NAME gtexpmap - Calculates exposure maps for unbinned likelihood analysis. USAGE gtexpmap evfile scfile expcube outfile irfs srcrad nlong nlat nenergies DESCRIPTION This tool creates exposure maps that are needed to compute the predicted number of photons within a given Region-of-Interest (ROI) for diffuse components in your source model. They are used only for unbinned likelihood analysis. They differ significantly from conventional exposure maps, which are the integrals of effective area over time. The exposure calculation used in unbinned likelihood analysis consists of an integral of the total response (effective area times energy dispersion times point spread function) over the entire ROI. See the gtlike help and the workbook for more details regarding the likelihood analysis. The LAT point spread function is relatively broad at low energies. At 100 MeV, 68% of the counts will lie within 3.5 degrees of the source. (See, As a consequence, the PSF tails of nearby point sources and diffuse components will overlap significantly with the emission from your sources of interest. To fit your sources accurately, you will therefore also need to model simultaneously the nearby point sources and diffuse components; and this will typically require a ROI, centered on your sources, that is several times the characteristic PSF size in order to have sufficient data to constrain all of the components in your model. The source model should include any sources that can contribute significantly to the ROI, and again because of the size of the PSF, this implies a "Source Region", centered on the ROI, with a radius that is larger than the ROI radius by several PSF length scales. For example, when fitting a single point source, a ROI with a radius of 10 degrees and a Source Region radius of 20 degrees would be appropriate. Note that since the size of the LAT PSF goes roughly as E^{-0.8}, if you are considering only higher energy photons, e.g., > 1 GeV, smaller ROI and Source Region radii of just a few degrees may be used. All of the sources in the Source Region should be included in the source model file that is input to gtlike. (See the gtlike and ModelEditor help). The positions and spectral models of these sources can either be obtained from a catalog, such as the Third EGRET catalog, or via a source detection step. The diffuse components will typically include the Galactic diffuse emission and an isotropic extragalactic component, but may also include discrete diffuse components such as SNRs or the LMC. The exposure map used in the likelihood analysis must extend over the entire Source Region, and it is specific to the ROI. The radius of the Source Region is an input to gtexpmap and is given by the srcrad parameter (in degrees). The radius of the ROI is set when the event data are extracted using the gtselect tool, and this information is written to the FITS header of the filtered file (see the gtselect help). Since we expect that most analyses will consider photon energies down to 100 MeV, we recommend a Source Region radius that is at least 10 degrees larger than the ROI radius, and you will receive a warning message when you run gtexpmap if this is not the case. The spatial and energy gridding (nlong, nlat, and nenergies parameters) for the Source Region must also be provided in gtexpmap. Half-degree pixels are a nominal choice for gtexpmap, and that means nlong=120 and nlat=120 if 30 degrees radius was chosen for the srcrad parameter. Smaller pixels should result in a more accurate evaluation of the diffuse source fluxes, but they will also make the exposure map calculation itself more time consuming, scaling roughly with the number of pixels in your map. The energy range of the exposure map is determined by the selections made with gtselect to produce the filtered event file, and that energy range is divided into a number of logarithmically spaced bins given by nenergies parameter. These maps are used to integrate the spectra of the diffuse components in order to determine the predicted counts from these sources. If the spectra of the diffuse components are fairly featureless (i.e., mostly power-laws, with no sharp spectral features such as cut-offs or spectral lines), then 4 or 5 energy bins per decade are probably sufficient. As input, gtexpmap also needs the livetime spent at each inclination angle at every point in the Source Region. This can be provided by the livetime cube maps, which have the information about the livetime as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. These maps could be created by gtltcube (see the gtltcube help) or obtained from the FSSC. If the livetime cube file is not provided gtexpmap will calculate these livetimes from the spacecraft file, but it is nonetheless recommended to pre-compute the livetime cubes before running gtexpmap, as doing so from the spacecraft file will take a substantial amount of execution time. Since gtltcube produces a FITS file covering the entire sky, the output of this tool can be used for generating exposure maps for ROIs in other parts of the sky that have the same time interval selections. Note that the livetime cube is calculated on a spatial healpix grid (HEALPix is an acronym for Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelization:, while the exposure map is calculated on a longitude-latitude grid. PARAMETERS evfile [file] Input event file. This is a FITS file containing the event data. Typically this file will have been created with the gtselect tool. (evtable = EVENTS) [string] Event table extension name. