The UnbinnedAnalysis and BinnedAnalysis modules contain functions that use the hoops/pil/ape interface to take advantage of the gtlike.par file for specifying inputs. Usage of this interface may be more convenient than creating the UnbinnedObs, UnbinnedAnalysis, BinnedObs, and BinnedAnalysis objects directly. Here are some examples of their use:
>>> from UnbinnedAnalysis import *
>>> like = unbinnedAnalysis()
Response functions to use[P6_V3_DIFFUSE]
Spacecraft file[test_scData_0000.fits] test_scData_0000.fits
Event file[filtered.fits] filtered.fits
Unbinned exposure map[none]
Exposure hypercube file[expCube.fits]
Source model file[anticenter_model.xml]
>>> like.model
Spectrum: PowerLaw2
0 Integral: 1.540e+01 0.000e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06)
1 Index: -2.190e+00 0.000e+00 -5.000e+00 0.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
2 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
3 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
Spectrum: PowerLaw2
4 Integral: 1.020e+01 0.000e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06)
5 Index: -1.660e+00 0.000e+00 -5.000e+00 0.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
6 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
7 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
PKS 0528+134
Spectrum: PowerLaw2
8 Integral: 9.802e+00 0.000e+00 1.000e-05 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-06)
9 Index: -2.460e+00 0.000e+00 -5.000e+00 0.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
10 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
11 UpperLimit: 2.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 3.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
>>> like2 = unbinnedAnalysis(evfile='filtered.fits', scfile='test_scData_0000.fits', irfs='P6_V3_DIFFUSE', expcube='expCube.fits', srcmdl='anticenter_model.xml', optimizer='minuit', expmap='none')
>>> like3 = unbinnedAnalysis(evfile='filtered.fits', mode='h')
>>> from BinnedAnalysis import *
>>> like = binnedAnalysis()
Response functions to use[P6_V3_DIFFUSE::FRONT]
Counts map file[smaps_0_20_inc_front.fits]
Binned exposure map[binned_expmap_0_20_inc_front.fits]
Exposure hypercube file[expCube_0_20_inc.fits]
Source model file[Vela_model_0_20_inc_front.xml]
A facility has been added for calculating photon (ph/cm^2/s) and energy (MeV/cm^2/s) fluxes over a selectable energy range. Here are some usage examples:
>>> like.model
Extragalactic Diffuse
Spectrum: PowerLaw
0 Prefactor: 7.527e-02 7.807e-01 1.000e-05 1.000e+02 ( 1.000e-07)
1 Index: -2.421e+00 1.968e+00 -3.500e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
2 Scale: 1.000e+02 0.000e+00 5.000e+01 2.000e+02 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
GalProp Diffuse
Spectrum: ConstantValue
3 Value: 1.186e+00 5.273e-02 0.000e+00 1.000e+01 ( 1.000e+00)
Spectrum: BrokenPowerLaw2
4 Integral: 9.176e-02 3.730e-03 1.000e-03 1.000e+03 ( 1.000e-04)
5 Index1: -1.683e+00 5.131e-02 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
6 Index2: -3.077e+00 2.266e-01 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
7 BreakValue: 1.716e+03 2.250e+02 3.000e+01 1.000e+04 ( 1.000e+00)
8 LowerLimit: 1.000e+02 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
9 UpperLimit: 3.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 5.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
>>> like.flux('Vela', emin=100, emax=3e5)
>>> like.flux('Vela')
>>> like.fluxError('Vela')
>>> like.energyFlux('Vela')
>>> like.energyFluxError('Vela')
The default energy range for the flux and energy flux calculations is (emin, emax) = (100, 3e5) MeV. Either or both of these may be set as keyword arguments to the function call. The errors are available as separate function calls and require that the covariance matrix has been computed using "covar=True" keyword option to the fit function:
Flux, energy flux and upper limit calculations can now be made for diffuse sources in the python interface:
Extragalactic Diffuse
Spectrum: PowerLaw
0 Prefactor: 1.450e+00 4.286e-01 1.000e-05 1.000e+02 ( 1.000e-07)
1 Index: -2.054e+00 1.366e-01 -3.500e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
2 Scale: 1.000e+02 0.000e+00 5.000e+01 2.000e+02 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
Spectrum: PowerLaw2
3 Integral: 6.953e+03 2.566e+03 0.000e+00 1.000e+10 ( 1.000e-06)
4 Index: -2.039e+00 1.332e-01 -5.000e+00 -1.000e+00 ( 1.000e+00)
5 LowerLimit: 2.000e+01 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 2.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
6 UpperLimit: 5.000e+05 0.000e+00 2.000e+01 5.000e+05 ( 1.000e+00) fixed
>>> like.flux('Extragalactic Diffuse', 100, 5e5)
>>> like.fluxError('Extragalactic Diffuse', 100, 5e5)
>>> like.flux('SNR_map', 100, 5e5)
>>> like.fluxError('SNR_map', 100, 5e5)
>>> from UpperLimits import UpperLimits
>>> ul = UpperLimits(like)
>>> ul['Extragalactic Diffuse'].compute()
0 1.44990964752 0.000405768508472 0.000172805047298
1 1.62134142735 0.073917905358 0.000185125831974
2 1.79277320719 0.262761447131 0.000197078187151
3 1.96420498702 0.53963174062 0.00020864241284
4 2.13563676685 0.882155849953 0.000219869719057
5 2.33677514646 1.33948412506 0.000232753706737
6 2.37253076663 1.42681888532 0.000234966127989
(0.00023314676502589186, 2.34312748234)
>>> ul['SNR_map'].compute()
0 6953.47703963 7.03513949247e-05 1.34891151045e-06
1 7979.85337599 0.072031366891 1.43605234286e-06
2 9006.22971235 0.246899738264 1.51625454475e-06
3 10032.6060487 0.487519676687 1.59037705975e-06
4 11058.9823851 0.770755618154 1.65973696844e-06
5 12629.8902716 1.25421175769 1.75816622567e-06
6 13039.134979 1.38671547284 1.77783091654e-06
(1.7731240676197149e-06, 12941.1800697)
The compute() command will use profile likelihood to compute the upper limit and will thus scan in normalization parameter value. The screen output comprises the scan values with columns index, parameter value, delta(log-likelihood), flux. The values that are returned are the total flux upper limit (i.e., integrated over all angles) and the corresponding normalization parameter value.
Last updated by: Elizabeth Ferrara - 02/03/2010