A ToO observation to observe ASAS-SN 17HX at RA, Dec = 277.9413, -19.3154 (J2000) was approved at 2017-06-26 15:08:06 UTC.
The justification for the ToO is: A new Galactic nova has been discovered early in its evolution (before light curve maximum). It is ASASSN-17hx, and is currently observed at a brightness V~12.5 mag (ATel #10523). Last night, it was spectroscopically classified as a nova, showing expansion velocities, FWHM ~ 1200 km/s (ATel #10527). We request Fermi/LAT pointed observations of this outburst in order to place deep limits on GeV gamma-ray luminosity for a wide, diverse sample of Galactic novae.
The planned duration is 500.00 ks.
The autonomous request threshold during this ToO is LOW.
The ToO observation should begin between 2017-06-26 19:59:59 UTC and 2017-06-26 19:59:59 UTC.
The ToO observation was requested by PROF. LAURA CHOMIUK.