February 9, 1998, Bldg 32 Rm E103, Goddard Space Flight Center
8:45 Welcome & Meeting Goals - Michelson/Gehrels
9:00 NASA Headquarters News on GLAST - Bunner
9:15 Goddard Mission Study - Di Joseph
9:35 IMDC Results - Ormes
10:00 Status of DOE Proposal - Bloom
10:10 Report, Subcommittee on Data Rights & GO Program - Kniffen
10:40 Coffee Break
11:00 Goddard Management Perspective - Kicza
11:10 Baseline Instrument: Development Status - Michelson/Atwood
11:50 Baseline Instrument: Neutralino Searches - Chaput
12:10 Science Optimization Studies - Digel/Nolan
12:30 Working Lunch
1:00 GMSD Tracker Technology - Hunter
2:00 Sci Fi Instrument Technology - Pendleton/Fishman
3:00 Schedule and Technology Decision Milestones - Gehrels/Michelsonv
3:30 Coffee Break
3:45 Report, Subcommittee on Outreach - Cominsky
4:15 Gamma Ray Measurements with AMS - Caraveo
4:30 News from International Community
5:30 Galactic Diffuse Background - Pohl
5:45 Adjourn
6:30 Dinner - Willy K's in Holiday Inn