Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope

Date: Friday, July 20, 2012
Location: GSFC, Building 34, Room W305

8:45 Coffee, Conversation  
9:00 Introductions & Goals for Meeting Alan Marscher
9:15 Mission Update, Status, Issues Julie McEnery
10:00 News from NASA HQ Ilana Harrus
10:15 Senior Review Analysis Julie McEnery
Alan Marscher
Ilana Harrus
10:45 Break  
11:00 LAT Status, Plans, Science Results Steve Ritz
11:30 GBM Status, Plans, Scientific Results Bill Paciesas
12:00 Discussion
- Observatory survey modes: adjustments?
- Timing of next FUG telecon + meeting
- Other items that arose in the morning sessions
12:30 Lunch (sandwich, etc. buffet)  
13:30 Education & Public Outreach Lynn Cominsky (call-in)
14:00 Fermi Summer School Liz Hays
Jamie Holder
14:05 FSSC News & Operations Report
- summary of activities
- Cycle 5 review
Chris Shrader et al.
14:45 Fermi public data & software status
- new software release
- Discussion of Pass 7 data
Dave Davis
15:15 Executive session (closed door session for FUG members only)
Break for others
(FUG members should grab some snacks for the session)
15:45 General discussion/miscellaneous issues All
16:10 Transition to new chair: Dale Frail
Thanks to departing members: Pat Slane, Scott Ransom, Alicia Soderberg, & Alan Marscher
16:15 Adjourn