NAME gtsrcmaps - Convolves source model components with instrument response. USAGE gtsrcmaps scfile expcube cmap srcmdl bexpmap outfile irfs DESCRIPTION gtsrcmaps convolves the components of the specified source model with the instrument response for a given observation. This tool is used as part of the FERMI binned likelihood analysis, so it is recommended to read the gtlike help and threads. One of the inputs of this tool is a counts map, which should be created using the gtbin tool (see gtbin help). The geometry in sky coordinates and energy binning of the output maps match that of the input maps. Another input is the binned exposure map which should be created using the gtexpcube2 tool (see gtexpcube2 help). The binned exposure map must extend 10 degrees beyond the farthest point a source might contribute photons to the ROI. In practical terms, this is usually 20 degrees beyond the ROI being analyzed. For example, if the counts map created by gtbin is a 7 degree square, then the binned exposure map should be 40 degrees square. This is because the upper corner of the 7 degree square is about 10 degrees from the center of the square. This, you need to calculate the exposure out to 30 degrees from the center. A square with 40 degree sides fits within this large circle. This exposure map can be reused for subsequent analyses of regions that cover the same time range and that use the same energy binning. Since the source map generation for point sources is fairly quick, and maps for many point sources may use a lot of disk space, it may be preferable to disable the generation of the source maps for point sources at this stage. If a source in the xml model is missing from the input source map file, gtlike will compute the maps on the fly. Relying on this mechanism is recommended only for point sources. To skip generating source maps for point sources, specify "ptsrc=no" on the command line when running gtsrcmaps. PARAMETERS scfile [file] Spacecraft data file containing information such as the spacecraft pointing as a function of time. This file could be generated by gtorbsim for simulated observations (see the gtorbsim help for further explanation) or more commonly it can be obtained from the FSSC. (sctable = SC_DATA) [string] Spacecraft data extension. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is SC_DATA. expcube [file] FITS file containing live-time as a function of sky position and off-axis angle. This file should be generated by gtltcube. See the gtltcube documentation for further explanation. cmap [file] Counts map file created by gtbin (see the gtbin help). srcmdl [file] XML file containing the source model definitions. This source model file is the same used by gtlike (see gtlike help). The source model could be generated by the ModelEditor utility (recommended) or manually edited following source model templates. See the ModelEditor help for further explanation. bexpmap [file] Exposure map for binned analysis. See the discussion above for details on generating this file. outfile [file] Output FITS file name. irfs [string] Instrument response functions. The instrument response (PSF, effective area, energy resolution) is currently a function of energy, inclination angle (the angle between the source and the LAT normal) and photon category. Since the LAT will usually survey the sky, a source will be observed at different inclination angles. Each count will therefore be characterized by a different instrument response function (IRF). The default value is “CALDB”. a (convol = yes) [bool] This parameter allows the user select whether or not to perform a convolution of the model with the PSF. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "yes". (resample = yes) [bool] Resample input counts map for convolution. (rfactor = 2) [integer] Resampling factor. (minbinsz = 0.1) [double] Rebinning for finely binned model maps. Units are degrees. (ptsrc = yes) [bool] This parameter allows the user to select whether or not to compute source maps for point sources. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "yes". (psfcorr = yes) [bool] Apply psf corrections for point source maps. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "yes". (emapbnds = yes) [bool] Check or not check that the exposure has been calculated for all of the possible points in the counts map (effectively 10 degrees beyond the ROI plus accounting for the PSF convolution). If the exposure hasn't been calculated, exit. (copyall = no) [bool] Copy all source maps from input counts map file to output. (chatter = 2) This parameter fixes the output verbosity: no screen output (0), nominal screen output (2), maximum verbosity (4). The default value is 2. (clobber = yes) Overwrite or do not overwrite existing output files. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "yes". (debug = no) Activate debugging mode. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". When debug is "no", all exceptions that are not caught and handled by individual tool-specific code are caught by a top-level exception handler that displays information about the exception and then exits. When debug is "yes", such exceptions are not caught by the top level code. Instead the tool produces a segmentation violation, which is more useful for debugging. When debugging mode is enabled, the tool produces more verbose output describing any errors or exceptions that are encountered. (gui = no) Graphical user Interface (GUI) mode activated if "yes" is specified. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "no". (mode = ql) Mode of automatic parameters. This is a hidden parameter. The default value is "ql". EXAMPLES Parameters are passed following the FTOOLs model. They could be passed answering from a prompt, as a list in a command line, or by editing the parameter file. To run gtsrmaps interactively simply type in the command line > gtsrcmaps and respond to the prompts. Beware that not all parameter are prompted; some of them are "hidden". If you want to change one of the "hidden" parameter you should specify the values in the command line. For example if you want to skip generating source maps for point sources, specify "ptsrc=no" on the command line when running gtsrcmaps: > gtsrcmaps ptsrc=no An example of how to run the tool is given below: > gtsrcmaps Spacecraft data file [] : spacecraft_data_file.fits Exposure hypercube file [] : expCube.fits Counts map file [] : ps_counts.fits Source model file [] : src_model.xml Binned exposure map [] : bexposure.fits Source maps output file [] : srcMaps.fits Response functions [] : CALDB This last example could be also be run from the command line as follows: > gtsrcmaps scfile=spacecraft_data_file.fits expcube=expCube.fits cmap= ps_counts.fits srcmdl=src_model.xml bexpmap=bexposure.fits outfile=srcMaps.fits irfs=CALDB KNOWN BUGS Both gtsrcmaps and gtmodel can give incorrect results when used for images which are very wide. The limit is approximately 270 degrees in longitude. This means that a single image that covers the full Galactic plane cannot be made. To work around this limitation, it is possible to create two images, each of which covers half the plane. These two images may then be combined together. SEE ALSO gtbin gtdiffrsp gtexpmap gtexpcube2 gtlike gtltcube