PSR J1311-3430

Basic Information

# Some parameters redacted pending discovery publication.
# Parameters RAJ DECJ F0 F1 [PB A1] have diluted precision.
# Some higher order parameters have been removed.

Name J1311-3430
RAJ 13:11:45.72353498
DECJ -34:30:30.34758015
Gl 307.6809656356491
Gb 28.175838377053342
P0 0.0025599999
P1 2.09e-20
EDOT 4.900343334991887e+34
LUMG 1.8110584418793415e+34
D3PC 1.5800000429153442
Age 1940558198.5554972
S1400 0.11002328
CHAR_Code mbwr

Pulse Profile

Pulse Profile Plot

Energy Resolved Profile Fits

Profile Eres Plot


SED Plot

Photon (FT1) Data

Here are links to download the FT1 event files, with a PULSE_PHASE column and a MODEL_WEIGHT column, as described here. Note that the 3deg files are 10-400 MB and the 15deg files are 500MB - 3GB.

FT1 files: ROI 3 deg, >50 MeV and ROI 15 deg >20 MeV

Timing Model

Download par file HERE

# 3PC ephemeris redacted pending discovery/timing publication.
# Parameters RAJ DECJ F0 F1 [PB A1] have diluted precision.
# Some higher order parameters have been removed.
PSR J1311-3430
RAJ 13:11:45.72353498 1 0.00000003000000000000
DECJ -34:30:30.34758015 1 0.00000080000000000000
PX 0.0
POSEPOCH 56228.000000000000000
F0 390.56839299848586958 1 2e-11
F1 -3.1781155097024446779e-15 1 1e-18
PEPOCH 56228.000000000000000
PB 0.06511573457580903963 1 2e-10
PBDOT 4.44603253407e-12 1 4e-13
A1 0.0105727606215 1 3e-06
SINI 0.0
TASC 56009.129450538671539 0 4e-06
EPS1 0.00033024158577191728243 0 0.0002
EPS2 -0.0011071825864190933436 0 0.0002
EPHVER 5 # das
START 54698.385993792104475 1 # das
FINISH 58694.243890498193448 1 # das
TZRMJD 56136.913634301080098
TZRFRQ 1999.8050000000000637

# ATNF DM info (from pgf+12)
DM 37.84 0 0.26

Complete data available at FSSC