Plugin-like Architecture

Parts of the GBM Data Tools were designed such that various operations could be performed by one of several different algorithms. Some of those algorithms are provided in the Data Tools, but we also want to leave open the possibility of future development and user-defined algorithms. Specifically, data binning, background fitting, spectral fitting functions, the maximum-likelihood-based spectral fitter, and even some of the datatypes were designed with an eye toward user-customization. We’ll briefly describe each of these areas.

Data Binning

As mentioned previously, the binning algorithms are divided into two types: algorithms for pre-binned data (found in gbm.binning.binned) and algorithms for unbinned data (in gbm.binning.unbinned). There are a number of algorithms of each type already provided, but a user could create their own algorithms if they find what is provided isn’t adequate. In both cases, all you need to do is write up a single function that performs the binning by taking in some standard inputs, and providing a standard output.

Pre-binned Algorithms

For prebinned data, let’s say we want to develop a Bayesian-block binning algorithm. Our function should look like this:

def bayesblock_rebin(old_counts, old_exposure, old_edges, *args):
    some_result_here = some_functionality(*args)
    return new_counts, new_exposure, new_edges
The standard required input arguments are
old_counts: The current array of counts in each bin
old_exposure: The current array of exposure for each bin
old_edges: The current array of bin edges

Additionally, you can define any algorithm-specific arguments by replacing *args with your additional arguments. For the case of Bayesian Blocks, maybe this would be the P0 parameter.

Inside the function block, you implement your algorithm, and the standard required output arguments are
new_counts: The new array of counts in the rebinned data
new_exposure: The new array of exposure for the rebinned data
new_edges: The new array of bin edges for the binned data
Essentially, the function should read in the old histogram data and provide updated values for the new histogram. As long as you design your function like this, you can use it to bin PHAII data and energy channels.

Unbinned Algorithms

We can also develop a Bayesian-block algorithm for unbinned data. In this case, we would write our function like this:

def bayesblock_bin(times, *args, **kwargs):
    some_result_here = some_functionality(*args, **kwargs)
    return bin_edges
The required input argument is
times: The array of event times
Again, you can include algorithm-specific arguments in place of *args and **kwargs. The required output is
bin_edges: The bin edges
So the algorithm should read in the event times and return the bin edges. A function designed like this can be used to bin TTE data.

Background Fitting

Similar to the binning algorithms, these are divided up into two types: algorithms for pre-binned data (in gbm.background.binned) and algorithms for unbinned data (in gbm.background.unbinned). However, background fitting requires more than just a simple function like data binning does. We have to define a class that contains certain required (and optional functionality). For many uses, the polynomial-fitting algorithm is used, although we include an unbinned fitter, NaivePoisson which is actually used in the GBM subthreshold Targeted Search. Both types of algorithms interface with the gbm.background.BackgroundFitter() class, so as long as you follow the requirements, you can design and implement your own background fitting algorithm.

Pre-binned Background Fitting

Perhaps we want to make a spline background fitter. This is how we would design such a class:

class SplineFit():
    def __init__(self, counts, tstart, tstop, exposure):

    def fit(self, **kwargs):

    def interpolate(self, tstart, tstop, **kwargs):
        return rates, rates_err

    # optional properties
    def statistic_name(self):
        return self.the_stat_name
    def statistic(self):
        return self.the_stat
    def dof(self):
        return self.the_dof
The class must be initialized with the following:
counts: An array of counts in each time bin and energy channel; shape (numtimes, numchans)
tstart: The time bin start edges
tstop: The time bin end edges
exposure: The exposure in each time bin
Typically you should execute anything you need to do to prepare for a fit, but not actually do the fit.

The class is required to have a fit method that performs the fit and is not required to output anything. Any algorithm-specific arguments can be specified in place of **kwargs. In short, the fit method is intended to allow someone to repeatedly perform a fit with different arguments without having to reinitialize the whole thing again (e.g. for Polynomial, can fit with order=2, then retry with order=3, etc).

The last requirement is that it must have an interpolate method that has the following arguments:
tstart, tstop: The time bin start/stop edges over which the fit is being interpolated. And it must return rates: The interpolated rates over each time bin and channel, shape (numtimes, numchans)
rates_err: The corresponding rate uncertainties

Optionally, you can provide it the statistic_name, statistic, and dof attributes that can be accessed by the BackgroudFitter

Unbinned Background Fitting

As for unbinned background fitting, maybe we want a more complex fit than NaivePoisson; something that incorporates a prior on the presence of a signal:

class BayesBackFit():
    def __init__(self, times):

    def fit(self, **kwargs):

    def interpolate(self, tstart, tstop, **kwargs):
        return rates, rates_err

    # optional properties
    def statistic_name(self):
        return self.the_stat_name
    def statistic(self):
        return self.the_stat
    def dof(self):
        return self.the_dof
You’ll notice that the requirements of the class are pretty similar to the requirements for the pre-binned version. The primary difference is that you initialize the class with
times: A list of length numchans, each element containing the event times in that energy channel

All the other rules in pre-binned section apply, other than the fact that you may not really need to use tstart and tstop in the interpolate() method. If that’s the case, then you can simply ignore the tstop argument in your implementation.

