NAME gtptest - Applies statistical tests to a series of pulse phase values stored in given event file(s). USAGE gtptest evfile outfile numphase numharm maxharm DESCRIPTION This tool applies all the statistical tests available with gtpsearch application to a series of pulse phase values stored in given event files. The tool supports several test statistics available, including Chi-squared (X2), Z-squared-n ( Z2N), H, and Rayleigh (Z2N with N == 1). PARAMETERS evfile [file name] Name of input event file, FT1 format or equivalent. outfile [file name] Name of output FITS file that contains a search result. If outfile is NONE, no FITS output will be created. numphase = 10 [integer] Number of phase bins in each trial for the chi-squared test. This parameter only has effect if algorithm is CHI2. numharm = 10 [integer] Number of harmonics in each trial for the Z2n/Rayleigh test. This parameter only has effect if algorithm is Z2N. For the Rayleigh test, set algorithm to Z2N, and set numharm to 1. maxharm = 10 [integer] Maximum number of harmonics in each trial for the H test. This parameter only has effect if algorithm is H. (evtable = EVENTS) [string] Name of the FITS table containing the event data. (pphasefield = PULSE_PHASE) [string] Name of the output column to contain the assigned pulse phase. (plot = yes) [bool] If plot is yes, the result will be displayed in a separate plot window, as well as the numerical results will be output in a text screen. If plot is no, only the text output will be displayed, and no plot window will be displayed. (title = DEFAULT) [string] Title for the graph. By default a title indicating the type of test and other pertinent information will be displayed. (chatter = 2) [integer, min=0, max=4] This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). (clobber = yes) [boolean] Overwrite or do not overwrite existing output files. (debug = no) [boolean] Activate debugging mode. When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui = no) [boolean] Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode activated if "yes" is specified. (mode = ql) [string] Mode of automatic parameters. EXAMPLES The example below shows how to perform periodicity tests on an event file that has been processed by gtpphase application, where a pulse phase has already been assigned to each photon and is stored in a default FITS column (PULSE_PHASE column). > gtptest evfile=fakepulsar_event_phase.fits \ outfile=gtptest_example_1.fits numphase=10 numharm=10 maxharm=10 This command produces an output message that describes the types and the parameters of the periodicity tests that are performed, and explains the test results. A plot will also be produced, which shows a folded-light curve used in the chi-squared test. KNOWN BUGS When running gtpsearch multiple times using the GUI, plot windows from previous runs reappear after they are closed manually. Thus, there is no way to permanently close plot windows without exiting the GUI. SEE ALSO gtpsearch, gtpspec