A ToO observation to observe NOVA CEN 2013 at RA, Dec = 208.6958, -59.1522 (J2000) was approved at 2013-12-13 16:13:18 UTC.
The justification for the ToO is: Nova Cen 2013 brightened in gamma-rays during the two most recent days of LAT observations (Dec 10-11), with an average flux ~2-3x larger than observed from Dec 7-9 (ATEL 5653). The gamma-ray brightening appears to coincide with a second optical maximum in the pre-validated AAVSO light curve. The daily detections from Dec 7-10 benefitted from a Fermi-ToO, with 5-6x greater exposure than being currently obtained, e.g. Dec 11, with the modified sky-survey favoring the Galactic Center. Return to survey mode with fixed southern rocking at 50 deg orbital latitude is requested while the gamma-rays are bright help constrain short/day timescale variability and improve statistics on spectra.
The planned duration is 430.00 ks.
The autonomous request threshold during this ToO is LOW.
The ToO observation should begin between 2013-12-13 16:13:18 UTC and 2013-12-20 16:13:18 UTC.
The ToO observation was requested by DR. CHI (TEDDY) C CHEUNG.