(Gayathri Raman, Joachim Hahn, Nayantara Gupta, Pratik Majumdar)
We present a multi-wavelength study of the FSRQ CTA 102 using Fermi-LAT and simultaneous Swift-XRT/UVOT. The Fermi-LAT detected one of the brightest flare from this object during Sep 2016 to Mar 2017. A detailed analysis of the temporal and spectral properties of the flare indicates that at MJD 57751.594 the source has a flux of 30.12e-6 ph/cm^2/s. This has been found to be the highest flux ever detected from CTA 102. Time dependent leptonic modelling of the flare and quiescence state has been done by using the time dependent code GAMERA. A single emission region of size 6.5e16 cm has been used to explain the Multi-wavelength SEDs. During the flares the luminosity in electrons increases nearly by seventy times compared to the quiescence state.