have Cygwin installed. INSTALLATION: * Unpack the tar.gz file. It will create the directory makebininf-1.0 Change into that directory. * Edit the Makefile and tell it where to find cfitsio and specify an install directory and any needed compiler options. * Make the code by typing "make", then install with "make install" * Make sure that $PRESTO/lib/python is in your PYTHONPATH * Make sure that the install directory is in your PATH so that both executables can be found * Make sure that the python that you get by typing "python" at the command line (i.e. the first "python" in your PATH) is the one you want. DESCRIPTION OF CODES: * is the top-level code that you run to convert your FT1 file into a pair of files that PRESTO can use. It writes a ".bin" file, which is just a binary file of double precision floats with photon times in MJD(TDB), i.e. barycenterd event MJDs. It also writes a ".inf" file that describes the contents of the .bin file in a format that PRESTO needs. *** IMPORTANT *** The input FT1 file MUST be barycentered using gtbary before using this script! * fits2bin is a C code that is called by the python script to do the work. * is a python module that has some coordinate utilities used by the code USAGE: * Make an FT1 file that has all the appropriate cuts applied for your application. This is typically done using a call to gtselect. * Barycenter the event times using gtbary. Here, we assume the output file is called "FT1_filt_bary.fits", but you can call it whatever you want. An example file with this name is included with the distribution. * Run the code: % --source='J1907+06' FT1_filt_bary.fits Alternatively, you can leave off the --source option and you will be prompted for the source name to embed in the .inf file. The files FT1_filt_bary.bin and FT1_filt_bary.inf will be written in the current directory. (The .inf file is ASCII, so you can read or edit it if needed). * Now, you can use prepfold to fold the events in the file, but note that it requires the following options (at a minimum): "-events -double -mjds". So, this would be an example: % prepfold -events -mjds -double -par 1907.par FT1_filt_bary.bin -- END --