Note that for Mac OS X in some cases libraries required by ROOT (libfreetype and libpng) may not be available in the expected location or have the correct version. If plotting fails when looking for these libraries you should install them using your favorite package manager or have your system manager install them on your system. Please see the Binary install instructions for more details. =============================================================== gtbkg does not currently support the CALDB entry for the irfs. If you see the error "Caught St13runtime_error at the top level:AppHelpers::checkCuts:" then you will need to specify the irfs in the par file or on the command line. You can determine the irfs if you have an irf dependent product you have created, for instance, an exposure map >fkeyprint ,_bExpMap2.fits"[0]" DSVAL6 # FILE: 3c279_100_100000_bExpMap2.fits[0] # KEYNAME: DSVAL6 # EXTENSION: 0 DSVAL6 = 'P7REP_SOURCE_V15' and you can use the string returned for your irf in gtbkg, e.g. >gtbkg irfs=P7REP_SOURCE_V15 =============================================================== This is not strictly an error but it is often reported as such. gtexpcube2 needs to have a counts cube when creating the exposure maps. Since the livetime cube is IRF independent the counts cube is used to deduce the IRF's based on the cuts you've made.