class srcList: #arguments are: #sources (string, filename of LAT source list fits file in catalog format) #ft1 (string, filename of event file for which the xml will be used, only used to extract ROI info) #out (string, name of output xml file, defaults to mymodel.xml) def __init__(self,sources,ft1,out='mymodel.xml'): if not fileCheck(sources): #check that file exists print "Error: %s not found." %sources return if fileCheck(out): print 'Warning: %s already exists, file will be overwritten if you proceed with makeModel.' %out self.srcs=sources self.out=out self.roi=getPos(ft1) #define a quick print function to make sure everything looks irght def Print(self): print 'Source list file: ',self.srcs print 'Output file name: ',self.out print 'Selecting %s degrees around (ra,dec)=(%s,%s)' %(self.roi[2],self.ra,self.dec) #make the xml file #GDfile is galactic diffuse model and ISOfile is optional Isotropic template file #radLim is an angular radius limit beyond which all the spectral parameters of all sources will be fixed #tslim, for 2FGL only, sources with TS below this limit will have spectral parameters fixed #signif, for 1FGL only, sources with signiv_avg below this value will have spectral parameters fixed #psForce, if true forces extended sources to be case as point sources def makeModel(self,GDfile='$(GLAST_EXT)/extFiles/v0r9/galdiffuse/',GDname='GAL_v02',ISOfile=None,ISOname='Extragalactic Diffuse',extDir='',radLim=-1,signif=4,psForce=False): #the version number may differ, but default syntax from ModelEditor didn't work #quick check to see if 1FGL or 2FGL fits file self.radLim=(self.roi[2] if radLim<=0 else radLim) self.psF=psForce self.extD=extDir try: test=mycheck[1].data.field('Cutoff') mycheck.close() print 'Creating file and adding sources for 2FGL' use=2 except: mycheck.close() print 'Creating file and adding sources for 1FGL' use=1 if use==1: addSrcs1(self,GDfile,GDname,ISOfile,ISOname,signif) else: addSrcs2(self,GDfile,GDname,ISOfile,ISOname,signif) import pyfits import os from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as pS from numpy import floor,log10,cos,sin,arccos,pi,array,log acos=arccos #import ROOT #note that this is only done to turn tab completion on for functions and filenames print "This is make2FGLxml version 04r1." print "For use with the and and later LAT catalog files." #print "NOTE: You must have run gtselect on the event file you use as input." d2r=pi/180. #function to cycle through the source list and add point source entries def addSrcs2(sL,GD,GDn,ISO,ISOn,signif): model=open(sL.out,'w') #open file in write mode, overwrites other files of same name #open source list file and access necessary fields, requires LAT source catalog definitions and names data=file[1].data extendedinfo=file[4].data extName=extendedinfo.field('Source_Name') extFile=extendedinfo.field('Spatial_Filename') name=data.field('Source_Name') ExtName=data.field('Extended_Source_Name') ra=data.field('RAJ2000') dec=data.field('DEJ2000') flux=data.field('Flux_Density') pivot=data.field('Pivot_Energy') index=data.field('Spectral_Index') cutoff=data.field('Cutoff') spectype=data.field('SpectrumType') beta=data.field('beta') #extended=data.field('Extended') sigma=data.field('Signif_Avg') model.write('\n') model.write('\n') model.write('\n\n') step=(sL.roi[2]+5)/5 #divide ROI radius plus 5 degrees into 5 steps for ordering of sources, get next highest int for ease i=1 radii=[] ptSrcNum=0 extSrcNum=0 while i<6: if i*step<=sL.roi[2]+5: radii+=[step*i] else: radii+=[sL.roi[2]+5] #just in case of rounding errors i+=1 for x in radii: if x==sL.roi[2]+5.: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) else: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) for n,f,i,r,d,p,c,t,b,S,EN in zip(name,flux,index,ra,dec,pivot,cutoff,spectype,beta,sigma,ExtName): dist=angsep(sL.roi[0],sL.roi[1],r,d) #check that source is within ROI radius + 5 degress of ROI center if r==sL.roi[0] and d==sL.roi[1]: dist=0.0 if (dist=x-step) or (x==sL.roi[2]+5. and dist==x): sn='' for N in n.split(' '): sn+=N if EN!='' and not sL.psF: extSrcNum+=1 if EN[0].isdigit():#use the extended source name to set these apart even further Name='\n' %EN else: Name='\n' %EN else: ptSrcNum+=1 if sn[0].isdigit(): Name='\n' %sn else: Name='\n' %sn if EN!='Vela X' and EN!='MSH 15-52': if t=='PowerLaw': spec=PLspec(sL,f,i,p,dist,S,signif) elif t=='PowerLaw2':#no value for flux from 100 MeV to 100 GeV in fits file0 if i!=1.:#so calculate it by integrating PowerLaw spectral model F=f*p**i/(-i+1)*(1.e5**(-i+1)-1.e2**(-1+1)) else: F=f*p*log(1.e3) spec=PL2spec(sL,F,i,dist,S,signif) elif t=='LogParabola': spec=LPspec(sL,f,i,p,b,dist,S,signif) else: spec=COspec(sL,f,i,p,c,dist,S,signif) else: if EN=='Vela X': spec=VXspec(sL,i,dist) else: spec=MSHspec(sL,i,dist) if EN!='' and not sL.psF: eFile=None for exN,exf in zip(extName,extFile): if exN==EN: if len(sL.extD)>0: if sL.extD[-1]=='/': eFile=sL.extD+exf else: eFile=sL.extD+'/'+exf else: eFile=exf break if eFile==None: skydir='\t\n'%sL.extD print 'Extended source %s (%s) in ROI, could not find name of matching template file.'%(EN,sn) else: skydir='\t\n'%eFile print 'Extended source %s (%s) in ROI, verify that %s is the correct path.'