Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

Multiwavelength Observations Report Listing

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  • Date in ISO-8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format (use .. to indicate a range)
    Examples: 2008-06-15 or 2008-06-15..2008-08-15

ID: 263

Name: Paul Smith

Email: psmith@as.arizona.edu

Telephone: (520) 621-2779

Object: All available LAT monitored blazars; gamma-ray bright Fermi ToOs.

Source Coordinates: Various, but south of +61 deg Dec.

Observation Start Date: 2018-06-12

Observation Stop Date: 2018-06-14

Wavelength Band: Optical


Optical spectropolarimetry and spectrophotometry of Fermi-detected blazars, concentrating on those objects with gamma-ray fluxes high enough to be monitored by Fermi on time scales of a few days or less. Polarization and flux spectra span 4000-7550 Angstroms with a spectral resolution of 16-24 Angstroms. The Steward Observatory 1.54m Kuiper Telescope and SPOL spectropolarimeter will be used. Requests from the high-energy/VLBI communities for specific additional targets are welcome. See http://james.as.arizona.edu/~psmith/Fermi for details and data. All data are made public as soon as possible.