September 3, 1997, Bldg 32 Rm E103, Goddard Space Flight Center
9:00 Welcome - Holt
9:20 Meeting Goals - Gehrels/Michelson
9:30 Goddard Mission Study - Ormes/B. Norris
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Plans for a Study of "Survey" vs. "Pointed Mode" - Ormes/Thompson/Wood
11:00 Secondary Instruments (Science Goals, Requirements, Implementations)
12:00 GLAST Status in NASA - Bunner
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Discussion of Instrument Configuration Optimization (Pitch, Radiators, FOV, etc...) - Atwood, Dingus, J. Norris
2:15 Diff. Emission and GLAST Point Source Flux Limits - Digel
2:40 Science Simulation Package - Michelson
3:00 Public Outreach, Selling the Mission - Gehrels/Michelson
3:30 VERITAS Cherenkov Telescope Concept - Weekes
3:45 The THEMIS Complex - Fleury
4:00 New Directions for GLAST Physics - Bloom
4:30 Gamma-Ray Lines from Supersymmetric Dark Matter - Carlson
4:45 High Energy Imaging Calorimeter - Ozerov
5:00 Open Discussion and Science Highlights - All
5:30 Adjourn