NAME gtmodel - Creates a model counts map based on a binned likelihood fit. USAGE gtmodel srcmaps srcmdl outfile irfs expcube bexpmap DESCRIPTION This tool is used to facilitate comparisons between the data and model predictions. It is recommended to read the gtlike help for more explanations. gtmodel creates a model map of a region based on the fit parameters. This map is effectively an infinite-statistics counts map of the region-of-interest based on your model fit. The gtmodel application reads in the fitted model, applies the proper scaling to the source maps, and adds them together to get the final map. Before running this tool you should run gtsrcmaps (see the gtsrcmaps help for more information). PARAMETERS srcmaps [filename] FITS file containing the individual source model components that have been convolved through the instrument response using gtsrcmaps. srcmdl [filename] XML file containing the source model definitions. This is the same source model file used by gtlike (see the gtlike help). The source model can be generated by the "ModelEditor" utility or by following source model templates (see the "ModelEditor" help for further explanation). outfile [filename] Name of the output FITS file that will contain the generated counts map. irfs [string] Instrument response functions. The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) is currently a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal) and photon category. Since the LAT will usually survey the sky, a source will be observed at different inclination angles. Each count will therefore be characterized by a different instrument response function (IRF). The default value is “CALDB”. expcube [filename] FITS file containing livetime as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. This file can be generated by gtltcube or obtained from the FSSC website. See the gtltcube help for further explanation. bexpmap [filename] Binned exposure map for on-the-fly source map calculations. If the existing file is specified, that file will be used as the exposure map. Otherwise, a map with that name will be computed based on the energy bands in the srcmaps file. If "none" is given (default value), the map will be called "binned_exposure.fits". (convol) [boolean] Perform the convolution of the model maps with the PSF. This is applies only for on-the-fly source map calculations. Default is "yes". (resample) [boolean] Flag to indicate that the model counts map that is produced should be resample for convolution. The parameter only apply if gtmodel needs to generate a source map that is not in the file given as the srcmaps parameter. Default is "yes". (rfactor) [integer] Resampling factor to be specified if the "resample" parameter is set to "yes". Default is "2". (outtype) [string] Enables gtmodel to write counts cube (ccube) or summed counts (cmap, the default value) maps with geometry and energy planes matching the input source file. (chatter) [integer] This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). Default is "2". (clobber) [boolean] If true, an existing file of the same name will be overwritten. Default is "yes". (debug) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. Default is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui) [boolean] Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode is activated if set to "yes". Default is "no". (mode) [string] Mode of automatic parameters: "h" for batch, "ql" for interactive. Default is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model: They could be passed answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. To run gtmodel simply type in the command line: > gtmodel The parameter values have to be provided. Not all parameter are prompted: some of them are "hidden". To change one of the "hidden" parameter, the user should specify the values in the command line or modify its mode by editing the parameter file. For example, to avoid overwriting the outfile, the following command line has to be typed: > gtmodel clobber=no An example of how to run the tool is given below: > gtmodel Source maps (or counts map) file[] srcMaps.fits Source model file[] src_model.xml Output file[] model_map.fits Response functions[CALDB] Exposure cube[] expCube.fits Binned exposure map[none] bexposure.fits That last example could be also run in the command line as follows: > gtmodel srcmaps=srcMaps.fits srcmdl=src_model.xml outfile=model_map.fits irfs=CALDB expcube=expCube.fits bexpmap=bexposure.fits KNOWN BUGS Both gtsrcmaps and gtmodel can give incorrect results when used for images which are very wide. The limit is approximately 270 degrees in longitude. This means that a single image that covers the full Galactic plane cannot be made. To work around this limitation, it is possible to create two images, each of which covers half the plane. These two images may then be combined together. SEE ALSO gtlike gtsrcmaps gtltcube