A ToO observation to observe NOVA LUP 2016 at RA, Dec = 227.3000, -29.8300 (J2000) was approved at 2016-09-27 16:00:15 UTC.
The justification for the ToO is: Nova Lup 2016 showed a rapid rise of 2.7 mag in <1 day after discovery at V=9.1 on Sep 24.0. The optical rise is 3x faster than in LAT-detected V339 Del 2013. Incoming prelim reports 1-day later indicate optical stalled or in slight decline by <0.2 mag. If similar to other optically bright classical novae, g-ray onset from N Lup expected beginning in 1-2 days at fluxes (0.1-0.3)E-6 ph/cm2/s, detectable only if LAT exposure increased from current minimum at the nova position. The 6 day ToO request is intended to cover the expected optical decline phase.
The planned duration is 520.00 ks.
The autonomous request threshold during this ToO is LOW.
The ToO observation should begin between 2016-09-27 16:00:15 UTC and 2016-10-04 16:00:15 UTC.
The ToO observation was requested by DR. CHI (TEDDY) C CHEUNG.