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is EVENTS. scfile [file] Spacecraft data file containing information such as the spacecraft pointing as a function of time. This file could be generated by gtorbsim for simulated observations (see the gtorbsim help for further explanation) or more commonly it can be obtained from the FSSC. (sctable = SC_DATA) [string] Spacecraft data extension. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is SC_DATA. expcube [file] FITS file containing livetime as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. This file should be generated by gtltcube (see the gtltcube help for further explanation) or could be provided by the FSSC. gtexpmap will integrate the livetimes directly from the spacecraft file if no livetime cube file is provided. outfile [file] Output FITS file name containing the exposure map used in unbinned likelihood analysis. irfs [string] The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) as a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal) and photon event class. Since the LAT will usually survey the sky, a source will be observed at various inclination angles. Each count will therefore be effectively characterized by a different instrument response function (IRF). (edisp = no) [bool] Flag to consider energy dispersion in the fit. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no", as use of the dispersion calculation has a large impact on computation time. srcrad = 30 [double] Radius of source model region (degrees). The center of the source region is obtained from the Data Sub-Space DSS keywords defining the Region-of-Interest in the event file. nlong = 120 <2-1000> [int] Number of longitude points. Half-degree pixels are a nominal choice for gtexpmap. That means nlong=120 and nlat=120 if 30 degrees radius was chosen for the srcrad parameter. nlat = 120 <2-1000> [int] Number of latitude points. Half-degree pixels are a nominal choice for gtexpmap. That means nlong=120 and nlat=120 if 30 degrees radius was chosen for the srcrad parameter. nenergies = 20 <2-100> [int] The number of energy bands to consider. Minimum and maximum energies are obtained from the DSS keywords. The number of energies for your grid depends on complexity of the spectra of the diffuse components, but 4 to 5 per decade are usually sufficient. (submap = no) [bool] This parameter allows you to compute a submap. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". This feature (if "yes") was intended to allow for parallelization of the gtexpmap computation for a given geometry. You can set the application to run in parallel on different regions of the overall map and then add the resulting FITS image together using standard FTOOLS ( The user should be careful to define the submaps so that they do not overlap or leave gaps. (nlongmin [int]) Minimum longitude index for submap. This is a hidden parameter. (nlongmax [int]) Maximum longitude index for submap. This is a hidden parameter. (nlatmin [int]) Minimum latitude index for submap. This is a hidden parameter. (nlatmax [int]) Maximum latitude index for submap. This is a hidden parameter. (chatter = 2) This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). The default value is 2. (clobber = yes) If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. (debug = no) Activate debugging mode. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui = no) Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode activated if "yes" is specified. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". (mode = ql) Mode of automatic parameters. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model: They could be passed answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. To be prompted for gtexpmap simply type in the command line: > gtexpmap You will be prompted for parameter values. Beware that "hidden" parameters are not prompted. If you want to override one of the "hidden" parameter you should specify the values in the command line. For example, if you do not want to overwrite the output file you should set the clobber parameter "clobber=no", e.g.: > gtexmap clobber=no An example of how to run gtexpmap is given below: > gtexpmap The exposure maps generated by this tool are meant to be used for *unbinned* likelihood analysis only. Do not use them for binned analyses. Event data file [] : ps1_55d_filtered.fits Spacecraft data file [] : spacecraft_data_file.fits Exposure hypercube file [] : expCube.fits output file name [] : expMap.fits Response functions [] : P6_V3_DIFFUSE Radius of the source region (in degrees) [30] : 30 Number of longitude points (2:1000) [120] : 120 Number of latitude points (2:1000) [120] : 120 Number of energies (2:100) [20] : 20 Computing the ExposureMap using expCube.fits In this case, the source region was selected with gtselect, (see the gtselect help) to be 20 degrees, and the ROI was selected as 30 degrees. The livetime cube was provided (expCube.fits) and the exposure map generated has 120 longitude and latitude points, and 20 energy bins. The previous example could be also run in the command line as follows: > gtexpmap evfile=ps1_55d_filtered.fits scfile=spacecraft_data_file.fits expcube= expCube.fits outfile=expMap.fits irfs=P6_V3_DIFFUSE srcrad=30 nlong=120 nlat=120 nenergies=20 KNOWN BUGS SEE ALSO gtdiffrsp gtlike gtltcube gtsrcmaps