Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

User Contributions

The FSSC welcomes contributions to the Fermi Science Tools from the scientific community. If you have developed an extension to the science tools or any other tool useful for Fermi data analysis, please let us know and we will post it on this website. While the FSSC will work with the developer to resolve any issues with the software the contribution is provided "as is" and may not work after a software or data upgrade (e.g. to pass 8 data), updating the tool or script remains the responsibility of the developer. For the moment, please direct any communication to the Help Desk.

Program Purpose Read Me Last Update Author
flashcurve A machine-learning-based python tool for the fast generation of adaptive time bins (with fixed significance [TS]) for lightcurves with Fermi-LAT data. Text November 25, 2024 T. Glauch, K. Tchiorniy
jrag-timing.py The jrag timing script allows to do joint radio and gamma-ray pulsar timing using the PINT pulsar timing software. README September 20, 2024 L. Nieder
gtpsmap.py The gtpsmap python script compares the data and model 3D maps of an ROI and quantifies the level of deviation by computing the PS map. README June 03, 2024 P. Bruel
LATSourceModel (replaces make4FGLxml.py) Produce XML spatial-spectral models of gamma-ray sources within a specified region of the sky for analysis of Fermi LAT data (works with 4FGL-DR4). Text July 19, 2023 T. Johnson
make4FGLxml.py (replaced by LATSourceModel) Generate an XML model for a given ROI from the fourth LAT source catalog (works with DR4). Text July 19, 2022 T. Johnson
easyFermi A graphical interface that facilitates the usage of Fermipy Text June 27, 2022 R. Menezes
moonpos-1.2.tgz This program adds RA_MOON and DEC_MOON to an spacecraft (FT2) file indicating the position of the moon. Text March 9, 2022 P. Ray
make4FGLxml.py Generate an xml model for a given ROI from the fourth LAT source catalog (updated for DR3). Text February 28, 2022 T. Johnson
make_bphase_runner.pl Make a simple shell script that can call multiple instances of like_bphase.pl It enables very crude multi_tasking Feb 22, 2022
(ver. 0.1)
R. Corbet
like_bphase.pl Generates binary phase resolved light curves and spectral fits using likelihood analysis. Not suitable for pulse phase resolved analysis. (Works with pass 8 data.) Text Feb 22, 2022
(ver 1.02)
R. Corbet
GeoTOA-2.0.tgz This python tool computes the pulse times of arrival (TOAs) at an observatory (or spacecraft) from unbinned Fermi LAT data using the maximum likelihood methods described in Ray et al. (2011, ApJS, 194, 17). README Jan 11, 2022 M. Kerr, P. Ray
like_lc.pl Generates Fermi LAT light curves using likelihood analysis using the CALDB to determine the IRF's (Works with pass 8 R3 data.) Text May 11, 2021
(V 2.1)
R. Corbet
make4FGLxml.py (v01r06, Python 2)
make4FGLxml.py (v01r06, Python 3)
Generate an xml model for a given ROI from the fourth LAT source catalog. Text October 8, 2020 T. Johnson
HealPix intensity skymapping tool Tool to create gamma-ray intensity skymaps in HealPix format from Fermi-LAT data. README Nov 30, 2019 A. Strong
fermimodel Produce model files for use in analysis with gtlike and simulations with gtobssim README May 28, 2019 J. Ulbricht
like_bphase.pl Generates binary phase resolved light curves and spectral fits using likelihood analysis. Not suitable for pulse phase resolved analysis. (Works with pass 8 data.) Text May 14, 2019
(V 0.26)
R. Corbet
make3FGLxml.py Generate an xml model for a given ROI from the third LAT source catalog. Text Oct 15, 2018 T. Johnson
add_weights.tar Simple method to calculate photon weights (Bruel 2018), without a full spatial and spectral model, useful for pulsar phase-folding. ReadMe October 1, 2018 D.A. Smith, P.S. Ray, L. Guillemot
Gammapy General gamma-ray data analysis package. Some support for Fermi-LAT analysis Documentation Continuously Updated Gammapy team
cosmax This is an outreach-oriented suite of simple tools enabling non-experts to create sky maps, animations, etc, with the Fermi-LaT data. ReadMe May 13, 2016 B. Lott and D. Dumora
Adaptive-binning package This package allows the creation of lightcurves with a fixed relative statistical uncertainty in each bin (of variable width). ReadMe May 13, 2016 B. Lott
ctools ctools are based on GammaLib, a versatile toolbox for the high-level analysis of astronomical gamma-ray data. Besides CTA, GammaLib supports also the analysis of Fermi/LAT and COMPTEL data, and extensions to support further gamma-ray instruments are planned. Documentation Apr 15, 2016 Knödlseder et al.
GBM_TTE_TGF_SW.v1c.tar.gz Provides TGF analysis tools for the GBM TTE data products. The version v1c is an update for the Dec 31 2016 leap second and includes update files for longitude calculations. PDF Feb 9, 2016 G. Fitzpatrick, M. Briggs
fermiPy fermiPy is a set of python modules and scripts that automate analysis with the Fermi Science Tools. Documentation n/a fermiPy Group
aperture.pl This is a Perl script that generates Fermi LAT light curves using aperture photometry. (Works with pass 8 data.) Text Nov 15, 2015
(V 1.53)
R. Corbet
FermiLATGRBXMLTools This program contains a collection of methods to manipulate the xml file containing the list of Fermi-LAT detected GRBs. Readme Feb 10, 2015 Dan Kocevski
osv_1.3.tar GBM background estimator uses data from orbits that precede and follow the time of interest. It selects days when the spacecraft was at a similar geomagnetic position in its orbit to estimate the current background. Readme Dec 17, 2014 G. Fitzpatrick, M. Briggs & V. Connaughton
enrico Complete Fermi LAT analysis suite with a GUI Documentation Continuously Updated D. Sanchez and C. Deil
latspec-1.1.2.tar.gz To allow the user to extract lightcurves and Xspec spectra from LAT data. README Mar 19, 2014 N. Shaposhnikov
Fermi_LAT_Background_Estimator_v4.tar.gz To estimate the background for LAT GRB's README Nov 20, 2013 V. Vasileiou
gtapps_mp-1.1.tgz Multi-processor GTApps README May 3, 2013 J. Perkins
do_gbm.py This Python tool performs a semi-automatic analysis of the GBM data (this is particularly useful for transient events, such as GRBs). Included is a document that describes the comparison between running this tool and using the values from the Fermi GBM burst catalog. Manual
Comparison Document
Sep 25, 2012 S. Holland
make2FGLxml.py Generate an xml model for a given ROI from either the first or second year LAT source catalog. PDF Oct 20, 2011 T. Johnson
SED_scripts_v13.1.tgz Produce spectral plots of LAT sources PDF Aug 3, 2011 T. Johnson
tempo2 LAT plugin Compute phase for LAT photons using the TEMPO2 package PDF May 21, 2010 L. Guillemot
makebininf Codes to convert Fermi LAT event data into a format for use with the PRESTO codes Text Mar 10, 2010 P. Ray & A. Abdo