Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

Help for Fermi-VERITAS Joint Program Notice of Intent (NOI)

If you are planning to submit a proposal to participate in the Fermi-VERITAS Joint Program for the forthcoming cycle you are asked to submit a 'Notice of Intent' (NOI) by no later than two months prior to the final proposal deadline (refer to Fermi Guest Investigator Program description for specific dates). This is a recommendation rather than a requirement: joint proposals may still be submitted even if a NOI has not been submitted. However, there are a number of technical and programmatic constraints involved with the Fermi-VERITAS program. The NOIs will be reviewed by the Fermi Science Support Center and by a VERITAS collaboration representative with the goal of identifying any such issues that may affect your proposal and to provide constructive feedback in advance of your final proposal preparation. We further note that a NOI is not a firm commitment to submit a proposal. All NOI materials will be treated as proprietary in the same manner as are all other Fermi GI proposal materials.

After filling in all fields in the webform, please click the 'Submit Notice' button. You will receive an email confirmation.

Short descriptions of the webform's fields are below. The fields are listed in the same order as found on the Web page. The labels for the fields in the webform link to the appropriate field descriptions below.


The name of the PI. Required.

Email Address

Your email address. Required. An email receipt will be sent to this address regarding the electronic submission of your NOI.

Anticipated Proposal Title

The title of the proposal. Up to 120 characters. Note that minor differences between the title submitted here and in your final proposal are acceptable. Required.

Subject Category

The type of object(s) to be studied in the proposal. Required. The categories are:

Active Galactic Nuclei
Gamma-Ray Bursts
Supernovae, Novae, SNRs and Diffuse Emissions
Galaxies and Clusters

Proposal Description

This PDF document should contain a short description of your desired VERITAS observations and planned use of the resulting data. It is expected that one page of text or less should suffice, but up to two pages are permissible. Details such as a specific target list and any scheduling requirements should be specified as possible. Refer to the "VERITAS Technical Guidelines and Observer's Tools" section of the Fermi-VERITAS Joint Program web page as a guideline.