A ToO observation to observe PNV J13532700-6725110 at RA, Dec = 208.3650, -67.4169 (J2000) was approved at 2018-01-30 19:05:00 UTC.
The justification for the ToO is: A new Galactic nova, PNV J13532700-6725110, was discovered on January 19th at V~9.1 and was spectroscopically confirmed (ATel 11209). Although this object already satisfied the criterion we set in the approved Fermi Cycle 10 GI proposal #101290 (PI: Mukai), we did not trigger a TOO specific to this nova, since it benefited from the TOO we triggered for Nova Mus 2018 (PNV J11261220-6531086). While the PNV J13532700-6725110 has not been detected with Fermi during that TOO (overlap: ~1/2 week) and during the subsequent survey-mode observations, it has continued to brighten in the optical and now reached V~6, satisfying the criterion for a 2-week TOO in #101290. We therefore request a new TOO lasting ~1.5 weeks.
The planned duration is 900.00 ks.
The autonomous request threshold during this ToO is LOW.
The ToO observation should begin between 2018-01-30 19:05:00 UTC and 2018-02-06 19:05:00 UTC.
The ToO observation was requested by DR. KOJI MUKAI.