Spectral Fitting Functions

In this section and the rest of the following sections, instead of relying on an interface class to provide plugin-like capability, we use the concept of inheritance. That is, we can define a parent class that has a bunch of functionality in it, and then write short little child classes that inherit the functionality from the parent. That is how the spectral fitting functions work in gbm.spectra.functions.

In this case, the Function class is our parent class, and we never directly instantiate that class. Instead, we want to write our own spectral function that can use all of the functionality built into Function. How do we do this? It’s pretty easy, actually. Let’s say we want to write our own power-law function (one is already included, but this is a good example).

from gbm.spectra.functions import Function

class powerlaw(Function):
    def eval(self, params, x):
        amp, index, pivot = params
        return amp*(x/pivot)**params
And that’s it! This has two requirements: First you declare this is inheriting from Function in the class definition, and second you define an eval method that contains the function evaluation with arguments
params: The list of parameters
x: An array of ‘x’ values (i.e. energy)
And it must return the function evaluation along x.

That’s the simplest way to define a function, but there are a lot of other attributes that can be specified so that you can fully leverage the function for spectral fitting. Here’s what our class looks like if we define everything:

class powerlaw(Function):
    # The total number of parameters
    nparams = 3
    # The list of parameters: (parameter name, units, description)
    param_list = [('A', 'ph/s/cm^2/keV', 'Amplitude'),
                         ('index', '', 'Photon index'),
                         ('Epiv', '', 'Pivot energy')]

    # The following attributes are used for fitting and parameter estimation

    # The default initialization values for each parameter
    default_values = [0.1, -1.0, 100.0]
    # The maximum absolute fitting step for each parameter
    delta_abs = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
    # The maximum relative fitting step for each parameter
    delta_rel = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
    # The minimum value that each parameter can take
    min_values = [1e-10, -20.0, 0.01]
    # The maximum value that each parameter can take
    max_values = [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf]
    # If True, then the parameter is a free parameter, otherwise it is fixed
    free = [True, True, False]

    def eval(self, params, x):
        amp, index, pivot = params
        return amp*(x/pivot)**params

So there is a lot of stuff here (although half of it is comments). Basically, you can give it metadata like the parameter names, units, and descriptions, and that can be printed out so you don’t forget which parameter is which. There are also lists of parameter properties: default initialization values, the min/max allowable range for each parameter, the default step to shift each parameter when fitting, and whether each parameter is free to be fit or is fixed at the initialization value. If these aren’t set when you write the function, the parent class provides defaults for all of these. You can update these after your function is initialized, such as the initialization values. Defining these properties will enable you to use your function to its fullest capability. You can evaluate, use in a fit with a wide range of fitting algorithms, integrate, and you can even include your function as one component in a multi-component model.

The multi-component models are possible because there is special extended class of Function called SuperFunction that extends all of the functionality of Function, but can handle multiple functions. Again, you wouldn’t directly call SuperFunction, but if you did something like this:

my_model = powerlaw()+Comptonized()

it would create a SuperFunction that is a sum of the power law you just wrote and the Comptonized function. You can do a fit of that model, and then you can even calculate the contribution of the individual components to the total spectrum.

Spectral Fitter

Currently the only type of spectral fitter we are providing is based on maximum likelihood estimation, although we may expand our options in the future. As for the SpectralFitter class, it provides general fitting capability once one has provided a likelihood to maximize. In our previous examples, we’ve used SpectralFitterPgstat, which is a version of SpectralFitter that uses PG-stat as its likelihood. In principle, all you need to do if you want to use a different likelihood is write a function that calculates that likelihood from a set of inputs, and pass that to the SpectralFitter initializer. In practice, you may need additional or different inputs to your likelihood function than SpectralFitter assumes, therefore it is much better to inherit SpectralFitter and design your class around your likelihood.

If that is the route you take, you will, at a minimum, need to define an internal _fold_model method that takes the following inputs:
function: The reference to your Function or SuperFunction that you’re fitting
params: The parameter list for your function
And it must return the total log-likelihood. You may also need to define the __init__ method if you need more than the standard arguments required by SpectralFitter.

Examples can be found in SpectralFitterPgstat and SpectralFitterChisq.

GBM Datatypes

The GBM datatypes, like CTIME, CSPEC, TTE, and others we’ve covered can be extended or inherited to accommodate data from other instruments. For example, as long as your underlying data is similar to GBM (binned in time, binned in energy or unbinned in time, binned in energy), you could make an inherited class that has most, or all, of the functionality provided here. Perhaps you have prebinned data with FITS headers that don’t have the same information as the GBM counterparts, or you have different extensions, etc. No matter. We can do this:

from import PHAII

class MyNewDataType(PHAII):
    def open(cls, filename):

And there you have it! As long as your redefined open method reads the relevant data into a TimeEnergyBins object (see the method for details), you can use all of the basic functionality. Any additional functionality can be added in your class, and you can override the PHAII functionality you don’t wish to support using python’s NotImplementedError.

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