On April 28, a supermagnetized stellar remnant known as a magnetar blasted out a simultaneous mix of X-ray and radio signals never observed before. The flare-up included the first fast radio burst (FRB) ever seen from within our Milky Way galaxy and shows that magnetars can produce these mysterious and powerful radio blasts previously only seen in other galaxies.
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The LAT instrument has resumed collection of science data following an outage on September 17 to recover from a reboot of one of the onboard processors. The LAT was not collecting science data for 11 hours between 9:28 UTC and 20:28 UTC.
Not so long ago, astronomers mapped a galaxy far, far away using radio waves and found it has a strikingly familiar shape. In the process, they discovered the object, called TXS 0128+554, experienced two powerful bouts of activity in the last century.
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The stage-I selection process for the Fermi Cycle-13 Guest Investigator program has been completed. There were a total of 41 new programs selected for stage-I out of 109 proposals submitted. A list of the selected programs, including the PIs, titles and abstracts is available on the FSSC web site.
We are pleased to announce the release of an incremental version (4FGL-DR2, for Data Release 2) of the fourth catalog of LAT sources, based on 10 years of survey data. It contains 5787 sources in the 50 MeV-1 TeV energy range. The catalog is provided as a FITS table, and it is accompanied by 7-bin spectral energy distributions and 1-year light curves as well as a document describing the details of the catalog preparation.
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Unprecedented observations of a nova outburst in 2018 by a trio of satellites, including two NASA missions, have captured the first direct evidence that most of the explosion’s visible light arose from shock waves - abrupt changes of pressure and temperature formed in the explosion debris.
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The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor Team is pleased to announce the first public release of the GBM Data Tools, a Python API for GBM Data. The GBM Data Tools are a high-level interface to public GBM data that enables GBM data reduction and analysis and allows the general user to incorporate GBM analysis within their own scripts and workflows. To download the package, the full API documentation, and Jupyter notebooks, please visit: https://fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssc/data/analysis/gbm.
Custom pulsations searches for all of GBM catalogued and non-catalogued sources are now available! For more information, please visit: the NSSTC GBM page.