%(EN,sn,eFile) skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' else: skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' %r skydir+='\t\t\n' %d skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) ptsrc=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] ptsrc.writexml(model) model.write('\n') file.close() #close file if not sL.psF: print 'Added %i point sources and %i extended sources'%(ptSrcNum,extSrcNum) if extSrcNum>0: print 'If using unbinned likelihood you will need to rerun gtdiffrsp for the extended sources or rerun the makeModel function with optional argument psForce=True' else: print 'Added %i point sources, note that any extended sources in ROI were modeled as point sources becaue psForce option was set to True'%ptSrcNum #add galactic diffuse with PL spectrum, fix index to zero for general use, those who want it to be free can unfreeze parameter manually model.write('\n\n') Name='\n\n' %GDn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' skydir='\t\n' %GD skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) galdiff=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] galdiff.writexml(model) model.write('\n') if ISO==None: #null means no file so assume user wants an isotropic power law component Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' else: #if a file is given assume it is an isotropic template Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' %ISO spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' #both of the above options use the same spatial model skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) iso=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] iso.writexml(model) model.write('\n') model.close() return def PLspec(sL,f,i,p,dist,sig,siglim): fscale=int(floor(log10(f))) spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif(dist>sL.radLim): spec+='\t\n'%sL.radLim spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif sigsL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n'%(fscale,F/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif(dist>sL.radLim): spec+='\t\n'%sL.radLim spec+='\t\t\n'%(fscale,F/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif sigsL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' return spec def MSHspec(sL,i,dist): spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' return spec def COspec(sL,f,i,p,c,dist,sig,siglim): fscale=int(floor(log10(f))) spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i if c<=1e5: spec+='\t\t\n'%c else: spec+='\t\t\n'%(2.*c,c) elif(dist>sL.radLim): spec+='\t\n'%sL.radLim spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i if c<=1e5: spec+='\t\t\n'%c else: spec+='\t\t\n'%(2.*c,c) elif sigsL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n'%b elif(dist>sL.radLim): spec+='\t\n'%sL.radLim spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i spec+='\t\t\n'%b elif sig\n') model.write('\n') model.write('\n\n') step=(sL.roi[2]+5)/5 #divide ROI radius plus 5 degrees into 5 steps for ordering of sources, get next highest int for ease i=1 radii=[] while i<6: if i*step<=sL.roi[2]+5: radii+=[step*i] else: radii+=[sL.roi[2]+5] #just in case of rounding errors i+=1 for x in radii: if x==sL.roi[2]+5.: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) else: model.write('\n\n' %(x-step,x)) for n,f,i,r,d,p,s in zip(name,flux,index,ra,dec,pivot,sigma): dist=angsep(sL.roi[0],sL.roi[1],r,d) #check that source is within ROI radius + 5 degress of ROI center if (dist=x-step) or (x==sL.roi[2]+5. and dist==x): fscale=int(floor(log10(f))) sn='' for N in n.split(' '): sn+=N if sn[0].isdigit(): Name='\n' %sn else: Name='\n' %sn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\n' %dist if(dist>sL.roi[2]): #if beyond ROI, shouldn't attempt to fit parameters spec+='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif(dist>sL.radLim): spec+='\t\n'%sL.radLim spec+='\t\t\n' %(fscale,f/10**fscale) spec+='\t\t\n' %i elif s\n') Name='\n\n' %GDn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' skydir='\t\n' %GD skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) galdiff=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] galdiff.writexml(model) model.write('\n') if ISO==None: #null means no file so assume user wants an isotropic power law component Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' else: #if a file is given assume it is an isotropic template Name='\n' %ISOn spec='\t\n' %ISO spec+='\t\t\n' spec+='\t\n' #both of the above options use the same spatial model skydir='\t\n' skydir+='\t\t\n' skydir+='\t\n' skydir+='' (src,)=(Name+spec+skydir,) iso=pS(src).getElementsByTagName('source')[0] iso.writexml(model) model.write('\n') model.close() return #this function searches the header of the ft1 to find the Position keyword and extract the ra and dec values def getPos(ft1): num=file[1].header['NDSKEYS'] header=file[1].header right='POS(RA,DEC)' i=1 keynum=0 while i<=num: #this step is necessary since it is not clear that the POS key word will have the same number always word='DSTYP%i' %i test=file[1].header[word] if(test==right): keynum=i i=num i+=1 if(keynum==0): #DSKEYS start numbering at 1, if this value hasn't been updated, KEYword doesn't exist print 'Error: No position keyword found in fits header (assuming position is RA and DEC. Exiting...' exit() keyword='DSVAL%i' %keynum try: ra,dec,rad=header[keyword].strip('CIRCLE()').split(',') #gets rid of the circle and parenthesis part and splits around the comma float(ra) except: ra,dec,rad=header[keyword].strip('circle()').split(',') file.close() return float(ra),float(dec),float(rad) #calculates the angular separation between two points on the sky def angsep(ra1,dec1,ra2,dec2): ra1*=d2r dec1*=d2r ra2*=d2r dec2*=d2r diffCosine=cos(dec1)*cos(dec2)*cos(ra1-ra2)+sin(dec1)*sin(dec2) dC='%.10f'%diffCosine#when the source is right at the center of the roi python sometimes adds extraneous digits at the end of the value i.e. instead of 1.0 #it returns 1.0000000000000024, which throws an error with the acos function return acos(float(dC))/d2r #returns values between 0 and pi radians #Check if a given file exists or not def fileCheck(file): if (not os.access(file,os.F_OK)): return 0 return 1